Carrying on the trend of naming babies after vitamins, herbs, and foodstuffs that are good for them, parents are now being encouraged to consider names like Vagabond Darling, Maison Margiela, and Tremont. While these names may sound out of this world, they’re pretty tame compared to others.
Our world has become more conscious of the rights of others to have their names chosen for them, and not just by their parents alone. Some cultures even believe that children’s names should be selected by higher beings or those with the most spiritual knowledge. In these cultures, parents are merely the vessels to pass these names down through generations.

100 Water Baby Names
1. Adair
A shallow section of the river is close to an oak tree.
2. Amaya
A name with the meaning of a god.
3. Atika
A name with the meaning of a flower.
4. Azura
This name has been around for over 1000 years and comes from ancient Germanic mythology, where the sun goddess is named Azura, who is also the mother of Freyr, the old father of Freyja and Thor. The two were husband and wife.
5. Anahita
Anahita is a Persian name meaning “immortal” or “houris of God.” The term is also used in India and Pakistan to name girls. It is also the moon god’s name in the ancient Iranian religion.
6. Atalanta
This was one of the names borne by Drakaina, daughter of Jupiter, wife, and sister of Asterion, king of Thessaly, and mother of Acestes.
7. Avonlea
This is a novel by Lucy Maude Montgomery or L.M. Montgomery. The story takes place in Prince Edward Island, and many of the sites mentioned in the book are actual locations, including Avonlea.
8. Aine
Aine (pronounced “eye-nuh”) is an ancient Celtic goddess who was also known as the “Queen of Heaven.”
9. Avalon
This is a place in the Arthurian legend known as “The Isle of Apples.”
10. Aleva
This delicate-sounding name comes from the ancient Greek “Aleyna,” meaning “to be lovely.”
(Aleyna is also the name of an extremely old flower that was one of the first to bloom in Spring). However, this name is comparatively modern, first appearing in American baby name books after 1900.

11. Beverly
This was the name of a famous boy who lived in early Roman times. His story is told in a book by Mary Pope Osborne. He was born on the day when Carthage surrendered to the Romans and, according to legend, survived being fed to dogs by his father, which is how his name came about.
12. Bonnie
This is a girl’s name with the meaning of “low,” similar to Bettie, Bessie, and Bonnie.
13. Brenda
This is a female name of Celtic origin; the name itself means “sword and fire.” Brenda was a slang term used during the 20th century and was given to girls born during this time. It could also be used as a diminutive of other names such as Meredith, Emma, Beth, and Susan.
14. Cary
This name can be traced back to the French “Charré,” meaning “to be happy.” Cary is also the given name of a famous Scottish criminal. He murdered Robert Boyle in 1667 and was hanged for his crime.
15. Cascade
This name comes from a waterfall in the Pacific Northwest. It is also the name of a flower with pale yellow petals and golden stamens, which bloom in Spring to early summer. Its origins are uncertain, but it is most likely named for its “cascading” or “drifting” petals. A similar plant is called “Cascade daisy.”
16. Castor
Castor was a Greek name meaning “beaver.” It was used as a boy’s name in the Roman Empire and was also borne by the first husband of Queen Maude.
17. Cayenne
This is a city in South America near the equator, where there are many spicy crops that have made it famous in the culinary sense. It has also become famous for its red pepper, which has been exported there since the 16th century.
18. Delta
This name comes from the Greek word “Delos,” meaning “land of.” The name was also given to a mountain in Egypt.
19. Daphne
This is a very old name that has its origins in the ancient Greek word “daphne,” meaning “laurel.” Daphne was also the name of a flower that grew in association with laurels and was mentioned in Homer’s Iliad.
20. Eyre
This name was borne by a famous English outlaw who was hanged in 1722. He was well known as the “Hanging Eyre.”
21. Eugenia
This is a variation of the Latin “Eugenius,” meaning “well-born.” The name itself comes from the Greek word “EU-” and the Latin “-genius,” meaning “born well.” It is also the name of a genus of plants. Eugenia was used as a girl’s name in late Victorian times.
22. Guadalupe
This is a Spanish name with the word “high” in it and was named after a Spanish river. Its meaning is unknown. The name itself was first recorded in South America after 1689.
23. Galatea
This plant has its origins in Greek mythology, where it was born deep within a pond on an island called Naxos when a sea nymph named Iphigenia prayed to Neptune for help when she fell in love with a shepherd called Polyphemus.
24. Jenna
This is a moderately common American name. It was borne by a princess who lived in the old myth “The Golden Fleece,” which was first written down in French mythology in the 13th century. The story revolves around Greek mythology and relates to the winged horse Pegasus, who was named after an apple that fell on him during his birth. Princess Jenna also fell for him and became queen of the Metatherians in his kingdom.
25. Jennifer
Jennifer is a modern name for girls. It first appeared on the name lists in the year 1905, which means there can be no minimum age for this name. Jennifer is also considered to mean “she who is golden” or “God’s jewel.” The plant by that name is also known as “Heartsease.”
26. Jenna
This plant has its origins in Latin mythology, where it was a gift from Venus to Adonis when he was born. It is also known as a “wild myrtle.”
27. Kelly
This name means “warlike” or “helmeted.” It was borne by the famous outlaw Ned Kelly, who was born in 1854. He was captured and hanged in 1880 for the murder of three policemen. This plant’s origins lie with the ancient Greek word “keleos,” meaning “helmeted.”
28. Kendall
This is a modern name for girls, which first appeared on the name lists in the year 1946. It means “foolish”, “silly” or “cunning”. It comes from the personal names: Kenelm and Quinelm, which were borne by two medieval English saints who lived in Wiltshire.
29. Lavinia
This ancient name for girls has its origins in Latin mythology, where it was given to the daughter of the gods Jupiter and Juno. She is known as the “daughter of the air.”
30. Linda
This name was borne by a character in Sir Walter Scott’s novel, “The Heart of Midlothian” (1818). She was a “lion-hearted lass.” The word itself means “flame-colored” and has its origins in Germanic mythology. It was used as a girl’s name from the 17th century onwards.
31. Kisima
This name comes from the Maasai word for “beautiful flower.” It is also known as the “Maasai daisy” and is one of the most important plants in their culture. They use its sap to mark their weapons and burn it to drive away evil spirits. The Maasai are an African tribe whose language was analyzed by Christian missionaries from Norway. Kisima means “beautiful flower” in their language.
32. Lake
This name comes from a lake in North America and is the name of a male saint. He lived at and may have been killed in Lake Hylia, near Kamloops in Canada.
33. Lynn
This name is an Anglicised version of the Old Norse name “Ljóni” and means “white wave.” It was borne by a woman who lived in Iceland and was regarded as a saint. She was also known as “Ljóni’s daughter.”
34. Misty
This is a modern name for girls. It first appeared on the name lists in the year 1963 and came from the word “misty,” which itself is derived from the Old English word “misting,” meaning “damp.” This plant’s origins lie with the Greek word “missions,” meaning “of rain.”
35. North
This plant has its origins in mythology, where it was said to have grown on an island called Crete. It is also known as a type of clover. The word itself comes from the Greek word “notions,” meaning “Northern.”
36. Pattee
This originates from a combination of the Greek word for “completely” and the French word “patois,” which means “native.” It was borne by a character in Sir Walter Scott’s novel, “Ivanhoe” (1819-1820). This name first appeared on the name lists in England during the early 15th century.
37. Narelle
This is a modern name for girls, which first appeared on the name lists in the 1980s and is derived from “shining.” It has its origins in the Spanish word “Naranja,” meaning “orange.” This flower’s origins lie in the Iris family of plants.
38. Portia
This plant has its origins in Latin mythology, where it was a type of iris that grew near Canopus in Egypt. It is also known as the “marsh flag.”
39. Priya
This name means “precious” in Sanskrit and was borne by a princess in the old myth of “The Golden Fleece.” She fell in love with her brother-in-law, Nestor, and as a result, he sent her away from his palace.
40. Nerida
It first appeared on the name lists in the year 1986 and was derived from either the Greek word “Nereus” (which means “Sea”) or the Latian word “nereis,” which means “a mermaid.”
41. Rain
This name is an English word that first appeared on the name lists in the year 1657. It means “rain.” This flower’s origins lie with a plant called “nymphet,” which was believed to grow in dark places. The word itself comes from the Greek word “nymph,” meaning “water nymph.”
42. Romy
This is a modern name for girls; it first appeared on the name lists in the year 1976 and meant “wet meadow.” It comes from the word “room,” which is the Slavic word for “meadow.” This plant’s origins lie with the name of a plant called “mock or meadow saffron,” which was used in ancient times to treat diseases.
43. Sabrina
This is a modern name for girls, which first appeared on the name lists in the year 1963. It means “saffron flower.” This flower’s origins lie with a plant called “mock or meadow saffron,” which was used in ancient times to treat diseases.
44. Sandra
Sandra is a very common name for girls and has been around since the year 1968. It was borne by a character living on the Greek island of Crete in the book “The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen” (1835). She was the daughter of the King and Queen. Her name means “defender of mankind.”
45. Sarah
It first appeared on the name lists in England in 1521 and is derived from the Hebrew word “Sarah,” meaning “Princess.” Sarah means “princess” in Hebrew. This flower’s origins lie in the name of a plant called “smooth,” which was used in ancient times to treat diseases.

46. Ruby
This is a modern name for girls. It first appeared on the name lists in the year 1954 and came from the Greek word “ruby.” This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Oncidium.”
47. Sereia
It means “pure.” This flower’s origins lie with the name of a plant called “seryl,” which has red flowers and was used in ancient times to treat diseases.
48. Shalia
This is a modern name for girls, which first appeared on the name lists around the year 1958 and meant “shy.” This flower’s origins lie in the name of a plant called “salvia,” which has blue flowers.
49. Stacey
This is a modern name for girls, which first appeared on the name lists in the year 1964 and meant “juniper.” Stacey is derived from “stache” and originally appeared on the name lists in 1659, with origins from Greek mythology. This flower’s origins lie in the name of a plant called “Stachys,” which was used in ancient times to treat diseases.
50. Talia
It first appeared on the name lists in England in 1672 and means “bright.” It comes from the Greek word “tails,” meaning “of the sun,” or the Latin word “tails”, meaning “of the light”. This flower’s origins lie with a plant called “tilapia”, which was used in ancient times to treat diseases.
51. Tara
This name has its origins in Sanskrit and means either “place” or “abode.” This orchid’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Epiphyllum.”
52. Trista
This name, which first appeared on the name lists in France during the year 1415, means “strength, vigour”. It is a Latian name with Greek origins.
53. Trixy
This is a contemporary girl’s name that first appeared on lists in 1867 and meant “Trista” or “faithful.”
54. Vanora
It means “noble lady.” This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Oncidium.”
55. Zara
It first appeared on the name lists in 1926 and meant “rose,” although it was originally a Hebrew name meaning “man of many flowers.” This flower’s origins lie in the family of plants known as “Zygophyllum.”
56. Yara
First appeared on the name lists in the year 1920 and means “helmet.” It was borne by a character in Shakespeare’s play, “Henry IV” (1598). This flower’s origins lie in the name of a plant called “Aralia”.
57. Zoya
Zoya is a modern name for girls that first appeared on the list in the year 1964 and means “rose.” It is derived from the Hebrew word “Zohar,” which means “light.” This flower’s origins are uncertain.
58. Zule
This flower has its origins in old Slavic mythology, where it was known as “Boleslavia” and believed to increase fertility. Others believe that it is from the Latin word “zuela”, meaning “to thunder”.
59. Banks
This is a very common name for girls, which first appeared on the list in the year 1792. Banks came from the name of a town in Yorkshire. It means “riverbank”. This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Hydrangea”.
60. Dannii
Danni is a modern name for girls that first appeared on the list in the year 1987 and means “Beloved”.
61. Beckett
This flower has its origins in old Slavic mythology, where it was known as “Boleslavia” and believed to increase fertility. Others believe that it is from the Latin word “bacca”, meaning “berry”.
62. Beckham
Means “bee farm”. It comes from the word “bees”, and was also a place name.
63. Beks
Beks is a girls’ name that was first seen on the list in England in 1503, where it was borne by a character from Shakespeare’s play “King John”. It means “bean”, or “little white hand”.
64. Bourne
Bourne is a girls name that first appeared on the list in the year 1753 and means “bourn”, or “riverbank”. It comes from the Old English words “būrne” and “burna”, meaning “riverbank”.
65. Calder
Calder’s name has its origins in old Slavic mythology, where it was believed to increase fertility. Others believe that it is from the Latin word “bacca”, meaning “berry”.
66. Delaney
Meaning unknown. This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Lavatera”.
67. Derry
Meaning uncertain, although others believe that it is from the Gaelic word for “oak grove.

68. Kallan
Intended to be a feminised version of the name Kevin and is from the Gaelic word for “black”. Originally appeared on the Irish name list in 1895.
69. Cove
This is a girls’ name that first appeared in England in the year 1578 and comes from the Old English word “cofa”. It means “hiding place”.
70. Eveline
This name was first seen on the list in England in 1695. It means “vineyard” or “garden”. This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Ampelopsis”.
71. Cruise
Means “crown”. It comes from the Old English word “crowned” and is also the name of a city in Florida.
72. Kalani
Meaning unknown. This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Epiphyllum”.
73. Kallie
Means “hiding place”, or undefined meaning. This flower’s origins are uncertain.
74. Eaton
This flower has its origins in old Slavic mythology, where it was known as “Boleslavia” and believed to increase fertility. Others believe that it is from the Latin word “bacca”, meaning “berry”.
75. Aisha
Aisha is a modern name that first appeared on the list in the year 1975 and means “exalted one”. It is from the Arabic word for “tree”. This flower’s origins are uncertain.
76. Fisher
This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Streptocarpus”.
77. Foster
Means “foster child”, although others believe it means “fortunate to have”. This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Orchidaceae”.
78. Harbor
Means “riverbank”, or “harbour”. Originally appeared on the Irish name list in 1904.
79. Hale
This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Lavatera”.
80. Mulan
Meaning unknown, although some believe that it is from the Gaelic word for “oak grove”. This flower’s origins are uncertain.
81. Hudson
This is a girls’ name that first appeared on the list in England in the year 1891 and means “one who lives by the river”. It comes from the Old Norse word “haida”, meaning “inlet or bay”. This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Dianella”.
82. Harbour
Means “riverbank”, or “harbour”. Originally appeared on the Irish name list in 1904.
83. Irving
Meaning uncertain. This flower’s origins are uncertain.
84. Kamila
This is a girl’s name that first appeared on the list in the year 1930 and meant “little hive of bees”. It is from the Arabic word for “hive of bees”. This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Hyacinth.”
85. Lincoln
Lincoln first appeared on the English name list in the year 1585 and meant “a settlement by a ford”. It comes from the Old English words “līce” and “tun”, meaning “near to the bank of a river”. This flower’s origins are unclear.
86. Kyle
Means unknown. This flower’s origins are uncertain.
87. Maxwell
Means “great expanse”, although others believe it comes from the Greek word “Maximos,” meaning “broad”. This flower’s origins are uncertain.
88. Maxine
Means “great expanse”, although others believe it comes from the Greek word “Maximos,” meaning “broad”. This flower’s origins are uncertain.
89. Rio
This is a name that has its origins in the Spanish language and means “river”. This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Ampelopsis”.
90. Scarf
Scarves first appeared on the English name list in the year 1558 and mean “place where reeds grow”, or “dwelling place by the pool”. It comes from the Old English word “scēarfe”, meaning “reed bed”. This flower’s origins are unclear.
91. Ripley
This name was first seen on the English name list in 1626 and possibly means “riverbank” or “river crossing”. This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Cistus”.

92. Caspian
Means “black water”. This flower’s origins are uncertain.
93. Meaghan
This is a girl’s name that first appeared on the English name list in 1578 and means “marsh meadow”. It is from the Irish word “Meaghan”, meaning “marsh meadow”. This flower’s origins are uncertain.
94. Millais
Millais was first seen on the English name list in 1843 and means “great expanse”. It is from the Greek words “mēlas” and “iōs”, which mean “broad”. This flower’s origins are unclear.
95. Deniz
Means “river” or “sea”. This flower’s origins are uncertain.
96. Eldoris
Means undefined. This flower’s origins are uncertain.
97. Jaycee
This is a girls name that first appeared on the English name list in 1957 and meant “God’s gift”. It is from the Hebrew word “yah-shay”. This flower’s origins are unclear.
98. Hurley
This is a girls name that first appeared on the Irish name list in 1904 and means “heart”. It comes from the Gaelic word “hugsa”, meaning “heart” or “soul”. This flower’s origins lie with the family of plants known as “Hebe”.
99. Moana
Means “sea”. The flower’s origins are unclear.
100. Sigrid
This is a girls name that first appeared on the English name list in 1578 and means “peaceful ruler”. It comes from the Old Norse word “sigríðr”, meaning “warriors peace”. This flower’s origins are unknown.
101. Sameer
Intended to be a feminised version of the name Sameer and is from the Arabic word “saa’tane”, which means “the one who worships”.