If you’re struggling to find the perfect name for your new teddy bear, don’t fret! There are a bunch of great ideas out there. Bear names like Mr. Bear, Stinky, and Nelly can be a little tricky if your teddy bear’s going to live in your bedroom or bedtime stories are part of her routine.
So we decided to come up with some more appropriate names. Some of these names are great for soft teddy bears, while others are perfect for hard stuffed animals.
If your bear is inspired by a stuffed animal from the movie Toy Story, then you should definitely name it Woody. Or, if you’re a fan of Snoopy and his famous beagle gang, then your bear would love a name like Snoopy or Lucy.

1. Honey
Sweet naming your gingerbread friend honey is no doubt you’ll have a girl.
2. Buttercup
When it comes to boy names, this one will get lots of girls. You can even make your bear’s color blue and name him after the famous cartoon character that lives in a bowl of butter.
3. Pookie
This would be a cute name to call the bear that has your heart. It is also quite easily paired with any more traditional, classic bear names.
4. Buddy
For a classic masculine name, this one is just too cute. Your teddy bear will have a friend for life! In fact, most teddy bears do have friends for life, and one of them might as well be your own.
5. Snowball
This one is perfect for a bear that loves all things cold and snowy. It works just as well with hard stuffed animals as it does with soft ones.
6. Fluffy
Another great name to call your bear boy or girl.
7. Coco
If you’re looking for a name that’s perfect on soft teddy bears and hard stuffed animals alike, this one is pretty good. It’s cute, old-fashioned, and part of a popular culture meme.
8. Pebbles
This one is great if your bear loves being active outdoors with you or if he gets into mischief quite often.
9. Sammy
This one is great for boys and girls alike. It is also perfect forbears those who love music and movement.
10. Flirt
This name is great for a teddy bear that likes to play rough with other stuffed animals or even a playful toy-like Harley Quinn from the movie Suicide Squad.
11. Cuddles
This one is great for soft teddy bears but can be a little weird if your bear lives in your bed.
12. Bon Bon
Bon Bon works extremely well with stuffed animals that live in a bowl or basket and can be made fun of (in jest) by someone they love.
13. Fudge
This name is perfect for a bear who loves sweets. It also works with teddies that are obsessed with chocolate, as well as bears who have cute but kinky names like Dirty and Whore.
14. Snuggle
Snuggle is great for a bear that might be a little shy but loves cuddling up to you in bed anyway. Here’s something to note. It seems a lot of the names that sound like one thing on their own can take on something more scandalous when attached to the end of another name.
15. Cuddles
This one is great for soft teddy bears but can be a little weird if your bear lives in your bed.
16. Wally
This one is definitely for a boy bear. It’s cute, cuddly, and also works with an array of other names that are similar to it, like Wilbur and Wilma.
17. Nelly
This one is a great name for boys but makes a cute name for girls as well. It’s great if your teddy bear has some style or shows signs of being a bit wild.
18. Squishy
This is great for soft teddy bears. It’s also fun for hard stuffed animals that like to squeeze in your hands or on your lap.
19. Tweetie
Tweetie is perfect for teddy bears who love to tweet and squeal with delight after a tasty treat. You can also give your bear an alternative name like Tweet or Tweetie Bear when she squeals or tweets all day long.
20. Huggie
This is a great name for bears that love to hug or for those who think teddy bears need to be really hugged a lot. It’s a great name for soft teddy bears but can also be paired with hard stuffed animals who are the perfect size for hugging.
21. Toodle Boo
This one is good if your bear is really into the circus, dressing up, or just loves to play out in the open air.
22. Piglet
This name is great for a small, cute, and slightly naive teddy bear. It also works well with stuffed animals inspired by Winnie the Pooh or Eeyore.
23. Beary
This is a great name for a bear that loves to be pirouetting in the air on clouds all day long. It’s also perfect forbears with more feminine names like Molly, Muffy, or even Sugar.
24. Booboo
This is a good name for bears that have been injured before or for those with a bit of a wild side. It’s also perfect for soft teddy bears with a bit of an attitude.
25. Daffodil
This is an adorable name for teddy bears who are inspired by springtime and/or flowers. It’s also great if your bear has yellow fur and you want to go the whole way with it.
26. Dreary
This is a good one for bears that can be a bit moody, and as it’s also a really long name, you could pair it with another name like “Dreary-Boo” or “Dreary-Bear.” It ends in “y” anyway, so it’s perfect!
27. Mr. Cuddlesworth
This one is definitely a boy name and would suit bears who are fans of kooky, girly names. You can also give your bear a more realistic name like Mac or Mr. Cuddlesworth when you want him not to be quite so hyper.
28. Fizz
This is a good name for a playful teddy bear with buzzy energy. It also works with hard stuffed animals that love to fizz around or jiggle all day long.
29. Bear
This name is cute and simple but perfect for a teddy bear that you love to take anywhere with you. Plus, the term “bear” makes your bear sound like he’s saying it all on his own!
30. Snugglewumps
Snugglewumps is a bold name for a bold beer that is always full of little surprises. It’s also perfect for bears whose hobby involves creating sound effects, musical instruments, or catching butterflies.
31. Henry
This one is perfect if you’re looking for a classic name that sounds like Mr. Cuddlesworth but without the girly vibe. It’s also cute and sweet, perfect for soft teddy bears that love to fizz around.
32. Tommy
This one is great if your teddy bear loves to play in the water and swim in your pool. You could also pair it with a more simple pet name like Tommy or Tommy Bear when the bear is being a bit playful.
33. Bruce
This name is great for a teddy bear that likes to splash around in the water or likes the cold a lot. You can also give your bear a more manly name like Bruce when he’s chilling out.
34. Stewie
Stewie is cute, fun, and perfect forbears with similar but unique names like Stewadorable or Stewadorable Bear. It helps you to remember what your bear is called as well!
35. Sheriff
This is a cute name for a teddy bear that has a touch of danger about them. This is perfect forbear those with darker features or who are inspired by things like John Wick the movie. Sheriff can also be paired with names like Sheriff Bear or something similar.
36. Archie
This name is great for a teddy bear that likes to play around indoors, loves to dance, and loves retro things such as old films and shows from the 90s.
37. Jasper
Jasper is a great name for teddy bears who are wild and adventurous. It’s also perfect for bears who like to play out in the open air, get wet, splash around in the water, and love things such as Star Wars and dinosaurs.
38. Pooh
This is a cute name for bears who like to be imaginative and have fun with things such as dollhouses or toys. It’s also perfect for bears who like to be comforted, cuddled, and played with in bed.
39. Harry
This name is perfect for a bear that loves things like magic or dreams about being a wizard. It’s also good for bears who like to play dress-up and role-play. You can also give your bear a more manly name, such as Harry when he is being more relaxed or calm.
40. Ralph
This is a cute, cool, and swaggy teddy bear name. It’s also great for boys and can be paired with Ralphie Bear when you need something a little bit more classic or manly.
41. Rufus
This one is a cute name that forbears those who have brown fur and have a bit of an attitude to them. It’s also perfect for bears who are rough and tough.
42. Buster
This is a good name for a teddy bear who loves to play with balls, throw them around, and is generally full of energy. It’s also perfect for bears that love the beach, surfing, or the sport of football (soccer in America).
43. Keith
This is a cute relationship-based name and would be ideal for bears that are looking for something a bit more personal. You could also use Keith-Bear if you want your bear to sound more like a pet or maybe Ralphie or Stewie if you need something a little bit more classic or manly.
44. Ernie
This is a cute and fun name for teddy bears that love to be playful and have fun. It’s also great for bears who like to have sweet, loving relationships with things such as cards or cakes. You could pair it with a more manly name like Ernie or Ernie Bear if you need something a bit more traditional or classic.
45. Damion
This is a cool name for teddy bears that love to feel tough and badass. It’s also good for bears who like to play out in the open air and be adventurous.
46. T-Bag
This is a cool name for teddy bears that are tough, show some attitude, and generally have a bit of swag to them. It’s also perfect for bears that love to go on camping trips with you or maybe even make their own tents! This can also be paired with other names such as T-Bag Bear or simply T-Bag.
47. Johnny
This is a good name for bears that are beautiful, sweet, and have a soft side to them. It’s also perfect for bears that like to be seen as real people rather than stuffed animals. It’s also good for bears that like to wear clothes such as sweaters or jackets.
48. Hawkeye
This is a cool name for teddy bears who are the ultimate tricksters and love to make people laugh. It’s also good for bears who are full of adventure and love to take risks.
49. Jack
This is a cute and classic name that works wonders with teddy bears of all ages and sizes. It’s also great for bears that love sweet, playful things such as sweets or cakes. It’s also perfect for bears that like to play football (soccer in America) or any other sport! You can also give your bear a more manly name, such as Jack, when he is being more relaxed or calm.
50. Strawberry
This is a cute name for teddy bears who love to be sweet and have a lot of fun. It’s also ideal for bears that are full of energy, have an adventurous spirit, and like to be playful. You can also pair it with other girl names such as Strawberry Bear or simply Strawberry.
51. Louie
This is a cute and catchy name for teddy bears that are full of life, innocent, and playful. You can also pair it with other names such as Louie Bear or simply Louie.
52. Jay
This is a cool and unique name for teddy bears that are full of energy and love to be playing around outside in the sun. It’s also good for bears that are brave, adventurous, and like to explore new things. You can also pair it with other names such as Jaybear or simply Jay.
53. Maddie
This is a sweet and memorable name for energetic teddy bears that enjoy playing in the sun and going on adventures. You can also combine it with other names, such as Maddie Bear or Maddie.
54. Bud
This is a lovable and playful name for teddy bears who enjoy being playful and spending time with you. It is also ideal forbears with a more masculine disposition. You also could combine it with other names, such as Bud Bear or Bud.
55. Max
This is a cute and catchy name for teddy bears that are full of energy, love to be playing around outside in the sun, and love to go on adventures. You can also pair it with other names such as Max Bear or simply Max.
56. Maggie
This is a beautiful name for a teddy bear who loves to play outside in the sun and go on adventures. It can alternatively be called Maggie Bear or just Maggie.
57. Theo
This is a sweet name for lovable teddy bears. It’s also perfect forbears those who prefer to cuddle close to you in bed.
58. Winnie
This is a cute name for teddy bears that have a lot of personality and love to be loved. It’s also great for bears that like to be affectionate and cuddle up close when you’re lying in bed with them. You can also pair it with other names such as Winnie Bear or simply Winnie.
59. Ellie
This is a cute and cute name for teddy bears that love to be cuddled, hugged, and loved. It’s also great for bears that like to hug their owners close and generally keep their owners safe. You can also pair it with other girl names such as Ellie Bear or simply Ellie.
60. Celeste
This is a sweet name for teddy bears that have an angelic look about them and love it when you cuddle up close. It’s also good for bears who like to be warm and soft. You can also pair it with other names such as Celeste Bear or simply Celeste.
61. Ernie
It really is a pretty color for a teddy bear who loves to play outside in the sun and go on adventures. It might alternatively be called Ernie Bear or just Ernie.
62. Stacy
These teddy bears love to stay near to you while you watch TV, read a book, or work on the Internet. It might alternatively be called Stacy Bear or just Stacy.
63. Samantha
These teddy bears love to sit in your lap and keep you warm while you read a book or work on the computer. You can also call it Sam.
64. Agnes
These teddy bears love to sit close by your side as you do all your favorite tasks like walking, running, eating, and reading. You can also call it Agnes or Agnieszka and combine it with other names such as Agnes Bear.
65. Shaz
These teddies like sitting by your side as you engage in your favorite activities, such as walking, running, eating, and reading. You may also refer to it as Shaz or just Shaz.
66. Faith
These teddy bears love to sit close to you while you do all the things you love doing, such as watching TV or reading a book. You can also call it Faith Bear or just Faith. The name can be used by itself or combined with other names such as Faith Bear or simply Faith.
67. Lovely
These teddy bears love sitting close to you as you engage in any of your favorite tasks, such as watching TV, reading a book, and working on the computer. You can also call it Lovely Bear or just Lovely.
68. Gemma
These teddy bears love spending time with you while you’re watching TV, reading a book, or working on the computer. The name can be used alone or coupled with other names such as Gemma Bear or simply Gemma.
69. Mary
These teddy bears love sitting by your side while you do your favorite things like walking, running, eating, reading a book, or working on the computer. It can also be called Mary Bear or simply Mary.
70. Tilly
These teddy bears love sitting close to you while you’re doing your favorite things. It can be called Tilly Bear or simply Tilly.
71. Ann
These teddy bears are so cute, they are great to cuddle with, and they will be loyal to you forever. You can also call it Ann Bear or just Ann.
72. Chloe
This is a sweet name for teddy bears that have a lot of personality and love to be loved.
73. Audrey
This is a cute name for teddy bears that have a beautiful personalities and love to be loved. You can also pair it with other names such as Audrey Bear or simply Audrey.
74. Nelly
This is a sweet and unique name for teddy bears that have a lot of personalities and like to spend time with their owners. You can also call it Nelly Bear or just Nelly.
75. Fenton
This is a cute name for teddy bears that have a lot of personality and love to be loved. It’s also great for bears that like to be affectionate and cuddle up close when you’re lying in bed with them. You can also pair it with other names such as Fenton Bear or simply Fenton.
76. Piper
These teddy bears are so cute that they are great to cuddle, and they will always love their owners. You can also call it Piper Bear or simply Piper.
77. Walter
These teddy bears are so cute and lovable that they are great to cuddle with, and they will always love their owners. You can also call it Walter Bear or simply Walter.
78. Holly
This is a sweet name for teddy bears that love being around you and spending time in your company. It can also be called Holly Bear or simply Holly.
79. Roosevelt
This is a beautiful and adorable name for teddy bears that have a lot of personalities and enjoy being cherished. It is also known as Roosevelt Bear or simply Roosevelt.
80. Freda
These stuffed animals enjoy sitting near to you when you watch television, read a book, or use the Internet. You may also refer to it as Freda Bear or just Freda.
81. Boris
These teddy bears are so cute that they are great to cuddle with and will always love their owners. You can also call it Boris Bear or simply Boris.
82. Belle
You can also call it Belle Bear or simply Belle. The name can be used alone or combined with other names such as Belle Bear or simply Belle.
83. Archibald
This is a beautiful and adorable name for teddy bears that have an angelic look about them. It can also be called Archibald Bear or simply Archibald.
84. Gertrude
This is a sweet and cute name for teddy bears that love to be cuddled with. It can also be called Gertrude Bear or just Gertrude.
85. Herman
This is a cute and adorable name for teddy bears that love to be at your side. The name can also be referred to as Herman Bear or simply Herman.
86. Tadg
This is a cute and beautiful name for teddy bears that have blond hair or fur and have big blue eyes. The name can also be referred to as Tadg Bear or simply Tadg. It’s great for teddy bears that love being held close and cuddled up by their owners.
87. Alfred
This is a beautiful name for teddy bears that have big brown eyes and love to cuddle up close. The name can also be referred to as Alfred Bear or simply Alfred.
88. Percival
Bright red fur and huge wide eyes make this a lovely Teddy Bear name. It’s also known as Percival Bear. It’s perfect for teddy bears who enjoy cuddling with their owners at home.
89. Clancy
These teddy bears are black with white faces and blue eyes. It’s also known as Clancy Bear or Clancy. It’s perfect for teddy bears who enjoy being cuddled.
90. Gus
These teddy bears have blue eyes and are about 19 inches tall. They look like a bear but are actually made of polyester. They are great for kids who love teddy bears.
91. Felix
These teddy bears have brown eyes, big ears, and long muzzles. The name is perfect for Teddy Bears that are very cute, love to cuddle up close with you, and can be called Felix Bear or simply Felix.
92. Oscar
This is a lovely name for teddy bears with large brown eyes, large ears, and a desire to cuddle with their owners. It is also known as Oscar Bear and Oscar.
93. Sebastian
Red and white teddy bear with blue eyes. They are fluffy and cute. It’s also known as Sebastian Bear. For Teddy Bears who enjoy being cuddled by their owners at night or day.
94. Rudiger
A small brown teddy bear with green eyes, a black nose, and a white snout. The name is ideal for a big teddy bear that has a personality like Rudiger’s. This name is also known as Rudiger Bear or simply Rudiger.
95. Gregor
This bear is medium-sized and has two different color eyes, one blue and the other brown, a red nose and brown hair. It’s known as Gregor Bear or simply Gregor.
96. Cilla
A white teddy bear with brown eyes that loves being held close to your owner. It’s also known as Cilla Bear or simply Cilla.
97. Rico
This is a lovely name for teddy bears that have large brown eyes and love to cuddle up close with their owners. It can also be called Rico Bear or simply Rico.
98. Baller
These teddy bears are small, soft, cuddly, and irresistible. The name can also be referred to as Baller Bear or simply Baller.
99. Rufus
This is a beautiful name for a Teddy Bear that has a lovely personality and loves to spend time with its owner. You can also call it Rufus Bear or simply Rufus.
100. Stitch
This is a unique Teddy Bear name. They are very cuddly, have big eyes, and love being held close by their owners. They are also known as Stitch Bear or simply Stitch.