Team building activities for kids are a great way to make your employees come together as a team and share memories that last. This could be something as simple as attending an outdoor activity that everyone enjoyed, like going zip lining in the woods or playing paintball. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for team building activities for kids, so you’ll want to approach with caution.
These activities are great for young kids, but if you have older employees who have a few years of experience under their belts, you may want to consider a more complex activity that requires more sophistication and preparation.

This is just a brief rundown of some ways to create team building activities for kids. For example, you could try implementing an employee recognition program by giving each employee a gift certificate to reward them.
30 Team Building Activities for Kids
1. Balloon Painting
Spray paint is not an excellent idea for the environment, but this team building activity for kids is OK. Group painting is always fun and gives you a chance to bond with friends when you’re young, or co-workers when you’re older. Plus, everyone gets to take their creations home at the end of the day!
2. Fingertip Hula Hoop
This is more of an activity for groups of younger kids, but can still be fun for older employees. Set up a limbo pole and have each person take a turn trying to get their hula hoop as low as possible. Make sure you lay down some newspaper or something similar on the ground to minimise spills.
3. Guess That Tune
You can either have a DJ or play music CDs that everyone appreciates. This is a great activity that has people singing along and serves as a good ice breaker. It’s an excellent way to get to know co-workers who you have never talked to before and makes everyone feel more comfortable around each other.
4. Don’t Wake the Dragon
Young kids love it when the lights are turned off, and this is a fun way to have everyone sleep over. This is not the best activity for co-workers who aren’t used to spending time with each other; you’ll want to stick with a team building activity for kids with some level of familiarity.
5. Group Jump Rope
One of the most average group activities for kids, everyone can jump rope in a circle and work as a team to build up their endurance. The key to this team building activity for kids is to make sure that everyone has something to jump with, because there’s nothing worse than jumping rope alone.

6. Connect Four
This classic game requires a lot of concentration and teamwork, making for one of the best team building activities for kids when your group is small but not too small. Make sure the person who can’t play is calling out options for everyone else; this will keep the game moving.
7. Treasure Hunt
For an outdoor activity, have everyone write a list of items that you’re looking for and then visit different areas of your building to find these items. Make sure to look inside cabinets and under desks, because people are sneaky and like to hide things in weird places. This is a fun way to think outside the box, too.

8. MineField
For this team building activity for kids, each person is assigned a secret that they can reveal if they see someone else’s secret. This can be fun and challenging to be the first person to find the list you created ahead of time.
9. The Split
This team building activity for kids is similar to regular basketball, but instead of throwing the ball in between two baskets, split into two groups and try to get the ball in between two ‘posts’. This also has the added benefit of getting everyone moving, which is fantastic.
10. Water Balloon Toss
One of the most fun and simple team building activities for kids, water balloon toss is great for groups and everyone enjoys. Make sure that everyone knows not to aim at people’s faces or eyes; you don’t want to walk around with many bloody employees all day!
11. Human Knot
Human Knot is a team building activity for kids where you’ll want to make sure there are enough people who can tie a knot before you start. It’s one of the more challenging team building activities for kids, and one that you may not want to do with co-workers who aren’t used to working on teams.
12. Tag
Like the game of tag, have groups of people run around each other, but have them giggle and squeal beforehand. This is a fun and unique way to get everyone active while also building camaraderie.
13. Three-legged Race
Three-legged Race is one of the oldest team building activities for kids there are, but it’s still a good one because it gets everyone moving. It could be a challenge for big groups with bigger kids, so make sure everyone knows their role beforehand. Make sure that someone doesn’t have to run twice!
14. Cross the River
Cross the River is one of the fun and easy team-building activities for kids is taking a pool noodle and duct tape it to the floor. Then everyone can run across the river and get to dry land on the other side. This is a simple activity where everyone wins!
15. Scavenger Hunt
This team building activity for kids works exceptionally well with younger kids in your office, because they will love running around the building looking for clues. You can make it even more fun by taking pictures of the scavenger hunt, or having the kids wear crazy costumes to try and earn points.
16. Stranded
This team building activity for kids is also great if you have some extra time to spare and keep everyone awake while getting them moving. For this activity, you’ll need to create a sheet with many things on it. Each person then has to get dressed in the specified style on their sheet, making this fun game even more fun.
17. Circle Sit
This team building activity for kids takes a lot of organization because you’ll have to decide how big your groups will be and then make sure they don’t split up once they’re in position. This is a pretty straightforward walk around game, but is an excellent way to get all the employees in your office moving.

18. Battle
Make sure that you have enough people before you start this game because it’s very competitive, and if there are too many people it won’t be nearly as fun for everyone involved. Put everyone in two equal groups and have them go head to head to see who can get the most points.
19. Capture the Flag
Capture the Flag is one of the most popular team building activities for kids, because it’s fast-paced and fun for everyone involved. This is a great activity for smaller groups, but if you make it about getting everyone to work together to win, this will be a fun activity that everyone will enjoy.
20. Traffic Lights
For this fun activity, you’ll need a lot of traffic cones and some tape. You can work with your employees ahead of time to create stop lights (or, if you’re feeling creative, other types of traffic lights). This is one of the more unusual team building activities for kids that everyone will enjoy.
21. Forehead Dots
Another one of the more unusual team building activities for kids, you can use a piece of masking tape to mark each employee’s forehead with a dot. This is a fun game that is more difficult than it looks and it’s sure to get everyone working together.
22. Birthday Line-Up
If you haven’t used this team building activity for kids yet, you’re missing out! It’s a short event but each employee has to find another person they would instead not celebrate their birthday with in the office. They then draw a number and that person must wait in line until it is their turn to be chosen. Everyone at the office gets to see who is being picked on and everyone has fun together!
23. Trust Walk
Trust Walk is one of the most fun and rewarding. You’ll need a lot of rope or string, and each person will be blindfolded and will have to trust their co-worker to lead them around the room. This is a great activity that helps employees work together while also getting some exercise!
24. Fingertip Hula Hoop
This team building activity for kids takes a bit of practice but is a fun and unique way to get everyone active. You can have everyone help each other out as they hope to gain momentum. This is also a great activity for smaller groups, so you might be tempted to try it with your kids!
25. Cops and Robbers
This team building activity for kids is great because it’s very inexpensive and quick to set up. You’ll need a police officer and a robber, then you’ll need to get everyone out simultaneously. The policeman will walk around in circles, while the robber runs around trying to avoid being caught by the policeman. It’s easy to set up, so give it a try!
26. Protect the Castle
If you want to incorporate role-playing into your team building activities for kids, you can use this fun and simple activity! You’ll need a castle, many fake swords and shields, and scarves. Set up the court and then have each person come in and have a knight fight their knight. Each knight must protect their shields to prevent the other person from approaching. When the last person is left standing, prize is won!
27. Sink the Ship
Sink the Ship is one of the team building activities for kids that is a little more complicated, but is an excellent way to get some exercise while having a lot of fun. You’ll need three basketballs, some cones, tape, and one person dressed as the captain (make sure they can’t see). The other employees will be pirates trying to sink the ship. Make sure you have enough employees or it won’t be fair!
28. Basketball Passing Lanes
This team building activity for kids is like the Pirate version of “Sink the Ship,” but it’s much easier! You’ll need a basketball, cones, and tape. Then you’ll get people in two teams and have them stand behind different parts of the cones. Each team will then be trying to throw the ball through their opponent’s cones.
29. Soccer Passing Lanes
This team building activity for kids is another way to incorporate soccer into your team building activities for kids. You’ll need two teams, a soccer ball and cones. Ensure you have enough cones so that each team has four places to stand (or you could use four people for each cone.) When the ball is passed from one player to another, the person running with the ball must try and make it through their opponents cones. If they are successful, they get a point!
30. Duck Duck Goose
Duck Duck Goose is a fun team building activity for kids that is great for smaller groups but can be expanded. You’ll need one person dressed as the goose, two other employees dressed as ducks, and many eggs. Before you start the game, grab two people to play the role of ducks while the goose stands back and gets ready to throw an egg. The other employees will then have to duck at each goose throw egg.