The sun has been commonplace to the human race for centuries and has been an obsession of many cultures. Giving your child the name after the sun is a popular one that has seen a recent growth in use. This article will highlight some more familiar names deriving from the sun and how they are used.”
The naming of children remains a profoundly personal tradition in many families, with many parents opting for common or traditional names while others often choose something more unusual or unique. Giving your offspring the name of another person, such as yourself, a family member, someone famous, or perhaps even historical (such as George Washington) is not uncommon; however, it sometimes raises questions about what it means for future generations.

1. Aditya
In Sanskrit, Aditya refers to Aditi’s son. In early Hinduism, a group of sun gods known as the Aditya was considered Aditi’s sons. Eventually, though, the word was repurposed to refer to the sun in Hinduism.
2. Agim
Named after dawn, Agim is an Albanian term for endearment. Agim is an example of a time that doesn’t have a perfect translation in English. That magical moment when we wake up to the rising sun is captured poetically in this phrase.
3. Aelius
Aelius is a Roman name that translates to “sun” in Latin. An great baby’s name, Aelius was also the family name of the Roman Emperor Hadrian.
4. Altan
The name Altan means “crimson dawn” in Turkish. Using the word Altan, which means “golden” in medieval Turkic and Mongolian, is an appropriate way to describe the rising sun’s splendor.
5. Amun
Amun, meaning “the one hidden,” comes from Egyptian hieroglyphs. Amun-Ra was a god of the sun in Ancient Egypt who was merged with another god, Ra.
6. Albert
It’s a German name that means “noble and radiant,” therefore, Albert is a good fit for him. When it comes to naming infant boys in the United States, Albert is no longer as famous a name as it once was.
7. Antiman
The Mapuche word Antiman translates as “condor of the sun” in English. An-tee-MAWN is a Mapuche name that is commonly used in Chile and Argentina. If you don’t like the connotations of this Latinized spelling, you might use Anteemon or something like that.
8. Anatoly
The name Anatoly means “sunrise” in Russian. Anatoly Karpov, a Russian chess grandmaster who held the title of World Chess Champion from 1975 to 1985, is widely regarded as one of the greatest chess players.
9. Anwar
“Brighter” and “More Illuminating” are the Arabic translations for Anwar. After moving to the United States from Syria, Anwar Oshana became a professional boxer with a 20-fight winning streak.
10. Antú
Anti is a Spanish word that translates to “day” or “sun.” Estonians, whose national name day is celebrated on January 17, also use the name Ant. If a boy is born on this day, might he be given “Sunny”?
11. Ataru
In Japan, Ataru is a name that means the sun. It’s hardly impossible that Ataru, a name inspired by the sun, may appeal to Star Wars fans. The Jedi developed the fourth form of lightsaber combat known as Ataru.
12. Arki
In Sanskrit, Arki refers to a person who is a direct descendent of the sun. The Hindu god Yama, the son of Surya, the sun god, was given the descriptive name Arki. Yama, the first mortal to die, was elevated to the status of a god, representing death and the afterlife.
13. Areg
The Armenian term for the sun is Areg. Areg is pronounced ah-REHG in Eastern Armenia but ah-REHK in Western Armenia, where it is more commonly heard.
14. Baer
Limburgish for “bright,” Baer means “bright” in Dutch. Baer was a common surname in the Limburg region during the Middle Ages. This region includes a large portion of what we now refer to as the Belgian, German, and Dutch borderlands.
15. Auster
As the sun rises, Auster is a pre-Latin name. An emperor penguin colony, an Auster glacier, and a group of Auster islands are all located in Antarctica. They all got their names from the Auster observation plane that first saw them.
16. Cuthbert
A famous and bright surname, Cuthbert derives from the Old English word “Cuthbert.” A ghost, Cuthbert Binns, teaches History of Magic at Hogwarts and is the only one of his kind at the school.
17. Castor
This is a name that means “to shine” in Greek. Castor and Pollux, the twins of Castor, were the sons of Zeus in Greek mythology. Gemini is the constellation in which the two brothers are depicted.
18. Bert
The name Bert means “bright” in the English language. Bert was last among the top 1,000 boys’ names in the United States in 1983 when 83 boys were given the name. It is often regarded as a quaint, retro moniker.
19. Dashinima
The Buryat name Dashinima means “happy sun” or “lucky sun.” The Tibetan words bkra shis, which means good fortune or luck, and nyi ma, which means sun, day, combine to give this name its dual connotation of fortune and day.
20. Dai
DAI is a Welsh name that means “shine” in English—originally derived from the Celtic word dei, which means “to shine,” Dai is also used in Wales as a short form of the name David.
21. Dimas
The name Dimas means “sunset” in Spanish. The correct pronunciation of this name is DEE-mah, even though it appears to be pronounced DIM-as. Therefore, you should expect to spend a lot of time correcting people first if you decide to go with this name.
22. Diell
Diell derives its name from the Albanian word for sun. Diell was selected to represent Albania in the national finals for the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest. After being asked to “develop” the theme by the song contest committee, the author withdrew his permission to use the music.
23. Enver
Brightness or luminosity is the meaning of the Turkish name Enver. Enver is a Turkish, Bosnian, and Albanian transliteration of the Arabic given name Anwar, which has the same meaning in both languages.
24. Egbert
It’s a Dutch word that translates to “bright.” People named Egbert in Poland celebrate their name day on April 24th every year.
25. Elio
The name Elio means “sun” in Italian. Since 2001, Elio has become one of the most famous names for boys in France, where it ranks in the top 100.
26. Erlantz
Erlantz derives from the Basque word for “glow,” meaning “shine.”. You can honor your Basque heritage by traveling to a location west of the Pyrenees along the Atlantic Ocean. The Basques are a minority ethnicity in this region.
27. Ergün
This Turkish name means “soldier of the sun,” and Ergün falls into this category. Ergün, with its close ties to the sun and the military, could be an excellent option for military families.
28. Günay
The name Günay, which translates as “sun, moon,” is Turkish in origin. As a Turkish surname and gender-neutral first name, Günay is a popular choice for families. The daytime moon is specifically referred to.
29. Haul
‘Haul’ means’sun’ in modern Welsh. Even though it is spelled Hah-Yul rather than HALL, the spelling of this name could lead to a lifetime of U-Haul jokes.
30. Haru
This name means “sun” or “sunlight” in Japanese. When Haru is written with the kanji, it takes on the meaning of sun or sunlight. Different kanji can also be used to make Haru, such as, which means springtime, and, which means clear, sunny.
31. Helios
He was named after the Greek god Helios, the sun. Every day, the sun deity Helios took to the skies in his four-horse chariot to travel across the sky. Mythical moon goddesses Selene and Io were his twin sisters.
32. Hinata
The name Hinata, which translates to “sunny place,” is a Japanese given name. Haikyuu! The protagonist, !’s Hinata, goes by the name of this character. To compensate for his small stature, he practiced jumping high.
33. Heliodoro
The name Heliodoro translates as “gift of the sun” in both Spanish and Portuguese. Because his ancestors were sun priests, the ancient Greek author Heliodoro of Emesa was named Heliodoro.
34. Hito
The name Hito means “to the sun” in Japanese. Mr. Hito was a former professional wrestler in his native Japan. Legendary pro wrestler Bret Hart considers Mr. Hito one of his most influential teachers.
35. Kem
There are Romani names for sun, and Kem is one of them. Kim Owens, an American singer, songwriter, and producer, goes by Kem’s stage name. On his latest album, Toni Braxton is featured in the song, Live Out Your Love.
36. Lairus
The name Lairus means “he shines” in Latin. When Lairus begged Jesus to save his daughter from death in the Christian Bible, the term “Jairus” was also used for Lairus.
37. Langa
The name Langa means “sun” in Xhosa. 8.2 million people in South Africa have first-language proficiency in the Bantu language Xhosa, which 11 million people speak as a second language.
38. Lambert
Originally from Germany, the name Lambert means “brightness throughout the land. Lambert is commonly used as a surname in English-speaking countries, but it was initially a forename. However, with the recent craze for using surnames as first names, it is becoming popular again.
39. Lugus
Named after the ancient Gaul god of light, Lugus means “brightness.” Lugus was the Celtic god of commerce, merchants, and craftsmanship, according to mythology. He’s often compared to the Roman god Mercury, a messenger of the gods.
40. Mehr
As a Persian baby name, Mehr means “friendship” and “sun” There are seven months in a year, and they are all named Mehr. There are 30 days in this first month of autumn.
41. Rashmi
The name Rashmi, which translates as “ray of sunlight” in Sinhala, is given to girls. As a result, Sri Lanka’s submission of Rashmi to the World Tropical Cyclone Committee’s name list includes the Sinhalese word “Rashmi.” Rahmi, the seventh tropical cyclone of the 2008 season, was given the name after the suggestion was approved.
42. Osbert
The name Osbert derives from the Old English for “godly brightness.” During the late 1800s and early 1900s, Osbert Salvin was an ornithologist who co-authored two important books on the natural history of Mexico and Central America: the 215-volume Biologia Centrali-Americana and the natural history of the state of Pennsylvania.
43. Ravindra
‘Lord of the Sun’ Ravindra is a Hindi name. As an alternative to calling your child “Lord of the Sun,” you can go with Ravi, “Sun” is a common name abbreviation.
44. Samson
Sun is the Biblical Latin name for Samson, given to him by the gods of Israel. This year, 482 baby boys in the United States were given Samson, a slight decrease from the 511 baby boys given the name in 2018.
45. Tyr
Tyr’s name derives from the Old Norse word for “shine” or “glow.” Like a Norse god, Tyr (pronunciation: tier) was one to be feared. As a tribute to him, the word “Tuesday” is derived from him.
46. Taner
Born at dawn is the meaning of Taner, a Turkish name. An excellent choice for a baby born at dawn or dusk.
47. Wilbert
In the Netherlands, Wilbert is a name that refers to a person’s strong desire to succeed. Wilbert was a popular name for boys in the 1920s, but by the 1990s, it had lost its appeal. That makes this a unique but familiar name. You may never meet another Wilbert in your life.
48. Willka
In the Aymara language, the name “Willka” means “predawn.” In Peru’s Sacred Valley, Willka Mayu is the name of a river that flows. Near the December Solstice, the sun follows what was once thought to reflect the Milky Way.
49. Yo-Han
Shine or sunlight are the meanings of the Korean name Yo-Han. In contrast to the importance of Yo-han in Korean, the French name Yohan means “God is gracious.”
50. Zeus
The Greek name eus means “shine” in Latin. Among the gods of Greek mythology, Zeus was the oldest and most potent. From Mount Olympus, he ruled the world and had control over the weather.
51. Aelia
An ancient Roman name, Aelia, is named after the sun. The emperor Hadrian descended from the Aelia family, whose name was pronounced EYE-lee-ah. Hadrian built several landmarks, including many Roman coins bearing the name Aelia.
52. Akino
The name Akino means “my rising sun” in Japanese. Akino Kawamitsu, a Utah-born pop singer, best known for her work on anime soundtracks and theme songs, is an American pop singer.
53. Áine
“Radiance” is the Irish name ine. ine was an Irish goddess of summer and was rumored to be able to influence the weather. During the summer solstice, ine was often depicted as a red mare, and she had a sister, Grian.
54. Anpao
The name Anpao means “sun” in Lakota. Anpao, a spirit with two faces in Lakota folklore, was named. As a symbol of the dawn, she is said to have danced with the heart of the night, Han. Wi, the sun god, was thwarted from destroying the planet by their synchronized dance.
55. Alba
The name Alba derives from the Spanish and Italian languages to rise with the dawn. White or dazzling in Spanish, Italian, and Catalan is the meaning of the feminine form of the masculine name Albus, which is derived from the Latin albus.
56. Álfsól
Alfsól is an Icelandic name that translates to “elven sun.” When naming your child in Iceland, you can only use a word from the national names registry. The use of long-extinct names like lfsól is not every day, but in 1998, a single individual was granted permission to go by that name.
57. Arani
The Sanskrit name Arani means “sun” in various dialects. Arani is a name that can convey a variety of connotations depending on the region of India in which it is used.
58. Arevik
The Armenian name Arevik means “like the sun” in Armenian. It’s pronounced R-Vic, making it an ideal sun name for girls if your family is Armenian.
60. Apricia
The Latin word for sunny is “apricia.” It’s not a name, but a few families have taken this Latin term and given their daughters this name. As a result, a Japanese baby gear company by the same name was born.
61. Austra
Latvian name Austra means dawn in the language’s native tongue. She competes in both the heptathlon and decathlon. She established the women’s decathlon world record in 2005 in Columbia, Missouri, with 8,358 points.
62. Beltane
“Beltane” means “bright fire” in Irish, where the name derives from. Beltane is an Irish, Scottish, and Isle of Man May Day event. To commemorate the arrival of summer, the celebration featured a spectacular firework display to represent the rising sun.
63. Aurora
The Latin term for the dawn is Aurora.In Roman mythology, the dawn goddess Aurora was worshiped. According to folklore, she was reported to rush across the sky in the morning to herald the advent of the sun.
64. Brigid
As the elevated one, Brigid is an Irish name. As a goddess of poetry and spring and the dawn in Irish mythology, Brigid was revered by the island nation’s people. It may be a good match for your child’s hair color because she was known as a fiery redhead.
65. Dawn
An Old English word for dawn refers to the time between nightfall and daybreak. There were 15,681 Dawns born here in 1971, but the name has slowly decreased in popularity since then.
66. Daisy
Old English daegeseage has evolved into this new term, meaning day eye. The daisy flower was dubbed the “eye of the day” because it opens and closes with the sun.
67. Èlia
The name lia means “sun” in Catalan. Despite its Catalan etymology, the name ‘lia’ has gained popularity across the rest of Europe, especially in France, the Netherlands, and Israel.
68. Elanor
Elanor is a fictional character’s name that translates to “star sun” in English. When Tolkien’s epic series Lord of the Rings was published in 1937, the character Elanor was named after a variety of flowers. The book defines the name.
69. Éadaoin
A name that translates to “passion, jealousy” in Irish is Éadaoin. The contemporary Irish spelling of Étain is Éadaoin, pronounced EH-deen. Some historians think that Étain was a sun goddess in Irish mythology.
70. Éliane
In the French language, Éliane means “sun.” With or without the accent, Éliane was a famous French girl’s name from the 1940s through the 1950s.
71. Ēostre
To shine, ostre is an Old English name. The ancient goddess ostre was revered in the area that is now known as northern England. This name is the ancestor of a slew of Northumberland and Yorkshire place names.
72. Gry
As a Scandinavian baby name, Gry means “dawn” in Swedish. Gry, unlike many Scandinavian names, is a very recent addition. In Norway, it was first used in 1897, and only in Denmark in the early twentieth century did it become popular.
73. Grian
The name Grian means “sun” in Irish. In Irish mythology, Grian is said to be the sister of ine, giving these twin girls names with a bright disposition.
74. Haru
Names that signify “sunlight” in Japanese are called Haru. The kanji, Haru, denotes brightness, sun, and masculinity when written with the kanji. In Japan, this name has both masculine and female forms. The feminine variant is more prevalent.
75. Hathor
Hathor is an Egyptian name that translates to “House of Horus” in the ancient language. In Egyptian mythology, Hathor, known as the Golden One, was the sun goddess. “Her beams brighten the entire Earth” are referred to in her temple.
76. Halo
The word “halo” originates from the Latin word “halos,” which means “sun disc.” The number of Halo-named newborn girls jumped dramatically in 2019. The name was given to 272 baby girls in that year.
77. Helianthus
Sunflower is the Greek word for Helianthus. Helianthus annuus (common sunflower) is one of around 70 species of Helianthus. Helianthus tuberosus is also the scientific name of the Jerusalem Artichoke.
78. Helie
In Ancient Greece, Helie was a name that referred to the sun. Helie was one of Helios’s seven daughters, known collectively as the Heliades in Greek mythology. Helios was the Greek deity of the sun, and she was his daughter, thus her given name.
79. Helene
An etymology of Helene’s name derives from the Greek word meaning to shine, brighten or radiate. In Germany, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, this name is Helen’s contemporary and more common variant.
80. Hesperia
Hispanic for “evening,” Hesperia is a Spanish given name. Hesperia was the Ancient Greek term for Italy, which they called “the place where the sun sets,” in addition to a character.
81. Heulwen
Sunlight is the etymological meaning of Heulwen in Welsh. Depending on where you’re from in Wales, you’ll pronounce this name correctly or incorrectly. Hayl-wen is spoken in the north, whereas HIEL-wen is spoken in the southern part of the nation.
82. Hemera
Hemera is a Greek word that translates to “day” in English. In Greek mythology, Hemera was the daughter of Erebos and Nyx, the gods of night and darkness. Her brother’s name was Aether, which translates to “light,” therefore, this may work as a sibling-sun name combination.
83. Marici
There are many different ways to say “beam of light,” and Marici is one. Marici is a superior person on the path to enlightenment in Buddhism. A depiction of her depicts her as having three faces and several arms. She has a weapon in each of her hands.
84. Olwen
The white footprint is the meaning of Olwen, which is a Welsh name. The goddess Olwen was also known as the flower-brought golden wheel during the summer. In other words, she was compared to the sun or the golden wheel of summer.
85. Ôstara
To shine is the Old High German word stara. In the ancient German calendar, this month was named Ostermonat, or Ostara’s month. Ostern or Ostern came to symbolize Easter because of the celebration of the vernal equinox during Ostermonat.
86. Roxana
The name Roxana means “bright dawn” in Greek. After seeing Roxana, Princess of Bactria, Alexander is supposed to have been smitten at first sight. After Alexander’s victory against her father at Sogdian Rock, they became acquainted.
87. Shams
The Arabic word for sun is Shams. Before Islam, Shams (pronounced SHEH-miss) was an Arabian solar goddess who served as the patroness of the Himyarite Kingdom. In what is now Yemen, this happened.
88. Shemesh
Semitic name Shemesh means “sun” in Hebrew. In the pre-Iron Age period, the Canaanites, a group of ethnic groups that inhabited the Eastern Mediterranean, worshiped Shemesh, a sun goddess.
89. Saulė
Named after the Lithuanian god of the sun, Saul, Both SOW-lay and sow-lay are acceptable pronunciations of Saul. Instead of saule, which means ray of light or sunbeam in Kazakh, SOW-la signifies ray of light or sunbeam.
90. Sol
‘Sol’ means sun in both Spanish and Portuguese. The name Sol may sound like a hip, current choice, yet it was popular in the United States in the early 20th century.
91. Solana
Solana is a Catalan word that translates to “sunny place” in English. In Spain, La Solana is claimed to result from a well used by shepherds and early settlers to water their livestock. The well was given the name “La Fuente de la Solana” because of its placement on the sunny side of the hill.
92. Sienna
The name Sienna translates as “orange-red” in English. An Italian town’s deep red-orange clay is what inspired the name “siena” for the color.
93. Soleil
The French word for “sun” is “solil.” Few people in France named Soleil even though this word is French for “sun.” Some 100 girls are called Soleil every year in the United States.
94. Solbritt
Solbritt, which translates to “sun of the exalted one,” is Swedish. The Swedish word for sun, sol, was combined with Britt, the Swedish form of Bridgit, to produce this name, first used in Sweden in 1909.
95. Sole
The name Sole means “sun” in Italian. Only in recent years has Sole been seen as a stand-alone dish. However, its popularity has skyrocketed after it was adopted as a stand-alone moniker by a European celebrity pair.
96. Solfrid
The beautiful sun is the meaning of the Norwegian name Solfrid. Solfrid was first used in 1891, according to available records. Despite this, the name has fallen out of everyday use in Norway since the 1960s.
97. Sóley
Buttercup is the name Sóley in Icelandic. Sóley, the Icelandic word for buttercup, is also known as “Little Island of Sun.” It is widely used in Iceland, Sweden, and Denmark.
98. Sun
It’s an excellent example of a noun being used as a name in English. In the history of baby name usage, neither boys nor girls have been predominately named Sun. In 2018, five females and eighteen males were given the name Sun. Alternatively, you could call it Summer, which conjures up sunny and warm weather images.
99. Solvita
Solvita derives from the Latvian language and means “sun that gives life.” It’s an excellent choice for the birth of a baby on the first day of the year in Latvia, where Solvita’s name day is January 1.
100. Tesni
Tesni, which translates to “warmth from the sun,” is Welsh. For a family with Welsh ancestry, you could use TESS-nee, which means Indian Summer in Welsh.