For many adults, space exploration brings to mind the Apollo program or maybe Star Trek. For kids, it’s something else entirely: it’s the Mars Rover missions, or maybe Sputnik. While there are still some great educational activities for kids about space on NASA’s website, this post will focus on more kid-oriented websites and activities in our research.
At some point in our lives, we dream of flying through the air like Ironman or exploring unknown lands like Indiana Jones. But for children, flying through the air or exploring new lands are things to be celebrated—so much so that NASA has been holding “Go for it” events for kids! These events, which include a variety of fun activities, have included:

30 Space Activities for Kids
1. Make a Model Solar System
Pretty cool. You’ll need a box and a pack of clay to do this, plus some plastic wrap to hold it together. Instructions are here. This is one of those must-try space activities for youngsters. Find out how to make one at the link.

2. Snack on the Moon Phases
The moon looks different all the time, but it’s simple enough for kids to get its gist with this fun snack. The link provides a list of what you need and how to do it. Kids will learn about how the moon changes in another awesome space activity for kids.

3. Use Geoboards to Map Constellations
One of the more challenging space-related activities for kids might be constellations. The link provides pointers for your budding astronomers and a detailed video tutorial. Doing this might just spark an interest in astronomy.

4. Get Creative with Solar Ovens
These are surprisingly useful once you know how to make one, but they take time, effort, and patience to build—even so, they’re well worth it. Follow these instructions to get started with this great space activity for kids.
5. Create an Astronaut Training Center
This is a great idea, and it’s very easy. You just need three large boxes, cardboard, and glue. Instructions are here. This is a great space activity for kids! Children’s space activities such as this one inspire them to use their imaginations as they learn.

6. Blow a Rocket to Space
Making rockets is a popular space activity for kids, but the trick is making them go in the right direction. This one will help you do just that and test your patience! Instructions here. We know some of you will have to try this one again and again before you get it right.

7. Play a Solar System Flashcard Game
We’re always searching for good flashcards for kids, so this was a great find. The link provides a list of suggested activities and links to buy the cards. This is an excellent way to keep your kids learning about space.

8. Find out Why the Moon Has Craters
You’ll need two cards for this one: one with pictures of the moon and another that shows the craters. You just need to stretch out the craters over the picture and then draw lines to connect them! Instructions are here.

9. Assemble Marshmallow Constellations
This activity is great if you have young kids—they’ll love it. You just need layers of marshmallows of different sizes, some toothpicks, string, and a black felt pen. Use the string to draw the lines between the marshmallows, and then decorate with your felt pen. Instructions are here.
10. Play with Galaxy Playdough
Kids will love this one—it’s so much fun! You’ll need cookie sheets and three cans of playdough. Instructions are here. Kids will learn about constellations and the solar system in this space activity for kids.

11. Launch a Bottle Rocket
This is a great space activity for kids for a little more science and less rocket launching. You’ll need Styrofoam, construction paper, and source materials to make your rockets. Instructions are here.

12. Create a Lunar Water Fountain
This is fun! Follow these instructions to get started with this great space activity for kids. The link includes videos, which might help with the instructions if you’re not familiar with the process.

13. Model Planets from Clay
This is a great project for kids who are ready to get into some more detail in their space activities. You’ll need modeling clay and a plastic nozzle for the straw. The instructions are here.

14. Build a LEGO Moon Rover
This project helps kids learn about geography, engineering, and physics by getting them to design and build a LEGO moon rover. It’s also a great space activity for kids!
15. Build a Planet out of Cardboard
You want to provide children with an understanding of the mystery of space, its vastness, and its beauty. This activity is just what you need—also, check out the link for more cardboard projects to try! Instructions are here.

16. Light up the Constellations
You could do worse than this if you want to spark a child’s interest in astronomy. It requires nothing more than a clear night and a little imagination. Instructions are here.

17. Design a Space Lander
Kids love building things, and this is a good way to get them to think about space on a slightly more complex level. It’s also a fun program to try! Instructions are here. This is a great space activity for kids. It also has great visuals, which will help your little ones learn as they build. Have fun! Find out how to get started at the link.

18. Join the NASA Kids’ Club
This is a great resource for parents who want to keep their children interested in space and science. You’ll need to register them, but you’ll have access to some excellent resources for kids. This one is a great space activity for kids. If you’re unsure where to start, the NASA Kids’ Club has some suggested activities that range from easy to difficult!

19. Put the Planets in Order
This is a great activity for early-childhood years, and it’s fun, too! You’ll need to download the planet names from The Solar System. This will get them interested in the solar system because it’s relatively simple.

20. Craft a Moon Phases Toy
This is a fun craft for adults and older children. You’ll need construction paper, styrofoam balls, chalk, glitter, and tape. Instructions are here.

21. Shine a Constellation Flashlight
We’ve seen these around for sale, and we know that you can buy them on USA Toyz, but it’s easier to make one yourself. Instructions are here, or you can watch a video tutorial here. You’ll need a flashlight (or torch), various colored and sized ping-pong balls, and some elastic.

22. Recycle Cardboard Tubes into Space Shuttles
It’s a fun craft for children to do together. You’ll need a cardboard tube, scissors, tape, and glue. Instructions are here. During its peak, the space shuttle was the most advanced spacecraft. Assist children in learning about it by constructing small cardboard tube models.

23. Eat a Fruity Solar System
This is a fun way to eat fruit! It’s also a good space activity for kids because you’ll also learn about the solar system. The link includes three different color schemes for your planets as well. Instructions are here.

24. Assemble a Constellation Luminary
This is a fun science activity for kids, and it’s good to get them interested in constellations. Since you’ll be following instructions, it’s easy enough for toddlers.

25. Melt Crayons into Planet Sun Catchers
This is a good space activity for children because it gets them to think about the planets, but it’s also fun because it involves glow-in-the-dark crayons. Instructions are here.

26. Learn How Planets Orbit the Sun
This is a visual representation of the planets’ orbits around the sun. You’ll need plastic tubing and a dry-erase marker (make sure it’s dry-erase).

27. Make a Solar System Craft
This is an easy space activity for kids because it involves only one shape. You’ll need paper and glue to make this one, though! Instructions are here.

28. Fizzy Moon Painting
You’ll need some vinegar, food coloring, a plastic lid, and water. You can find the full instructions here. Unlike this bubbly space STEAM project, the moon in your night sky is still a great opportunity to explore astronomy, chemistry, and art!

29. Glow in the Dark Puffy Paint Moon
It’s a fun project for children, and it’s easy enough for even toddlers to make. You’ll need glow-in-the-dark paint, a paper plate, and some tape. Instructions are here. You may see the moon’s shifting shape in the sky every night! Bring the moon indoors with this easy puffy paint moon creation.

30. Diy Astronaut Attire
This is a fun look for children, and it’s easy to make! You’ll need a black shirt (or pants or skirt), felt and glue. Instructions are here. We’re heading to the astronaut training center! This hands-on exercise is ideal for an astronomy class.