A name can be a baby’s first gift from parents. It carries echoes of the past and images of the future, and its sound is what welcomes a person into this world to become something new. However, there is nothing more difficult than choosing a name for your newborn at the beginning of their life.
There are many reasons for picking a name for your baby. Some parents want to give their child a pet name that would be easier to remember, and others want to choose names that would address something about their child’s character. Still, others want to give the baby a unique name that will be recognizable throughout all generations. Some children have been given similar names, which may cause confusion or create conflicts with other children in their peer group.

1. Jana
Slavic baby name meaning God is Gracious.
2. Tatiana
Slavic baby name meaning: Christmas Eve.
3. Jelena
Slavic baby name meaning: star.
4. Liana
Slavic baby name meaning: song/melody (Latin).
5. Magdalena
Slavic baby name meaning; Magdala, Mary Magdalene, or tower.
6. Karlie
This name means strong and brave.
7. Nataliia
Slavic baby name meaning The enemy will be destroyed.
8. Victoria
Slavic baby name meaning (the Roman goddess of victory).
9. Ludmila
Slavic baby name meaning (steadfast).
10. Natali
Slavic baby name meaning (of the night).
11. Tasheena
Please see Tasheena below.
12. Iana
Sla vic baby name meaning; a diminutive of Jane, Janet, or Jessica. This is a more popular spelling of the very common Russian girl’s name Yana.
13. Borka
Slavic / Russian baby name meaning: the Star, Venus or a bright star.
14. Saveta
Name meaning; good, fair, just, and true.
15. Julia
Slavic baby name meaning; a diminutive of Juliana, Julienne, or Julia. This was the spelling used in the USA after 1989 as it is very similar to the old English word “Julea”, which meant “beloved”.
16. Ilka
Slavic baby name meaning “Faithful one”.
17. Kseniya
Slavic baby name meaning; to hear, listen or in the Latin “Censianira”, which was the mother of Ascanius.
18. Larissa
Sla vic baby name meaning; a diminutive of Larissa, or Laryssa, Larisa, or Laura.
19. Milana
Slavic baby name meaning (from Mary); Mary.
20. Larisa
Slavic baby name meaning; from the Latin Laryssa, which was the mother of Ascanius. This may also refer to the Biblical Larys, mother of Serapis by Zeus.
21. Karolyn
Slavic baby name spelling of “Caroline”.
22. Elnara
Russian/ Slavic baby name meaning Star-like.
23. Lidiya
Sla vic baby name meaning; a diminutive of Lidia, which is the Russian form of Eudocia and means “good news”, or “glad”. In the bible, this is one of the names of Mary, the mother of John the Baptist, and she was also known as Magdalene.
24. Malyna
Slavic baby name spelling of the Latin Malina, which means “pure” and a variant of the name Malinda. Also used in Russian as a diminutive for Malena.
25. Janika
Slavic baby name meaning The Lord is Gracious.
26. Larisa
Slavic baby name spelling of the Latin “Laryssa”, the mother of Ascanius and a variant of Laria or Laura, which means “from Laurentum”.
27. Irena
Slavic baby name meaning; Peace (Greek). Also, see names: Eireen or Ireen.
28. Jaroslawa
This is a diminutive of “Jaroslaw”, which is a Polish form of the Greek name Habrosyllus (αβρωσυλλος), meaning “fortunate” or “blessed”.
29. Malena
Slavic baby name spelling of Medieval Latin “Malina/Marina”, which is derived from the Greek name Μαλινα, meaning “pure”.
30. Lyudmila
Slavic baby name meaning (steadfast).
31. Ludmila
Slavic baby name meaning (of the night) and a variant of “Ludmilla”.
32. Maria
Slavic baby name meaning; bitter (Latin); “the lady”. Also see names: Mariam, Mariama, Mariaem or Maryam.
33. Maryana
The name means; Sea of Bitterness (Hebrew).
34. Krasimira
Slavic baby name meaning God is Gracious.
35. Natalya
Slavic / Russian baby name spelling of Natalie, which is a diminutive of Natasha, the Russian form of the Greek name Ναταλια meaning “hope”. This is also sometimes spelled as Natalja or Natalia.
36. Evgenia
Slavic baby name meaning; (to be bountiful).
37. Ksenia
Slavic baby names mean; a short form of Ksenija, which means “she who comes forth”.
38. Zaria
Slavic baby name meaning God is Gracious.
39. Irena
Slavic baby name meaning; Peace (Greek). Also, see names: Eireen or Ireen.
40. Lavera
Slavic baby name meaning; source of the name “Laura”.
41. Larisa
The Slavic baby spelling of the Latin “Laryssa” was the mother of Ascanius and a variant of Laria or Laura, which means Laurentum.
42. Anechka
Slavic baby name meaning; innocent one. Also spelled Annushka (Anna) or Annochka.
43. Julianna
Slavic baby name meaning: a diminutive of Juliana. This was the spelling used in the USA after 1989 as it is very similar to the old English word “Julea”, which meant “beloved”.
44. Bronislawa
Slavic baby name meaning: the Star, Venus or a bright star.
45. Sonja
Slavic baby name meaning; daughter of the Sun, which may refer to Susan.
46. Larisa
Slavic baby name spelling of the Latin “Laryssa”, the mother of Ascanius and a variant of Laria or Laura, which means “from Laurentum”.
47. Chesna
This name means “mercy” in Spanish.
48. Milena
Sla vic baby name meaning; a diminutive of Milana, Mila, or Milena, which means “of Milda”, which was a Slavic deity.
49. Marjeta
Slavic baby name meaning; “of Marjeta”.
50. Kseniya
Slavic baby name meaning: to hear, listen or in the Latin “Censianira”, which was the mother of Ascanius. This is also a Ukrainian name and means “[of] God is great.” The Russian form of this name is “Cenyatnaya” (Ценятня), which means “[of] God is great”.
51. Aleksandra
Slavic baby name meaning “Protector of man” or “Defender of the people”.
52. Ursyna
Slavic baby name meaning; strength.
53. Tamara
Slavic baby name meaning; complete one. Also used in Russian as a diminutive for Tamra, Tamara, or Tamera.
54. Svetlana
Slavic baby name meaning; bright light (Russian). Also spelled Svetlanna, Sveta or Svietlanah. This is also a Bulgarian and Macedonian form of the Bulgarian name “Svetla”, which means “light”.
55. Marjam
Slavic baby name spelled with a “t” and meaning “from Mara”. Also spelled Marek or Marej.
56. Jasey
Slavic baby name spelling of “Jace” or “Jaesey”, which is Hebrew, means “God is gracious”.
57. Bronislawa
Slavic baby name meaning; the Star, Venus or a bright star.
58. Janezija
Slavic baby name meaning; God is Gracious (Slovene).
59. Ludie
Slavic baby name meaning; the chosen one.
60. Martina
Slavic baby name meaning Martin.
61. Mira
The Slavic variant spelling of “Mirya” Additionally written as Miranda and pronounced “Mee-Reeee.”
62. Ura
The Slavic baby name Ivana means “from Ivan” or “eldest” (Russian). Also written Ora, Uri, and Orya. This is also a short form of the Russian name Ulyana, which means “eager to be born.” This term is used in Russian folklore for a person who has been granted an unusually long life.
63. Neda
Slavic baby name meaning; desire.
64. Milena
A diminutive of Milana, Mila, and Milena means “of Milda,” a Slavic goddess.
65. Maria
Bitter (Latin); “the lady”; a Slavic baby name with a bitter (Latin) derivation. Additionally, see Mariam, Mariama, Mariaem, and Maryam.
66. Vlasta
Ruler of the people (Slovak); the variant spelling of Vladimir and feminine form of Victor (derived from Vlach).
67. Bogdana
Slavic baby name meaning. God is Great (Bulgarian).
68. Malinka
Slavic baby name meaning; heaven (Russian). Also spelled Malonka, Maliuka and Malinka.
69. Miro
Slavic baby name meaning; strong (Russian). Also spelled Miroe and Mihre. A variant of Mira. In Russian, the short version of this name is “Mira,” and it’s used as a nickname for girls who are sweet and kind.
70. Elgiva
This name is a blend of “Elgiva”, an Anglo-Saxon baby name, and the Slavic name “Elgiva”, which means “crowned with laurels” (A short form of Elizabeth). It also has meanings derived from the Hebrew name “Sarah”.
71. Natalja
Meaning of Slavic baby names; Natalia. Additionally spelled Natalya. This is a variant form of the Russian and Greek name Natalie, which is a diminutive of Natasha, the Russian form of the Greek name N (meaning “hope”).
72. Miruna
Slavic baby name meaning; beautiful (Greek).
73. Vlasta
Ruler of the people (Slovak); the variant spelling of Vladimir and feminine form of Victor (derived from Vlach). This name also has been spelled “Vlastislav” and “Vladislav”, which means “rule over the people”.
74. Ura
The Slavic baby name Ivana means “from Ivan” or “eldest” (Russian). Also written Ora, Uri, and Orya. This is also a short form of the Russian name Ulyana, which means “eager to be born”.
75. Katerina
Greek baby name meaning “pure”. This name also is a variant form of Catherine.
76. Magdalena
This name is derived from the Hebrew “Magdal” and Greek “Magdalene”, which means unclear or from Magdala, a place discovered in the Gospel of John, where Mary Magdalene was from. It means tower.
77. Endellion
This name is an English baby name derived from the Celtic “Endolin”, which means “stony light”. It also means the end of the world, meaning “the end of the world”, or “end of a line”.
78. Yekaterina
Slavic baby name meaning. God is Kind (Russian). This also could mean I know God (Russian).
79. Lenka
Slavic baby name spelling of the Latin “Leonarda”, which was the father of Libus and a variant of Leonardus, which originally meant: famous lion.
80. Anca
This name is the Slavic baby name form of “Agnes” and is derived from the Greek “agathos”, which means “good”.
81. Slobodanka
Slavic baby name meaning: clean or in Serbian “Slobodan”, meaning “justified” (or “blameless”).
82. Lidija
This is a diminutive of Lyudmila, which could mean light (Greek) or a relationship with darkness. It also is the Slavic baby name form of Lucie and derived from the Latin name “Lucia”, which means light. This name is also a patronymic form of Ludmila, which means love of God (Russian).
83. Radica
This is a personal name of Slavic origin derived from the Slavic word “raditi”, which means to do.
84. Ruđer
This is a Serbian baby name that means red. The name is derived from the Slavic word “roda”, which means red. It could also mean a wild man who lives in the woods and closely resembles a bear or wolf. This is also a nickname for Radovan, or Radul, or Radek (Slavic).
85. Marka
This name is a diminutive form of Marko, which has similar meanings. It means: as a stem, or leader of a group; an employee, slave, or follower. It also means “mark” to make a sign on something. This name is also the short form of Margarita, which means pearl.
86. Jelka
This name is derived from the Slavic “Jelena”, which could mean either God is Gracious (Slavic) or light (Greek). This also could mean the youngest child in a family. Additionally spelled Yelena and Ileana.
87. Tracey
English baby name that means wanton violence. This name is a pet form of the popular name “Tracy”. It also is short for Tracie and Tracy.
88. Viktora
Slavic baby name meaning; victorious (Russian). Also spelled Viktor, Viktorija, and Viktoria.
89. Snjezana
Slavic baby name meaning; after the victory (Serbian). This also could mean victorious (Serbian).
90. Jarmila
Slavic baby name meaning; young (Croatian). Also spelled Jelmija and Jarmila. Additionally written as Gjarmila and pronounced “Yer-mee-la”. This name is a variant of Germaine, which means “home-ruler” or “ruler of the home”.
91. Laura
English baby name meaning; laurel tree. The name developed from the Latin word “Laurus”, which means laurel tree. It also could mean eastern, from or about an olive grove, or an olive grower.
92. Zenevieva
Slavic baby name meaning; vigorous (Russian). This also could mean powerful (Russian).
93. Malena
Slavic baby name meaning; beautiful (Greek).
94. Svatava
This is a modern Slavic name that means “after God”. It is pronounced “Svatzah” and has been derived from the Slavic words “Svatij”, which means after God, and “ava”, which means girl or woman. Also spelled Svetlana. The Russian form of this name is “Svetlana”. Variants include Sergius and Sergya.
95. Leena
English baby name meaning; laurel or olive (Latin) olive tree.
96. Vera
Slavic baby name meaning; true (Russian). This also could mean the truth (Russian). Variants include: “Veronika” and “Vera”.
97. Wanda
Polish baby name meaning; a wanderer. This is also a Latin “Vanda” nickname, which means a flower or sweet scent.
98. Ursa
English baby name meaning; she-bear (Latin). This name is the feminine form of Urso, which means bear.
99. Anastasia
Greek baby name meaning “resurrection” or “born again”. The masculine form is Anastasios. Variants include Anastasie and Nastassia, the Slavic baby name spelling and pronunciation for Natasha, which means born on Christmas Day (Russian).
100. Roza
This is a Polish name meaning glory. It is pronounced ROZZ-a and could mean great or famous. The Russian name for this baby name is Rozalia.