Babies born in this part of the world don’t typically have last names or surnames. It is likely that you will end up using a first and last name names typically associated with Western customs. On top of that, these are very specific cultures, so many last names have meanings and roots in language, history, or spirituality. Consequently, there are many baby names to choose from.
Pacific Islander baby names are usually of Maori, Tahitian, and Samoan origin. This means they can be very vocal in nature. They tend to be very descriptive names, so you’ll want to think about how you want your little one to be described before settling on a name.

1. Aitoarii
Aitoarii is a name of Marquesan origin that means the first son. Aitoarii combines ai, meaning possessing, and toarii, an older brother. Consequently, Aitoarii is the name given to the first-born son. Although not common in the English-speaking world, Aitoarii was fairly prevalent in Tahiti and other Marquesan islands before French colonization in the 18th century.
2. Akamu
Akamu is the Hawaiian name for a child who arrives in its time. Akamu combines Akua, meaning divine or sacred, and mua, meaning appearing (or coming). Consequently, Akamu means a divinely chosen child.
3. Aluluei
Don’t let the crazy spelling of Aluluei, a Marquesan name, put you off! Aluluei combines alu, meaning to come back or return, and leui, meaning village or home. Consequently, Aluluei means coming back home. Although derived from ancient Marquesan names, Aluluei was recorded as a Hawaiian name in the 19th century.
4. Anaru
The Hawaiian name Anaru means the beloved child. Anaru combines ai, meaning possessing, and narua, meaning beloved. Consequently, Anaru means the beloved child.
5. Ariihau
The Marquesan name Ariihau is a variant of Ariihei, meaning first or the firstborn. Ariihau combines are which means first born, and hu, an ancient male name meaning warrior. Consequently, the name Ariihau means the first-born warrior. Although not widespread in English-speaking countries, Ariihau was recorded as a Marquesan name in the 19th century.
6. Enoha

The Samoan name Enoha means praise and is a unisex name. Enoha is a combination of the words eno, which means to praise, and ha, which translates as life. Not only are the meanings very clear, but it also sounds really appealing. It works for both genders.
There are many Pacific Islander baby names that can capture your heart and imagination. However, if you’re looking for something short, sweet, and easy to say, then these Pacific Islander baby names will work well for you.
7. Eteroa
The Tahitian name Eteroa means to pay a tribute. If your child is going to be named after someone in the family, then you’ll want to use the Tahitian naming tradition. Choosing the first name of a relative will help you, as parents, preserve your family’s own unique culture.
8. Hīnano
The Tahitian name Hīnano means full of life. Parents may choose a word that embodies their child’s spirit — especially when giving their firstborn a name. The meaning of this name is particularly powerful. Hīnano is made up of hī, meaning life, and nāo, which represents the spiritual essence that makes people unique and different from one another.
9. Hōne
The Samoan name Hōne means to be brave or strong. Looking at the meaning of this name can help you understand what type of message you want your child to hear from their name. The word hono is used to represent strength and bravery, which can inspire courage within your child.
10. Kaipo
The Tahitian name Kaipo means water. If your child is born in a tropical area, then think about the meaning of this name. Maybe it’s a great way to pay tribute to their birthplace.
11. Kanaloa
The Samoan name Kanaloa means the brother of the island. There are many ways to explain this name. It can be seen as being a synonym for ‘an islander,’ or it can be defined as a member of a tribe. While this name is typically used in connection with the firstborn, it is also used for the younger siblings throughout the family.
12. Kāne
The Tahitian name Kāne means ocean. Kāne has a similar meaning to Kaipo but contains the name of the ocean. It’s important for you to consider the meanings of your child’s name if they are born in a tropical area or have grown up around it.
13. Kaoriki
The Tahitian name Kaoriki means first child. The meaning of this name is pretty straightforward. However, if you’re looking for something a little more surprising, then take a look at some of the other Tahitian names. They have a lot to choose from.
14. Kū
The Tahitian name Kū means the first child. This is a very simple and straightforward name. It is made up of the family’s first-born child’s name and the word kū, which means first.
15. Lasa
The Samoan name Lasa means spiritual power. The meaning of this name is pretty interesting, to say the least. Lasa in Samoan is derived from the word Lassa which means power or authority. It signifies that the child has supernatural powers that are associated with their elders and ancestors.
16. Lono
The Maori name Lono means quiet. The definition for this name is incredibly descriptive. Lono means quiet or peace. Think about how you want to raise your baby, and then look for a name that would describe that description. For example, if you’re looking for a peaceful baby name you’ll find Lono associated with Maori culture and traditions.
17. Maevarau
The Maori name Maevarau means faithful friend. The meaning of this name is incredibly descriptive. This name comes from the word maevarau, which means faithful or loyal friend. It signifies the relationship between a child and their parent or the bond between a close friend who is willing to help in all aspects of life.
18. Makemake
The Samoan name Makemake means creation. This one is pretty simple and straightforward. Makemake translates to “creation” in Samoan. It can be used as either a first or last name, but the definition is pretty straightforward.
19. Māui

The Maori name Māui means a fish hook. This one definitely has a meaning that’s specific to the culture in which it originated. This name is similar to many other names and is used primarily as a middle name in the United Kingdom. It’s also similar to many names that we’ve heard before, such as Austin, Taylor, and Payton. Of course, this means that you’ll want to really consider the first and last name combination before using it as your baby’s full name.
20. Nīkau
The Maori name Nīkau means the ruler of the wind. This is another name that has a specific definition in the culture in which it originated. Nīkau means the ruler of the wind. It signifies not only the power that you hold as a leader but also the natural power of God.
21. Rangi
The Samoan name Rangi means sky. This one is uncomplicated and simple to comprehend. Rangi literally translates to “sky” in Samoan. It may be used as a first or last name, and it denotes that the infant was born beneath the night sky, which is a symbol linked with the island country.
22. Taika
The Maori name Taika means the first law. Taika is a pretty interesting name because kids have been using it as a given name in New Zealand since 2005. It was initially used as a first name only but has now moved to the top 10 list of Samoan baby names. It’s very similar to the German name “Tayko,” which means victory in battle. Taika combines the words Tai, meaning victorious, and ka meaning law.
23. Tāne
The Maori name Tāne means male. This one is uncomplicated and simple to comprehend. It’s also not a very common name in Western culture, but it’s a popular baby name in Tahiti and Samoa. Tne is Maori for masculine. It denotes that the infant, regardless of gender, was born as a boy.
24. Temuera
The Samoan name Temuera means the end of the week. This name is a little less straightforward than it is descriptive. It combines the word “temu,” which means ending or finishing, with the word “ra.” Part of the meaning behind “ra” is that it signifies a period of time that also adds to a recurrence, like every week or month. Together they signify a Sunday, which is how Sunday was often referred to in Samoa as “Temuera.”
25. Keahi
The Tahitian name Keahi combines the words Ketu (meaning to easily shoot) and hai, meaning father.
The significance of this name is that the firstborn of the family was often named Keahi. This was also a sign of respect for one’s father, as it took a lot stronger to get through the birth process than any other child.
26. Kiri
The Maori name Kiri combines the words Kiri (meaning to shine) and Nui (meaning chief).
In contrast to the main requirement of Aimata, Kiri means that your first child is likely not to be the oldest. However, it may still be perceived by others as being the eldest.
27. Lani
The Tahitian name Lani combines Laos (meaning sky) and Niani (meaning child). While your first child is likely to be a chief, this name suggests that it will have an affinity for the stars and the night sky.
28. Makana
The Tahitian name Makana combines Makana (meaning to carry) and hapu (meaning to protect).
The significance of this name is that the firstborn child of a family carried the weight of responsibility. As such, the name reflects their role and the responsibility they have as a family unit.
29. Marama
Marama comes from the Maori word maara, which means “extremely hard.”
The importance of this name is that, although it may not have cut the firstborn, they were likely to develop into a major position in the household. This name, more than any other, invites you to use your imagination.
30. Mele
The Tahitian name Mele comes from the word mele, which means song. The significance of this name is that the firstborn child was considered a gift. They were considered to be a blessing, and their names reflected that.
31. Moerani
The Tahitian name Moerani means from the east. The significance of this name is that the firstborn were traditionally born in the morning to the east of their homes. A name like this is usually reserved for the third child or later.
32. Ngaio
The Maori name Ngaio is derived from the word ngaia, meaning very tall. Ngaio also means shining, so this name implies that your firstborn child will be a warrior. Many battles were won by a leader, and his eldest child was often named Ngaio in praise.
33. Ngaire
The Maori name Ngaire comes from Ngarara, which means to shine. This name is a sign of respect and honour to the firstborn child. Not only do they bring light into the home of their family, but they take on significant roles in the communities that they grow up in. They tend to have a strong leadership capacity and are used to carrying responsibility at an early age.
34. Nikora
The Maori name Nikora is of Tahitian origin. This name means to be the firstborn. It sounds more Hawaiian than Maori, so you may want to include it in the title of your blog post.
35. Pele
The Tahitian name Pele comes from the word Papa, which means the earth. This name translates as a child of earth or child of substance. As such, it is given to honour the firstborn child. It may also be used to inform others that this child was born right after a change in government or as part of an attempt to better represent the aims and aspirations of a family unit.
36. Tiare
The Tahitian name Tiare means flower. It is likely that your firstborn child will be born with this name. Traditionally, the firstborn baby was named Tiare as they were considered a flower in the garden of life. However, this name could also describe someone beautiful and well-liked.
37. Vaihere
The Maori name Vaihere comes from the word ngaire (meaning shining). This name is given to honour the firstborn child. It is usually used to honor someone who has had a significant impact in their home or community.
Your first and last names, as with any baby name, will be different than those of your child’s siblings.
38. Waimarie
The Maori name Waimarie means child of the wind. This name is given to honour the firstborn child. It may also be used to commemorate someone who has had a significant impact on their home or community.
You may have heard of baby names that are associated with Asian culture as well, such as Chinese baby names, Vietnamese baby names, and Korean baby names.
39. Whetū

The Maori name Whetū comes from wehau, which means to seek. This name was given to honour the firstborn child. It is, however, also used to depict a character who is curious and adventurous.
40. Aimata
The Tahitian name Aimata also comes from ‘aimata’, which means to make or build. This name has special meaning since it is given to your firstborn child. It may be used to convey grandeur or to show that they work hard.
41. Kalina
This name is of Tahitian origin and means beautiful, like a sun or moon.
Kalina comes from the word kali, the Tahitian word for beautiful. The name is descriptive, and it’s also a little unconventional with its meaning as opposed to words such as angel, love, or spirit. However, because the meaning of this name has significance in the Pacific Islanders tradition, it can be used confidently in your family.
42. Kailani
Kailani is a Samoan name that means heavenly kid. Kailani is a Maori name from the Samoan language and means “child of the skies.” It’s a lovely name with a strong connotation.
43. Kai
This is another Maori name but of Polynesian origin. It means sea. Kai is also a Samoan name that means sea. Consequently, Kai and Kailani are quite similar in meaning and pronunciation.
44. Kahurangi
This name is of Maori origin and means the other world. Kahurangi is a very powerful name that evokes the idea of getting lost in a beautiful vista. It’s ideal for someone who wants to be lovingly described as seeing the world differently.
45. Iolana
This is of Maori origin and means the wind. Iolana is a very attractive name with a Maori prefix meaning in or to the wind. The name sounds quite regal if you are looking for a name that evokes royalty, but there is more to it than many people know.
46. Heirani
This name is of Samoan origin and means the gift of God. The Samoan name Heirani means the gift of God. It’s a very beautiful name with a powerful meaning, which is ideal for someone who wants to be lovingly described as someone who brings light into the world.
47. Haukea
This name is of Maori origin and means the tree of light. It is popular as a name for little boys in this world.
Haukea is a beautiful and descriptive name with a Maori prefix meaning from or from the light. It’s very good for someone who wants to be lovingly described as seeing the world differently.
48. Aroha
This name is of Maori origin and means love. Aroha is a very powerful name that evokes the idea of loving and being loved. It’s ideal for someone who wants to be lovingly described as someone who loves unconditionally.
49. Apikalia
This name comes from Samoa and means “harvest goddess.” Apikalia is a Samoan name that means “harvest goddess” and comes from the Polynesian language.
It’s a great name with a powerful meaning that’s ideal for someone who wants to be renowned for bringing people together.
50. Anahera
This name comes from Samoa and means “divine lady.” Anahera is a Samoan name that means “divine lady” and comes from the Polynesian language. It’s a gorgeous name with a powerful meaning, ideal for someone who wants to be renowned for bringing people together.
51. Vasa
This is of Maori origin and means the divine singer. Vasa is a beautiful name with a Maori prefix meaning from or from the divine. It’s a perfect name for someone who wants to be lovingly described as seeing the world differently.
52. Vaea
This name is of Polynesian origin and means gentle rain. Vaea is an attractive name with a Maori prefix meaning gentle or sweet rain. It’s a perfect name for someone who wants to be lovingly described as someone who brings light into the world.
53. Uati
This name comes from Samoa and means “strong one.” Uati is a Samoan name that means “strong one” and comes from the Polynesian language. It’s a lovely name with a strong meaning that’s perfect for someone who wants to be known as someone who pulls people together.
54. Tusitala
This name is of Maori origin and means the peacock. Tusitala is a very beautiful name with a Maori prefix meaning the peacock. It’s a perfect name for someone who wants to be lovingly described as someone who brings light into the world.
55. Tuala
This is of Maori origin and means the great one. Tuala is a beautiful name with a Maori prefix meaning the great or chief. It’s a perfect name for someone who wants to be lovingly described as someone who brings light into the world.
56. Taito
This name is of Maori origin and means indeed. Taito is a very beautiful name that has a Maori prefix meaning indeed. It’s a perfect name for someone who wants to be lovingly described as someone who brings light into the world.
57. Tala
This name is of Maori origin and means the branch or twig. Tala is a beautiful name with a Maori prefix meaning the branch or twig. It’s a perfect name for someone who wants to be lovingly described as seeing the world differently.
58. Sione
This name is of Maori origin and means the sky. Sione is a very beautiful name with a Maori prefix meaning the sky. It’s a perfect name for someone who wants to be lovingly described as seeing the world differently.
59. Siaosi
The meaning of this Samoan name is “messenger.” Siaosi is a Samoan name that means “messenger” and comes from the Polynesian language. It’s a lovely name with a strong meaning that’s perfect for someone who wants to be known as someone who pulls people together.
60. Semis
This name is of Maori origin and means the fire person. Semis is a beautiful name with a Maori prefix meaning fire or living one. It’s a perfect name for someone who wants to be lovingly described as someone who brings light into the world.
61. Puleleiite
This name is of Maori origin and means the fiery or hot. Puleleiite is a beautiful name with a Maori prefix meaning fiery or hot. It’s a perfect name for someone who wants to be lovingly described as someone who brings happiness and love to both you and your family.
62. Noa
This name is of Hebrew origin and means the gazelle. Noa is a beautiful name with a Hebrew suffix meaning life or living. It’s ideal for someone who wants to be lovingly described as someone who brings happiness and love to both you and your family.
63. Malosi
This name comes from the Samoan language and means “healer.” Malosi is a Samoan name that means “healer” and comes from the Polynesian language.
64. Maleko
Maleko is also a Tahitian name and means strong like a warrior. Maleko conveys the strength and capability of a Samoan warrior. It is derived from mata, meaning eyes, and lako, which means warring or fighting. Consequently, Maleko has been historically used as a term of endearment for the warrior in your family!
65. Laki
The Samoan name Laki means handsome. The history of Laki is simply the beautiful appearance of a warrior. The name means to look handsome or pretty.
66. Keola

The name Keola means The sweet sound of the Pacific Ocean. The ocean and its sounds are deeply ingrained in the Samoan culture. As a result, many names have to do with the ocean and its beauty, and so does this one. Keola is a beautiful name for your little one!
67. Iosefa
The name Iosefa means Inside the fire. The Samoan name Iosefa is a very descriptive and unique name. The meaning of the name is pretty self-explanatory, except that inside the fire, you’ll be in a safe place.
68. Iakopo
The name Iakopo means The son of the furnace. As you can see, the meaning of Iakopo is very similar to that of Iosefa, which means inside the fire.
69. Hemi
The name Hemi is a Maori name that means “the voice of the sea.” Hemi has been used as a baby name in New Zealand ever since it was first used by Te Rauparaha, a famous Maori chief. It means the voice of the sea and is related to words like Hemi, meaning sea, and pono, meaning truth or honor.
70. Haych
The Tahitian name Haych means The one who is about to set sail. The meaning of Haych is pretty straightforward. It’s another descriptive name that means the one who is about to set sail. This name has been used by families in Tahiti for a long time.
71. Fetu
The Samoan word Fetu means Something that is precious or good. Fetu is the name of a Polynesian god who was the deity of fish, fruit, and trees. It’s a pretty descriptive name for your little one!
72. Enele
The name Enele is a Hawaiian name and means One with the sun. It is the name of a Hawaiian god. Enele is the Hawaiian word for “one with the sun.” Consequently, this name means that your baby is destined to have great skin, which will result in them winning many gold medals at the beach!
73. Artorian
The name Artorian is a Polynesian name and means the bearer of the arts. This is a very creative and creative name. It’s a Polynesian baby name for your little one. This name means that your child will be the bearer of the arts.
74. Alofa
The Polynesian name Alofa means love. It also means love in several Polynesian languages. For example, alofa is a Samoan word for love, which is the meaning of this beautiful name! It’s very modern in nature and can be used for both boys and girls.
75. Aleki
Who doesn’t love a name that’s spelled like the first meal of the day? The Polynesian name Aleki means breakfast.
This is a modern Polynesian baby name for your little one. It means breakfast and is spelled like the first meal of the day. Consequently, it will be easy for your child to remember and recall this name!
76. Teuila
The Maori name Teuila means ‘listen to the song’. Teuila is a very specific name with a beautiful definition. It combines te, which means listen, and uila, which refers to music. Consequently, it can be said that the little girl is listening to a song — a song of life.
Teuila’s sister, Lata, is also a great option for parents who want their child’s name to clearly express their meaning. It means ‘to sing’ in Maori.
77. Sina
The Samoan name Sina means ‘green’. Sina is a unique choice because it doesn’t mean anything in English. The meaning of Sina is actually ‘unintelligible’. It’s a very unusual name for a new baby. However, if you have chosen this name for your child, the chances are that you’re referring to their greenish skin tone. This color is also known as ‘bluish’ and is often borne by African people and Polynesian babies.
78. Saofa’i
The Tahitian name Saofa’i means ‘little sun’. Saofa’i is a sweet name for a little girl, as it means that she’ll be the light. This name is very descriptive and makes it easy to picture how she will look when she’s grown up. She’s like our very own little sun.
79. Salamasina
The Samoan name Salamasina means ‘to be safe’. Salamasina is a beautiful girl’s name that makes parents feel instantly relaxed. It has a very positive connotation, making it popular with parents who want their children to feel safe and secure.
80. Rongomai Whenua
The Maori name Rongomai Whenua means ‘when the long night comes. Yes, this is a very long name. A lot is going on here, and it might be too much for some parents to handle. It has a lot of character and will help your child stand apart from the crowd. It combines room, which refers to sunset or dark; rongomai, which means when; there, meaning long — combining all of these into one beautiful name.
81. Penina
The Samoan name Penina means ‘much love’. This is a beautiful, sweet name that makes parents feel warm and secure. It describes the love they have for their baby.
It’s sometimes hard to find names with strong meanings, but these Pacific Islander names have been given by some of the most influential cultures in the world. Your child will be a very important person in your life, and you will want to choose a name that fits them well for life.
82. Onosaʻi
The Samoan name Onosa’i means ‘the place of the sacred stones’. This is a very spiritual name for a little girl, as it refers to rocks that have been blessed. This isn’t a very common name, making it unique and unusual. It’s commonly used in Samoa and is bestowed upon the first-born child in the family.
83. Olioli

The Samoan name Olioli means born in April. If you, like many baby-name enthusiasts, try to find a meaning for your baby name, the Samoan Olioli may be a good one to choose. The meaning of the name is simple — born in April.
84. Olaga
Another Samoan name, Olaga means born in the first, or perhaps even the second month of the year.
Although this may not be a big help to you as a new parent, it is possible that your baby’s name has a deeper meaning than you think. In many Polynesian cultures, names have meanings and origins that go back centuries.
85. Nuanua
The Maori name Nuanua means born at night. Nuanua is an excellent option if you want to give your child a name that will stay in people’s thoughts. It is not only a beautiful name, but it also has Maori roots. Nuanua is a Maori term that denotes darkness and nighttime.
86. Mataalii
The Maori name Mataalii means born of daylight. This is a one-of-a-kind name. This name might be perfect for you if you want a name with no significance. Of course, this would be an effort to give the baby name a deeper meaning than it really has, but Pakeha (white) society is notorious for giving every word a deeper meaning.
87. Manamea
The Maori name Manamea means born of the sun. Some names are really easy to understand. Others take some thinking, but Manamea is different in that it almost literally means born of the sun. If you can’t afford a trip to Tahiti, this is a good way to get a little bit close to the experience.
88. Manaia
The Maori name Manaia means born in spring. Most of the Polynesian baby names are very descriptive, but Manaia is a little different in that it doesn’t have a literal translation. Nevertheless, it is a good choice if you’re looking for something that stands out from the crowd.
89. Lupesina
The name Lupesina is another Maori baby name that doesn’t have a literal translation.
Although it is nearly impossible to give a baby name anything like an accurate meaning, it is interesting to ponder the origin of your new family member’s name. Lupesina was the name of one of the first Maoris, who was so strong that he could kill his enemies with only his eyes.
90. Lupelele
The Tahitian name Lupelele means born at night, or again. If you are a little uncertain about the name your little one will be given, Lupelele is a good choice. It is not only a beautiful traditional Polynesian name, but it has two different meanings to choose from.
91. Luni
If you’re looking for something that is a little more unusual, Luni may be a good choice. The Tahitian name Luni means born in winter or born of the moon.
Luni is a good choice if you want your baby born in winter to have a name that will stand out from the crowd. The word itself means born during the winter and also has its origins in Tahiti. If you want someone to remember your baby because of their name, it is likely that Luni will do just that.
92. Loimata
The Maori name Loimata means born of the water. You could be looking for a distinctive name for your child. In this case, Loimata is a suitable option.
93. Lagi
The Maori name Lagi means born at night. The Maori language is very descriptive, so it is probably not surprising that they have names that are as well. Lagi is great if you’re looking for a name that has traditional Polynesian roots in it.
94. Kenese
The Samoan name Kenese means born in the morning. While most of the Polynesian baby names are very descriptive, Kenese is a little bit different. It is actually a Maori name that means born in the morning. If you want to stand out, this is a good option. If you like unusual but traditional baby names, this one may be ideal for your child.
95. Fiva

The Tahitian name means born in April.The Tahitian name Fiva may not mean much to you for the first few months of your baby’s life, but it is a good choice if you’re looking for a Polynesian baby name with traditional roots. It has been around for a long time, and it is one that many generations of Maoris have named their children over the years.
96. Filemu
Another Tahitian name, Filemu means born in the second month of the year. Filemu is a good choice if you want to pick a name that has traditional Polynesian roots. It might also be a nice option if you want something that isn’t very popular yet has been around for centuries.
97. Fiafia
The Maori name Fiafia means born in a hurry. If you’re looking for a traditional Polynesian baby name, Fiafia is a good choice. It has been around for quite some time, and it is one that many Maoris have chosen for their children over the years
98. Elisapeta
The Samoan name Elisapeta means born on a Saturday. Elisapeta is a popular Samoan name that has been around for centuries. It is a good choice if you want to pick something from your own culture. The word itself means born on an island or Saturday in the Samoan language. If you want something that has its roots in your own culture, this one may be just right for your little girl.
99. Atamai
The Tahitian name Atamai means born at full moon. Atamai is a beautiful name from Tahiti that has been around for centuries. If you’re looking for something that may be a little bit more unique, this one may be just right for you. It is not only beautiful in its own right, but it has the added meaning of being born during a full moon or born during the full moon in Tahitian.
100. Amataga
The Maori name Amataga means born at night. Amataga is a good choice if you’re looking for something that has its origins in the Maori language. It is not only beautiful, but it has been around for centuries. If you want to give your baby a name that comes from the Maori people and will likely stand out in a crowd, this one may be just right for you.