What is math…? Mathematics includes numbers, shapes, patterns, and relationships between the two. It is one of the most important parts of science. With this definition in mind, it can be inferred that learning mathematics makes you well-rounded in academics and primed for success in life. However, it can be difficult to learn at a young age, so here are 25 games perfect for 5th graders to master their math skills. Math competency at all levels requires a lot of work, and practice is the only way to get better at it.

The 25 math games for 5th graders provide an effective way for children to hone their basic mathematical skills such as counting and addition/subtraction while having fun with friends or family members. From counting objects to equation building with decimals, this collection of math games for 5th graders will help children develop their math skills early on by developing and strengthening basic math skills.
1. Solve, Shoot, and Score
Like a math game, this one is simple and requires just a few steps for the child or adult to complete. Then, they must solve the math problem to find the answer. This Premier League Primary Stars game, which is geared for football lovers, allows you to select which Premier League team you wish to represent, after which you solve maths-related problems to take penalties against the goalkeepers of other teams. Alternatively, children can compete against the computer or with one another.

Play now: https://plprimarystars.com/for-families/play-game
2. Ten Frame Media
This math game is fun and interactive, making it easier for children to learn. The child can earn as many points as possible to win this game because there are only ten frames to move around and complete. Students must click the boxes in the ten frames that correspond to the corresponding number as the numbers appear on the screen. It is no longer there, and they begin over with the following number! Counting and ten frames are some of the activities that pupils engage in.

Play now: https://tangmath.com/tenframemania
3. Deep-sea Math Mystery
All you have to do is find the hidden numbers in this math game. Each number contains a description of what they are worth. These numbers will appear randomly on the screen, so children must use their logical reasoning and educated guessing skills to complete this level. Deep-sea math mystery aids in the development of algebraic thinking skills as well as working with simple equations at a beginning level.

Play now: https://www.mathplayground.com/deep_sea_math_mystery.html
4. Monty’s Maths Wall
Like Tetris-style games, the objective is to destroy the bricks by stacking the questions on top of the corresponding answer. There are a variety of mathematical abilities to assess, and the levels are based on the new maths curriculum objectives for students in Years 1 to 6. Multiplication, number reading, addition, fractions of numbers, division, Roman numerals, subtraction, converting fractions to decimals and percentages, and simplifying fractions are covered.

Play now: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/292/Montys-Maths-Wall
5. Bar Graphing with Eggs
In this math game, the rules of play are simple. All players must fill up their bar by taking a set number of eggs and counting them into the empty egg carton. First, adjust the frying pan so that it may catch the colored eggs when they fall from the coop. After that, arrange the eggs according to their patterning. Finally, make a simple bar graph from the eggs you’ve collected. Sorting and graphing are some of the skills that kids develop.

Play now: Bar Graph Egg Sorting Game | Game | Education.com
6. Math Bingo
This math game is educational and fun. Bingo is played like the classic version, and bingo is easy to play. Skills such as number recognition and number sequencing are strengthened with this math game. Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing are just a few of the abilities taught in this peppy learning game for 5th graders. Students are rewarded for participating in this engaging arithmetic game by receiving Bingo Bugs!

Play now: https://www.abcya.com/games/math-bingo
7. Subtract the Slime
In this sci-fi-inspired game, send children on a minus mission to save the world. The slime is descending; therefore, you must move your laser beam down the bottom of the screen to blast it. However, to destroy it before it reaches the ground, children must examine the number on their weapon and compare it to the amount revealed on the slime’s surface before using it. Therefore, they can learn many skills such as number recognition and number sequencing while improving their mathematical reasoning.

Play now: https://primarygamesarena.com/Play/Subtract-The-Slime-407
8. Kangaroo Hop Geometric Shapes
In this math game, children are taught basic shapes such as triangles, circles, squares, rectangles, and parallelograms. As your kids steer your kangaroo over a pond filled with lily pads of varying shapes, they will gain valuable shape identification skills. Additionally, straight-line drawing and recognizing a variety of geometric shapes are critical skills for 5th graders to master to progress in their education. So what’s all the buzz about? You have to “jump” over the shapes on the ground.

Play now: https://www.mathgametime.com/games/kangaroo-hop-geometric-shapes
9. Coin Weighing
Using coins as weights to balance a scale are some of the kids’ skills to learn. Children must weigh several coins in this math game to obtain the desired number. They can add or subtract coins to make the scale even, but be careful not to let it tip! While they are practicing their addition and subtraction abilities, they will also learn how to measure mass with a simple balance similar to those seen in grocery stores. Students are given four chances to weigh coins and decide which one is phony.

Play now: https://www.mathgametime.com/games/coin-weighing
10. Super Maths Bowling
This game is the most entertaining and entertaining math game for 5th graders, who can enjoy others’ nerdy moments of fun. Kids can practice addition and subtraction with this “bowling” game. To succeed in this game, children must answer the multiple-choice multiplication problems fast and precisely; the better they do, the simpler it will be for them to aim the bowling ball at the pins by determining the appropriate angle. You may also select the level of difficulty based on the year group. Make sure you have tons of friends and ask them to join in on the fun!

Play now: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/504/Super-Maths-Bowling-Multiplication
11. 2048
This math game is popular among many people of all ages and gives children a chance to show their mathematical skills. There are a few principles. This game involves adding, subtracting, and multiples of 20. Your goal is to get as far as possible on the board by matching numbers with those on your screen. With this simple math game, children can improve their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills. It is an addictive, simple, and fun math game that teachers recommend for practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Play now: https://2048game.com/
12. Arithmetic Game
This math game is an excellent tool for kids to learn how to add and subtract. Here, the interface is simple and easy to use. Children can use the numbers to practice adding and subtracting. Using this online math game, you may create a variety of equations! Students must work individually, in couples, or in groups to answer the questions that appear at the bottom of the screen for the exercise to be successful.

Play now: https://www.mathgametime.com/games/arithmetic-game
13. Puppy Chase Fractions to Decimals
This math game is fun and fast, and it can be challenging for 5th graders. Select the decimal that corresponds to the provided fraction by clicking on it. The more quickly you uncover the answers, the further ahead you will be in the race to the finish line! Decimals and comparable fractions are the types of problems that students practice.

Play now: https://www.mathplayground.com/ASB_Puppy_Chase_Decimals.html
14. Magic Squares
This game requires youngsters to drag and drop numbers into appropriate squares for each row and column to add up to a magic total to win. This game will help kids improve their ability to think creatively and build strategic thinking skills. Children will be taught to build the equations by practicing math in a fun way, which is essential for developing their mathematical thinking skills.

Play now: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=MagicSquares
15. High Stakes Heist
To open the safe, you must solve an equation one step at a time, following the right order of operations; if you make an error, you may go back to the earlier step and correct it. In this math game, kids will be able to work out addition, subtraction, and multiplication. They can also use their knowledge of place values to calculate decimals. Altogether, this math game will help them develop and improve their skills in addition and subtraction.

Play now: https://www.abcya.com/games/order_of_operations
16. Telling the Time
This math game is a great tool to introduce children to tell the time. An analog clock teaches youngsters how to tell the time in this game. In terms of time reading accuracy, there is a wide range of options. For example, you can read time to the minute or the hour to the nearest hour and half hour. In addition, you can play a game with a 12- or 24-hour clock and with or without a timer.

Play now: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/116/telling-the-time
17. Algebraic Reasoning Sweet Shop
Determine the monetary value of each candy by comparing the stacks of different sweets that add up to certain sums in your head. This may be accomplished by mental calculations or writing down and solving equations. Children are encouraged to compare their mental calculations with their classmates to see who can get the highest score.

Play now: https://www.mathplayground.com/algebraic_reasoning.html
18. Decimal Detective
With the support of solid reasoning skills, 5th-grade students assume the role of investigators as they decipher the decimal numbers that have been hidden from them. The starting point is by finding the difference between two decimals on the same number line, or you can create your problems and solve them with friends. As you move along, you will be able to solve more and more problems by using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Play now: Decimal Detective – Decimal Game | Turtle Diary
19. Who Wants to Be a Hundredaire
Children are required to answer a series of progressively difficult questions about place value based on popular television programs. The questions range from basic ones, such as “Who is the most important character in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life” to more complex ones, such as “Who is the most famous person that has ever had their name spelled with all the letters of the alphabet?” The game is not for people with a low sense of humor. The questions will require you to use the knowledge children already have.

Play now: http://www.math-play.com/Place-Value-Millionaire/place-value-millionaire-game_html5.html
20. Boat Coordinates
Children are to sail from point A to point B. Use these GPS coordinates to guide your boat to victory. Pick up coins as you go, but be careful not to get stuck in anything. If you want to make the most of your time, you’ll need to act quickly. Single-quadrant or four-quadrant boards may be made for this game. This math game is an excellent way to practice coordinate determination skills.

Play now: https://www.mathnook.com/math/boatcoordinates.html
21. Number Conundrum Decimals
Students must deal with decimal numbers, which requires them to use problem-solving abilities to enter the values accurately into the table. Each digit is equal to the sum of the two digits immediately before it. To completely solve the problem, students must add all the decimal numbers together in their heads to figure out their equivalent value in whole numbers. This math game is excellent for developing mental calculation skills in children.

Play now: https://www.mathplayground.com/number_conundrum_decimals.html
22. Area Builder
This game is mainly concerned with the areas, perimeters, and fractions of forms. As a result, the lower levels will simply instruct children to drag and drop the blocks to form a shape with a particular area, while the higher levels will instruct them to color different portions of the condition with specific colors. This math game is excellent for teaching the children about different shapes, proportional relationships among other shapes, and how ratios of two or more equal quantities relate to forming.

Play now: https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/area-builder/latest/area-builder_en.html
23. Algebra Meltdown
In this game, you will face numerous equations featuring different combinations of the basic algebraic operations. You must solve them one at a time using a logical sequence of operation rules. Determine how many atoms each scientist needs by solving linear equations and dropping the right amount of balls into the reactor. As you go, the game becomes increasingly difficult. To avoid the scientists’ wrath, you must act immediately.

Play now: https://www.mathsgames.com/algebra-games_algebra-meltdown.html
24. Countdown Generator
NRICH offers this variation of the famous Countdown numbers game for pupils who are more skilled in mathematics. However, there is no ticking clock in this game, and it is possible to receive the correct answer every time.

Play now: Countdown (maths.org)
25. Sushi Fractions
Students learn about different fractions while putting together Sushi Platters for clients who place particular orders with the restaurant. The objective of this math game is to help them make wise decisions when dealing with fractions.

Play now: https://mrnussbaum.com/sushi-fractions-online-game