If you are considering giving your baby Maeve as their name, the meaning of the name must be an important factor in your decision. Find out what it means to be the namesake of this Irish goddess.
“Maeve”, derived from a Gaelic word meaning “she who intoxicates”. The mythological goddess and warrior queen Maeve was known for her beauty, skill in battle and strategic prowess. She also had a reputation for ruthlessness and cunning when it came to defending her kingdom against invaders. And while she often succumbed to vanity or drunkenness, she was adored by her people all the same because of her fierce protectiveness over them.

What Is the Meaning of Maeve?
The name Maeve means “intransigent,” which comes from Latin. It is an Irish Gaelic name for a woman that brings back memories of brave Celtic warriors, skilled on the battlefield and wise in battle strategy. In some lore, she was even a goddess who led her tribe to victory against the Romans.
On this page you will find different meanings of the name. There are also popular variations and similar names, as well as celebrity baby names that begin with M-A-E-V-E.
What Culture Used Maeve?
The name Maeve is not really used that often in the United States, but it has been popping up a lot more recently. Maeve is often associated with Irish legends of Ireland and the legendary queen Maeve.
The History of Maeve
Maeve was a queen who was alleged to have led her tribe to victory against the Romans in Ireland. She may also be a figure from another legendary story about ancient Ireland, where she may have lived and been a leader of the Tuath Dalach Tuired (“the people of the goddess Dalkey”). This story tells of how her clan fought off invaders from Gaul until they were finally defeated and forced to flee into exile.
What About As a Surname?
The name Maeve is more frequently associated today with the surname, which may have originated in Ireland. It has been used in English since the 17th century, and has also been used in Irish since at least the 16th century. Throughout its history, the name has generally been used as a female given name.
What About in the US?
The name “Maeve” has a very small presence in the United States, according to data from the Social Security Administration. The name is listed as a fairly common name and has been used by 2,388 women over the last century and a half. Of those people who used this name in the United States between 1880 and 1930, some 50% were female.
In modern usage, women were more likely to be given the name “Maeve” than men. In 2009 there were 118 females named Maeve in America who had not also been given a male name during that year or any of the years between 1880 and 2009.
Where Does the Name Come From?
The name “Maeve” is an English baby name. In Irish, the meaning of the name “Maeve” is: Intransigent. The goddess Maeve was known for her beauty, skill in battle and strategic prowess. She also had a reputation for ruthlessness and cunning when it came to defending her kingdom against invaders. And while she often succumbed to vanity or drunkenness, she was adored by her people all the same because of her fierce protectiveness over them.
The name “Maeve” is an Irish Gaelic name for a woman that brings back memories of brave Celtic warriors, skilled on the battlefield and wise in battle strategy.
What Do People Think of Maeve?
Among the Irish and those with Irish roots, the name “Maeve” is associated with a strong, powerful and beautiful woman from Irish history who often led her people to victory in battle.
In Ireland, Maeve is considered a common name for a girl and is often used as a synonym for Queen or Princess. Among those who don’t have Irish roots, the name is much less popular; it’s never been among the top 1,000 most popular names given to girls in America. Some Americans may find this name unusual because they aren’t used to hearing it during their daily lives. However, others may feel that it’s an elegant and classic sounding name that may be appropriate for either sex.
What About Those Who Have This Name?
Maeve is an Irish name that has been used since the 16th century. The name was once incredibly popular in Ireland, coming in as the No. 1 girls’ name for a few years in the mid-20th century.
This 20th century Maeve was renowned for her beauty and may have even been called “the most beautiful woman of her age”. This Maeve also had a reputation for being vain and drunken, which may be why she died young when she fell off a horse while intoxicated.
If you are considering giving your baby Maeve as their name, the meaning of the name must be an important factor in your decision. Find out what it means to be the namesake of this Irish goddess.
What Is Maeve Associated With?
The Irish Gaelic form of “Maeve” is the name of an ancient Irish goddess. It has also been used as the anglicized form of Irish Gaelic Máire, which means “mother”.
The name Maeve is associated with a brave Celtic warrior and queen who led her tribe to victory against the Romans. This Maeve is sometimes associated with the goddess of sovereignty who many believe was queen of Connacht and Leinster in Ireland during the second century A.D.
The name Maeve has been used as a girl’s given name in America since at least 1880.
How Do You Pronounce Maeve?
The first syllable of Maeve is pronounced “may”, and the second syllable is pronounced “vee”. According to Nameberry, one way to pronounce this name is muh-VEHV.
What Kind of Girl Would Maeve Be?
Maeve would be a girl who is determined and independent. She may have a feisty personality and often speaks her mind to get what she wants. She may also be very confident in herself and her abilities, showing a strong sense of self esteem.
What Kind of Boy Would Maeve Be?
“Maeve” is a name that has been used for both boys and girls over the years. However, the spelling of Maeve (pronounced “may-vay”) suggests that it should be given to boys when used as a first name but dated for girls if used as a last name.
Variations of Maeve
The name “Maeve” is a popular one that has been used for girls and boys throughout the years.
The most common spelling of this name uses the letter “M” as its first letter instead of “A”. It’s possible to find other spellings, too: Maeve, Mavee, Meave, Veeve.
Popularity of Maeve
The name “Maeve” was ranked as the 576th most popular girl’s name in 1950. It peaked in popularity between 1994 and 1998, when it appeared in the Top 300 every year and reached its apex position of No. 118. In 2009 it was ranked at No. 779 in popularity.(1)
Similar Names to Maeve
Maeve is a varied spellings of the name Maeve, which was used as an English given name in the 19th century. It’s pronounced “may-v”. Other names that are similar to Maeve include: Myv (pronounced “meev”), Mave, Meave, Meeva, Meeva, Mayvee and Meeva.
Nicknames for Maeve

A nickname form of “Maeve” is “Mae”. It may be used as a diminutive or short form of Maeve. Fortunately, Maeve comes with a variety of fun nicknames:
- May Vivi
- May-Bee
- Maevey Wavy
- Meev
- Maeva
- Mayo
- Maeverick
- Maevey Moo
- Maelynn
Middles Name for Maeve
Even if you already have an emotional middle name in mind, there’s no harm in experimenting with middle names that complement your first name. Here are some suggestions for middle names for Maeve newborns:
- Maeve Alexandra
- Maeve Jade
- Maeve Elizabeth
- Maeve Rosalie
- Maeve Fiona
- Maeve Rose
- Maeve Florence
- Maeve Syvonne
- Maeve Freya
- Maeve Taisie
Sibling Names for Maeve

Siblings are a great reference for coming up with names for your baby girl. In fact, it’s almost impossible to have a unique name in a family where you have birthed children with the same first and last name
- Dave
- Dillon
- Joy
- Kayleigh
- Keenan
- Marie
- Maxwell
- Miles
- Riley
- Sage
- Sheyla
- Violet
Famous People Named Maeve
Maeve is most likely a name that was given to someone special in your life. Julia Roberts played the character “Maeve Hammersmith” in the movie When Harry Met Sally . She also played a similar role in the movie Runaway Bride. Maeve is also one of Robert Rodriguez’s (director of From Dusk Till Dawn and Sin City) favorite names for fictional characters.
On The Haves And Have Nots, Maeve was the mother of Octavia, who was made famous by her saying in Power Rangers Time Force – The Movie “A name just means a lot, Maeve.”
Is Maeve a Boy or Girl Name?
The name Maeve is indeed a girl’s name as well. The question of whether to call your baby Maeve or Maevey, though, will be up to you.
If you have chosen this name for your baby girl, then it’s likely that she will get the same kind of comments from strangers as her older sister, including “That’s a pretty name” and “Where are your manners?” However, the truth is that even though it may be a pretty name, it’s not one that stands out for the parents who have given their baby this particular name. It should be remembered that there are many uncommon names that are given to babies these days.
Is Maeve a Lucky Name?
One of the best ways to determine whether or not a name is lucky is to look at the meanings of different names. This will tell you if there are any auspicious meanings behind your baby girl’s given name. Find out about the meaning of Maeve and if it conveys anything that may be lucky for your child.
Some common meanings attached to names such as “Maeve” are “fate”, “blessing”, “prophecy”, and “deity”. Other people have actually predicted that Maeve will face challenges with her family, just like she did in her lifetime.
In Conclusion
Maeve was one of the few ancient Celtic gods that have survived in our language. This is a name that has been used by various cultures, but it is a name that has been given to fewer baby girls these days.
We can see Maeve in movies and books when we look at characters from this goddess’ story, such as “Maeve Hammersmith” from When Harry Met Sally . We also can see Maeve as a main character in The Haves And Have Nots on the OWN network.
When you give your baby girl this name, you’re choosing something different for her. You are giving her something original, with personality and power behind it.
Maeve FAQs
Is Maeve a rare name?
Maeve is an uncommon name that was given to only a few baby girls in the last century.
How do you spell Maeve?
The most common spelling of the name “Maeve” uses “MAEVE” as the first three letters of this name. While it is not an uncommon spelling for girls, it is often used for boys who are given “Maeve” as their last name.
Is Maeve spelled with an AE or AY?
Both spellings are correct and acceptable for “Maeve”. With a name like this one, you can choose whether or not you want to add extra letters to the end in order to make it look more feminine if you like.