As your child is ready to enter kindergarten, the best way to prepare them for their first year of school is to make sure they have a general knowledge of what happens in their kindergarten classroom. Though every school is different, most kindergarten teachers use a combination of games and science activities to teach their students. Some kindergarten classes focus on arts and crafts, while others use hands-on learning to develop early math and literacy skills. The following are 26 exciting kindergarten science activities that you can do with your child at home or in the classroom.

1. Use Apples To Learn What Science Is All About
As a simple kind of science, you can undertake a variety of easy experiments using apples. If you have ever bitten into an apple only to find it isn’t ripe, you’ve conducted a superficial investigation in science. Apples begin to ripen once they are picked from the tree and continue to ripen if stored at room temperature. However, apples picked too early and stored in cold temperatures will never ripen.
2. Paint With Salt
Salt is in many recipes, but it has other uses as well. Salt is also a mineral and can be used to make different science crafts with your child. One such activity involves painting with salt. Mix salt into several colors of paint and let your child paint on a paper plate. Once the paint dries, you can use water to dissolve it and create a cool science project.
3. Play With “Magic” Milk
Milk is a popular beverage for children. In the classroom, milk is for drinking and making milk drinks. Milk can also science experiments as a model for chemistry. When you pour milk into a glass or onto a plate, it will slowly rise to the top of the glass. This science experiment can to aged children who may not be able to balance a small mirror on their own yet.
4. Race Balloon Rockets
Young children interested in space and rocket science can experiment by racing these balloons, especially if they have a goal to reach the sky. Balloon rockets by the air pressing against their surface area as they travel upward. As they rise, their weight makes them fall to the ground.
5. Make It Rain With Shaving Cream
Making it rain with shaving cream is another simple science experiment you can do at home with your child. You need to pour a large amount of shaving cream into a glass and let it sit overnight. The next day, you will see the result of your experiment, but it may take a couple of days for the entire sphere to completely dry.
6. Discover How Plants Breathe
Plants need to live to survive. Take the time to investigate how leaves move in response to a gentle breeze of air. You can do this by cutting several leaves from your plant and observing their movement. Once you have mastered the art of leaf movement, it’s time to explore different types of plants and how they breathe. You may wish to inquire if your child is familiar with each plant that requires water or oxygen. The next step is to find out what conditions these plants can breathe.
7. Learn How Germs Spread
Learning how germs spread is a great science experiment for the classroom. Germs by people touching contaminated surfaces, such as a doorknob contaminated with germs. If you want to teach your child about germs and how they can spread, you should start with hand washing and discuss how each person practices proper hygiene after using the bathroom.
8. Make A Sun Dial
Another fun activity to do with your child is to make a Sun Dial. This simple science experiment is perfect for younger children as it requires minimal supplies and can be at home. If you want to complete this activity in your classroom, you can use materials already in your hands, such as an egg carton and a paper plate.
9. Play With Fizzing Ice Cubes
Play with fizzing ice cubes is an excellent activity as a family. It is in the backyard or even at school in the classroom. Making fizzy ice cubes is simple and involves pouring vinegar into some water and freezing it.
10. Find Out What Sinks And What Floats
Water is one of the earth’s most mysterious substances. You can play a simple activity with your child by finding out what sinks and what floats. It is a great science experiment at home or in the classroom, but you may want to make sure that you have enough supplies on hand before starting the project. If you’re going to complete this experiment in class, use items from your classroom supplies, such as paper clips and marbles.
11. Explore Buoyancy With Oranges
Explore buoyancy with oranges is a fun way to teach your child that objects sink or float based on the amount of space. Show your child that it flows when you place an orange into the water. Then, take a large cup and a small grapefruit and show your child what happens to both fruits when you put them in the water. You can also experiment with other fruits and vegetables like potatoes, apples, pears, or carrots.
12. Mix Up Some Oobleck
Mixing up some Oobleck is a great way to introduce your child to the idea of water and how different substances behave in it, as long as the flour or cornstarch is fine enough to combine with water. Oobleck is more complicated than regular water because it does not separate easily, so mixing it is not easy. However, adding a little flour or cornstarch makes the mixture more workable and easier.
13. Play With Magnets
Play with magnets is a fun way to introduce your child to magnetism. This activity is suitable for kindergartners that are not yet ready to deal with electricity. Playing with magnets is a great way to have fun and learn about magnetism simultaneously!
14. Waterproof A Boot
Waterproof a boot is an excellent science activity for rainy days. You can use this experiment with other objects that can be worn or used during the rain. This experiment is easy to do, but it does require adult supervision. You will need to cover your shoes in a film of paraffin wax and waterproof glue, which can be messy. However, once you have done the prep work, you will have a nice waterproof shoe that you can use in the rain.
15. Watch Colored Water Walk
Watching colored water walk up a stick is an exciting experiment for kids. You can do this science activity at home or in the classroom. You will need to do the prep work before your child can use the wand, so it is a good idea to have another adult help you with this experiment. You will need water and food coloring, oil, glue, and a stick. Mix up some of your food colorings with just enough oil to make a paste, and then cover the end of your stake in glue.
16. Create A Tornado In A Jar
Creating a tornado in a jar is a fun science activity that lets you experiment with creating and studying tornadoes. Your child will be able to make their tornado in a pot and experiment with how increasing and decreasing the size of the hole on top affects how your tornado rotates. A great science activity for kids!
17. Create Sensory Bottles
Creating sensory bottles is a great way to introduce your child to science. It is also a science activity for kindergarteners who may be too young for kindergarten science labs. You may want to make your bottles, or you can purchase them from the store. However, once you have the materials, making sensory bottles is super easy and fun!.
18. Magic Tea Bag Rocket
Magic Tea Bag Rocket is a fun science experiment that allows your child to create and explore the world around them. If your child is familiar with building and making rockets, this is a great science activity for them to do. Your child will be able to look down on the world and see how far up it is to their height. You can also try different tea bags for other effects, such as peppermint tea bags for a thicker smoke and red hot tea bags for an enormous fireball.
19. See Popcorn Kernels Dance
See, popcorn kernels dance is a fun science activity that allows your child to create, experiment with, and observe what happens to popcorn kernels when they pop. This is an excellent science activity and one that older children can do. You can also use this activity as ice cream pops or see if your child can invent other uses for popcorn kernels.
20. Design A Straw Boat
Design a Straw Boat is an excellent and fun way to introduce your child to engineering. Your child will explore their creativity and design a straw boat that floats. They can make it from paper, cardboard, or wood. It is a great science activity for kindergarteners who are not yet ready to deal with electric circuits and gravity. You can also use this science activity to practice “motor planning.”
21. Rainbow Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment
Rainbow Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment is one of the most exciting kindergarten science activities you can do with your child. It produces a beautiful rainbow result and is great for learning about chemical reactions.
22. Grow Crystal Letters
Grow crystal letters is an exciting kindergarten science activity. Your child will learn about crystals and the alphabet during this experiment. Your child will also observe how crystal formation works when making the crystals.
23. Bend Light With Water
Bend light with water is one of your child’s best kindergarten science activities. It is an exciting experiment that involves moisture and sunlight. Your child will see how water bends the light around it and observe the morning’s reflection. This science experiment teaches children a lot about the properties of light, fluid motion, and water.
24. Craft Chromatography Butterflies
Craft Chromatography Butterflies is an interesting kindergarten science experiment that uses color inks and a printer to create butterfly art. Your youngster will learn to separate distinct colors from a pool of colorful ink. They will also learn about the characteristics of the butterfly, such as their body shape, their antennae, and other facts about butterflies.
25. Blow Up Your Fingerprints
Blowing up your fingerprints is one of the most exciting kindergarten science activities that you can do with your child. It is an experiment that uses water and a balloon to see how fingerprints. Your child will learn a lot about fingerprints and how they carry out this experiment. This science activity also gives your child an idea of the importance of fingerprints, which they will need in their future careers.
26. Build A Three Little Pigs STEM House
Building a three little pigs STEM house is an attractive, valuable, and exciting kindergarten science activity that you can do with your child. Your child will be able to construct a house model, which is a terrific way for them to practice their construction abilities. They can also learn about the construction of houses.