If John’s name isn’t right for your little one, you might want to consider some other names with similar meanings. Some popular choices include James, which means “supplanter,” and Kevin, “handsome.” However, if your favorite meaning for John is different from those mentioned above, it may work just as well for you.
John appears in the Old Testament in Hebrew. The Greek New Testament borrowed Yohanan’s Hebrew name as Ioannes, later Johannes in Late Latin, and John in English.

We generally use the meaning of the name to give it meaning. Normally, each name has its unique meaning. You will find a lot of different meanings for this common name.
1. Giann
Meaning: Lord, a name for Christ means “God the anointed.”
2. Giovanni
Meaning: Lord; from Latin ‘Giovanni‘ meaning “God’s gracious gift.” Related to ‘Giovanna’. Gio means “joy” in Italian. Gio also means “James”. Giovanni has become a popular choice for Italian-American men. It is also known as the feminine equivalent of John, which can make it more unique for girls as well.
3. Hans
Meaning: Short for names like: Hans, Jans, and Jan.
4. Janko
Meaning: Short for the name Janke or Jenny. Janko is most common in Hungary and Bosnia – Herzegovina. In other languages it can just be used as a diminutive and mean “John” or “Johann” (from German). The name is derived from the germanic element “hans” which means “man”.
5. Johann
Meaning: Short for names like: Johan, Jhon and John.
6. John
Meaning: From the Hebrew name Yohanan meaning “God’s gracious gift.” It was used many times in the Bible as a name for Christ. The surname is also derived from this biblical English translation of the Hebrew name Yohanan as John.
7. Ivan
Meaning: From the Greek form of John, ‘Ioannes’ and the Hebrew word for God, ‘Yahweh’. The name is also used in many countries with Russian or Slavic roots like Belarus and Bulgaria.
8. Jan

Meaning: Short for Janke or Jenny. Can also mean “God is gracious.” It is a popular choice for parents who want something shorter than the more traditional John.
9. Janek
Meaning: Short for the name Janke or Jenny.
10. Jannes
Meaning: John’s brother in Greek mythology. Can also be used as a diminutive form of Jan, John and Johan (from German). It is commonly used in German speaking countries like Germany, Austria, Switzerland and others. Like “Jan”, it can be a short form of the name “Annes” and means “God’s gracious gift.” It comes from the same ancient etymological root as John.
11. Jean
Meaning: French form of John – It is a popular name in France.
12. Jensen
Meaning: Danish form of John, with the same meaning as the English name. Jens means “God’s gracious gift” in Danish. A common enough surname to have been used on at least one major character on Grey’s Anatomy.
13. João
Meaning: Form of the name John. Name in several countries of South America like Brazil. It can also be used as a diminutive.
14. Johan
Meaning: Dutch form of the name John, with the same meaning as the English name. Sometimes spelled as Johanne or Johannessen, and often used as a short form of names beginning with ‘Annes’.
15. Johannes
Meaning: Form of the name John in German. Sometimes spelled as “Johannes” or “Johannassen”, and often used as a short form of names beginning with ‘Annes’.
16. Johnathan
Meaning: From the Hebrew Yohanan, meaning “God’s gracious gift.” It was used many times in the Bible as a name for Christ. Jonathan is a common given name nowadays that has its roots in this famous biblical character.
17. Jon
John or Johan abbreviated. Means “God is kind.” It’s a common name with biblical roots. John’s Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish diminutive (Jon). Jon is derived from the ancient Scandinavian name “Johan”, which means “God’s gracious gift” in Germanic.
18. Andrew
Meaning: Short form of the name Andrew, which means “manly.” In some English-speaking countries, it is also used as a form of the name John.
19. Angelo

Meaning: Italian form of ‘Johannes’. Another choice for Italian-American boys. It is also a diminutive in Italian, meaning “John” or “Johann”. Angelo originally means “God’s gift.” It is also commonly used in Belgium and Italy.
20. Anton
Meaning: Old German verb meaning “help,” or “receive.” Nowadays found as a completely modern name, but the original meaning is still thought to be used within family names. It is a common choice for boys.
21. Antonio
Meaning: Italian form of John, with the same meaning as the English name. Sometimes spelled as “Antonio” or “Antonelli”. It is also a diminutive in Italian, meaning “John” or “Johann”. Antonio originally means “God’s gift.” It is also commonly used in Argentina and Portugal.
22. Arne
Meaning: Name of a river in Norway. Short form of names beginning with Arn-. It means “eagle” in Old Norse. Cornish for eagle and raven, believed that eagles carried off dead warriors to Valhalla where they would be reborn. A common choice for Scandinavian baby boys.
23. Asbjørn
Meaning: Old Norse name meaning “god’s bear.” A common choice for Scandinavian baby boys.
24. Aslak
Meaning: Old Norse name meaning “god’s peace.” A common choice for Scandinavian baby boys. It was used as a male name in Norway, Denmark and Sweden during the Viking Age. It is also commonly used in Finland, Iceland and Germany.
25. Luke
Meaning: Short for the name Luke, meaning “light.” Named after the biblical character.
26. Lorentz
Meaning: From the Old Norse name for a river in Norway called Leirbrunn. Lorens means “light” in Old Norse. A common choice to Norwegian baby boys and one of the most popular names in Denmark, Finland and Sweden during the Viking Age. It is also commonly used in Germany and Iceland and its Scandinavian connections.
27. Magnus
Meaning: From the Old Norse name meaning “great.” A common choice for Scandinavian baby boys.
28. Mikael
Meaning: Old Norse name meaning “battle-spirit.” A common choice for Scandinavian baby boys. It is also commonly used in Finland, Iceland and Germany.
29. Ole
Meaning: Norwegian short form of the name ‘Olav’. It means “prince” in Old Norse pronounced as ‘Oh-Leh’. Ole is also a common choice for Danish and Swedish baby boys.
30. Ola
Meaning: Norwegian short form of the name ‘Olav’. It means “prince” in Old Norse pronounced as ‘Oh-Leh’. It is also commonly used in Denmark and Sweden.
31. Olaf
Meaning: Old Norse name that means “ancestor’s descendant.” A popular choice for Scandinavian baby boys, with strong Viking roots.
32. Olof
Meaning: Old Norse name that means “ancestor’s descendant.” A popular choice for Scandinavian baby boys, with strong Viking roots.
33. Oscar

Meaning: Swedish form of the name ‘Olav’. It means “prince” in Old Norse pronounced as ‘Oh-Leh’. Karl is also a common choice for Danish and Swedish baby boys.
34. Per Erik
Meaning: Shortened form of the Swedish name Forsten, which means “forest’s fire”, derived from the Old Norse name for the ancient forest of Norrland. It is still used in Sweden and Norway as a male name.
35. Peter
Meaning: Old English for “rock.” A popular choice for Scandinavian baby boys. It was used as a male name in Norway, Denmark and Sweden during the Viking Age. It is also commonly used in the Netherlands, with strong roots in the bible.
36. Pål
Meaning: Norwegian name meaning “escaping slave.” A common choice for Scandinavian baby boys. It is also commonly used in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. In Old Norse it means “pale”, and Pål is one of the most popular names in Sweden.
37. Ragnvald
Meaning: Old Norse name derived from raki meaning “to counsel”. It is also commonly used in Denmark and Sweden.
38. Rene
Meaning: French form of the name Reynard. In Old Norse it means “precious”. It is also used as a shortened form for many boy names in Norway like Ragnvald, Bjorn and Steinar, as well as in Denmark and Sweden. But most often it is used as a male name, meaning “chief”, “renowned” or “renowned warrior.” It is also commonly used in Norway, Sweden and Finland.
39. Rune
Meaning: Old Old Norse name meaning “king.” A popular choice for Scandinavian baby boys. It is also commonly used in Norway, Denmark and Sweden.
40. Torgny
Meaning: Short form of the Swedish name Torsten, which means “Thor’s-hammer”. It’s popular choice for Swedish baby boys, with roots in the old Germanic mythology.
41. Thorvald
Meaning: Old Norse name meaning “Thor’s guardian. It is also used in Scandinavia and Norway as a male name. It is also commonly used in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Iceland.
42. Tore
Meaning: Scandinavian form of the name Torolf, which means “Thor’s wolf”. Thorolf means “Thor’s wolf” in Old Norse. It is also commonly used in Denmark, Sweden and Finland.
43. Matthew
Meaning: Latin name meaning “gift of god.” Matthew was one of the 12 apostles in the New Testament. It has been popular in Norway since the Middle Ages. It is also commonly used in Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Switzerland.
44. Mohammed
Meaning: Meaning “praised” or “worthy of praise” in Arabic. Strongly linked to Islamic culture, but also used as a name for Westerners who convert to Islam (or Muslim converts). A common choice for boys living in Norway.
45. Michael
Meaning: Greek form of the Hebrew name Mikhail. Mistakenly thought to be the same name as “Michael” (from the Hebrew word mikhail, meaning “Who is like God?”), but it is a different name altogether. It has been popular in Scandinavia since the Middle Ages.
46. Phillip
Meaning: Latin form of the Greek name Philippos, meaning “follower of Philip” or “lover of horses.” Strongly linked to Greece. Popular in Norway and Finland. It is also commonly used in Denmark, Sweden and Germany.
47. Stephan
Meaning: Greek form of the Hebrew name Shimon, meaning “to be witnessed.” Strongly linked to Greek culture. Popular in Scandinavia and Germany. It is also commonly used in Denmark and Sweden.
48. Adrian
Meaning: From the Latin name Hadrianus meaning “from Hadria.” Found more often in Denmark than in Norway. It is also commonly used in Belgium (also spelled Adrien), France, Germany and Sweden.
49. Alberto
Meaning: Italian and Spanish form of the Germanic Alberich, meaning “elf ruler.” Found more often in Norway than any other Scandinavian country. It is also commonly used in Italy, Spain, Belgium and Germany.
50. Thomas
Meaning: Latin form of the Greek name Didymus, meaning “twin.” Found more often in Norway than any other Scandinavian country. It is also commonly used in England, Germany and Sweden.
51. August
Meaning: From Latin Augustus, which was derived from the word augere meaning “to increase.” Found more often in Norway than any other Scandinavian country. It is also commonly used in Germany, France and Sweden.
52. Helge
Meaning: Norwegian form of the name Henry used as early as the 15th century. It is also commonly used in Sweden and Finland.
53. Igor

Meaning: Serbian or Croatian form of the Old Slavic name Jovan, meaning “youth.” It is also a popular choice for Scandinavian baby boys with strong Slavic roots in Eastern Europe.
54. Liv
Meaning: Norwegian and Swedish form of the name Alva, which is a short form of names beginning with the Germanic element alf, meaning “elf” or “creature of enchantment.” It was popular in Norway in the 1930s and 1940s and has again become very common in Norway. It is also commonly used in Finland but rarely in Denmark.
55. Mia
Meaning: Italian form of the English Amelia, meaning “work. It is also commonly used in Sweden and Finland.
56. Emil
Meaning: Swedish, Norwegian and Danish form of the German Amil, meaning “work.” It is also commonly used in Germany and Romania.
57. Hugo
Meaning: Latin form of the Germanic name Chugo, which meant “heart” or “mind.” It is also commonly used in Denmark and Germany.
58. Robert
Meaning: Swedish and Norwegian form of the Germanic name Rolf, meaning “strong ruler.” It is also commonly used in Norway and Sweden.
59. Niklas
Meaning: Norwegian form of the Old Norse name Nial, meaning “victorious.” It is also commonly used in Norway.
60. James
Meaning: English form of the Latin name Iacomus, meaning “supplanter.” Found more often in Norway than any other Scandinavian country. It is also commonly used in England, Scotland and Wales.
61. Mikkel
Meaning: Danish and Norwegian form of the Greek name Nicholas, meaning “victor of the people.” It is also commonly used in Sweden.
62. Jeremy
Meaning: English form of a French surname borne by a Crusader who was known as “the Seer.” It is also commonly used in Norway.
63. Håkon
Meaning: Norwegian form of the Old Norse personal name Hákon, meaning “high son.” It is also commonly used in Denmark and Sweden.
64. Filip
Meaning: Swedish and Norwegian form of the Latin Philemon, meaning “friend of horses. It is also commonly used in Denmark and Finland.
65. Henriette
Meaning: Norwegian form of the French Henriette, meaning “ruler of the home.” It is also commonly used in Sweden and Denmark.
66. Aron
Meaning: Norwegian form of Greek unisex Arōn, meaning “exalted one.” It is also commonly used in Sweden (and as a short form of Aaron), Finland and Netherlands.
67. Jonas
Meaning: Norwegian form of the Greek unisex Iōánnēs, meaning “God is gracious.” It is also commonly used in Sweden and Denmark.
68. Amalie
Meaning: Norwegian, Danish and Swedish form of the German name Amalia, meaning “work.” It is also commonly used in Finland (as a short form of Amanda).
69. Cato
Meaning: Latin name derived from the word catus, meaning “clever.
70. Linn
Meaning: Norwegian and Swedish form of Lydia, which was the name of a Greek city that mythological figures associated with excellence. It is also commonly used in Finland.
71. Sven
Meaning: Old Norse name derived from the word sær, meaning “wise.” Today it is most often used in Sweden and Finland where it means “wise.” It is also used sparingly in Norway, Denmark and Germany.
72. Charles
Meaning: Old French form of the Latin name Charillus, meaning “strong leader.” It is also commonly used in Norway.
73. Bjørn
Meaning: Norwegian, Danish and Swedish form of the Germanic name Bernhard, meaning “bear.” It is also commonly used in Norway, Sweden and Finland.
74. Helge
Meaning: Old Norse name derived from the word Helga, meaning “elf.
75. Nora
Meaning: Norwegian form of the Latin name Amalia, meaning “work.” It is also commonly used in Sweden.
76. Emma
Meaning: The English name Emma is a feminine form of the Germanic Emo or Emil, meaning “work.” It is also commonly used in Norway and Sweden.
77. Daniel

Meaning: Old German name meaning “beloved.” It is also commonly used in Norway.
78. Kjetil
Meaning: Norwegian, Danish and Swedish form of the Old Norse personal name Ketil, meaning “battle champion.” It is also commonly used in Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
79. Simon
Meaning: In various Romance languages—French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese—the name Simon means “he who hears” or “he who listens. It is commonly used in Norway, Finland and Denmark.
80. Sofie
Meaning: Norwegian, Danish and Swedish feminine form of the Greek masculine name Sophocles, possibly meaning “wisdom.” It is also commonly used in Finland and Germany.
81. Benjamin
Meaning: A compound of Hebrew Ben (“son”) and Aminadav (“Amminadab”/”people’s gift”), a name borne by several characters in the Old Testament, including the brother of Jacob.
82. Frank
Meaning: Compound of French “franc” meaning “free, freeborn” and German “frei” meaning “free.” It was an early favorite name for baby boys in the United States and France.
83. Rose
Meaning: English name taken from the flower name. It is also commonly used in Norway and Sweden.
84. Samuel
Meaning: Hebrew name meaning “name of God” or “God has heard.” It is a biblical name borne by the first king of Israel, and later his son, who was also a prophet. It is also commonly used in Norway, Finland and Sweden.
85. Sophie
Meaning: Norwegian, Danish and Swedish feminine form of the Greek masculine name Sophocles, possibly meaning “wisdom.” It is also commonly used in Denmark and Germany.
86. Axel
Meaning: Old Norse name meaning “wealth.” It is also commonly used in Sweden and Finland.
87. Violet
Meaning: English name derived from the flower name, which was itself taken from Latin viola, meaning “violet.” It is also commonly used in Norway and Sweden.
88. Elsa
Meaning: Norwegian and Swedish form of the German name Elisabeth, meaning “God is my oath.
89. Leon
Meaning: Latin name derived from the word leo meaning “lion”. It is also commonly used in Norway.
90. Edvard
Meaning: Norwegian, Danish and Swedish form of the Old Norse personal name Eydórr, meaning “prosperity-warrior.” It is also commonly used in Finland and Iceland.
91. Adam
Meaning: In the Bible, Adam is the name given to the first man created by God.
92. Leslie

Meaning: Scottish surname derived from liferik, meaning “grey-haired.” It is also commonly used in Norway.
93. Nicolai
Meaning: Norwegian form of the Latin Nicolaus, meaning “victor of the people.” It is also commonly used in Denmark and Sweden.
94. Tove
Meaning: Norwegian and Swedish short form of names that begin with “Tova,” from Old Norse “Þófríðr,” which is composed of the elements Þórr – “thunder” – and fríðr – “beautiful, fair.” It is also commonly used in Finland.
95. John Quincy Adams
Meaning: English; Unisex form of John, meaning “God is gracious” and Quincy, an old English word for “fifth son” or “fifth daughter.” It is also commonly used in Norway.
96. Therese
Meaning: Latin name literally meaning ‘a harvest’. It is also commonly used in Norway.
97. John Denver
Meaning: English; Unisex form of John, meaning “God is gracious” and Denver. It is also commonly used in Norway.
98. Edvard Munch
Meaning: Norwegian, Danish and Swedish form of the Old Norse personal name Eydórr, meaning “prosperity-warrior.” It is also commonly used in Sweden.
99. John Goodman
Meaning: English; Unisex form of John, meaning “God is gracious” and Goodman. It is also commonly used in Norway.
100. Frederick

Meaning: Old German name derived from the word frid, meaning “peace.” It is also commonly used in Norway and Sweden.