Kahoot is an excellent platform for teachers to incorporate interactive participation in the classroom. Kahoot enables students to answer questions at their own pace while playing games and competing with other students.
There are many ways a teacher can use Kahoot in their class. The most popular way that teachers utilize Kahoot is by creating a quiz or game and uploading it to the website or mobile app, allowing the student to answer any questions on a topic and receiving feedback as they do so. This can be useful because teachers can ask questions and have them answered by all of their students’ lives while monitoring and hearing each response. Students are also more likely to participate because the feedback does not come in a written inquiry but rather as a result of what they say. These Kahoot questions and games can be used in different ways depending on how specific they are. For example, teachers could ask questions on an open topic with multiple-choice options, or they could ask individual students to put their spin on a topic.

Kahoot is also helpful in building student skills that they will use throughout their college career. For example, verbal reasoning is an essential skill because it helps students recognize and connect what they read to real-life situations and events (Baker & Timperley 2012). Kahoot games are often developed to help with this skill simply because they require the students to provide an answer quickly and accurately without hesitation. This is important when tested because it allows them to use their knowledge of cause and effect and see the connection between how they think a situation would look and how it looks (Baker & Timperley 2012).
What is Kahoot?
Kahoot is a free website that helps students learn collaboratively by quizzing themselves and other people worldwide. The brainchild of California-based software startup Kahoot Inc., the popular online game, allows users to play for only 10 minutes per session. Many students are using this website to build critical thinking skills on an everyday basis.”
Kahoot is an educational tool created by Kahoot Incorporated. The company provides teachers with a platform to create, manage, and deliver interactive classroom activities. This platform is used by virtually every subject area in schools, such as math, science, history, and language arts. Kahoot was created by Hans Peter Brondmoen, Morten Versvik, and Camilla T. Aas in 2013.
Kahoot creates a game-like atmosphere for students to learn. Each ‘quest’ of Kahoot is designed so that the students are required to answer questions correctly to proceed through the level. The students have no choice but to answer questions correctly because each section of Kahoot has three lives before the student fails.
How to use kahoot in your classroom
Kahoot is a game that can be used in the classroom to help students learn. It was first released in November 2011 and has continued to grow more popular with teachers worldwide.
This blog post will go over some of the basic information needed to use Kahoot, ideas for using it in your classroom, steps on creating a quiz or game, and how you can get started building your games.
Step 1: Create a free account
If you already have an account, skip this step and go on to step two. If not, click “create my free account” on the top right corner of the screen. It is a straightforward process with just a few questions. It should only take a few minutes to complete this step.
Step 2: Add Students to Your Kahoot Group
Invite students to join your Kahoot group at the following stage. Click the “Add Student” button in the top right corner of the screen. This will make a list of all of your pupils in alphabetical order. And clicking on the name of the one you wish to add will take you to their Kahoot page (if they have one).On their page, click “Add Student” once more.
Step 3: Give Yourself a Title
Before beginning to create your game, the next step is to give yourself a title. Select “Games” from the left navigation. You’ll see a screen where you may create, share, and play video games. Once there, click “Create Game” in the top right corner of the screen. This will transport you to a screen where you can name your game and decide whether or not it should be made public. Select “create” and then “home” in the top toolbar to return to the main page once you’ve settled on a name for your quiz or play.
Step 4: Make Your Quiz
Now it is time to make your quiz! The first thing you will want to do is click the “Create Quiz” button in the top right corner of the screen. This will transport you to a page where you may create a list of questions and narrow or broaden the scope of your game. If you choose one of the latter alternatives, select “general” from the drop-down menu and scroll through the selections. Once you’ve chosen one you like, go back to the main page by clicking “create” and then “home” in the top toolbar (or refreshing if that doesn’t work).
Step 5: Game Settings
The next step is to set up Game Settings. This is one of the essential steps of creating a game, so carefully read the setup process. Every setting has to be perfect for your students to enjoy and pass your test/game, so they can also tell their friends how they did!
Step 6: Play Your Quiz
It’s finally time to take your quiz! You’ll be led to a screen that allows you to go behind the scenes or in front of it all if you click play in the upper right corner of the screen (or click here to return home). When prompted, select “Add Players” and then “Choose Players” to continue. This will lead you to a page where you can add students and adjust their settings (if you’ve given them access to the game through Kahoot). Click “play” in the top right corner of the screen after you’ve added, deleted, or altered each student’s settings. Your pupils will be taken to a website to see if they passed or failed your quiz/game based on their score. After that, users can click “send scores” in the top right corner of the screen to email their scores and even share them with others.
Few Ideas that Teachers Can Use Kahoot in Class
Kahoot has recently found its way into classrooms across the country, making it easy for teachers to use this site with groups of 25-100 students right in the room. Students love it because it makes them feel like they are playing games on their phones, but they are learning new material. Here are some ideas for how teachers might use Kahoot in the classroom:

1. Introduction to a Unit (or event)
After you’ve taught the lesson, Kahoot is an easy way to check if students learned the information. There are multiple ways to play Kahoot games, so teachers can set up the game in several different ways depending on their goals for the unit/class.
2. Quick Assessment
Kahoot is a great way to give students a quick assessment in multiple-choice, true/false, or short answer format. You can have the game last for just a few minutes, or you can have it run longer. Just make sure that you stop the game before students focus on their highest score and not on the content!
3. Warm-up
Kahoot games can be used to warm up before beginning class or after the lunch break. Students seem less distracted when playing games versus busy work where they can’t see their classmates, making Kahoot an excellent way to get them back into the classroom mindset and ready to learn!
4. Review
Kahoot games are also a fun way to review a unit. You can have students play any of your games or set up Kahoot specific to the team, like quizzes on behaviors or relationships. Students enjoy this learning method because they get to play games as they learn!

What Features does Kahoot Have to Offer?
Kahoot is an online platform for getting students to play and compete with each other. It does this by using technology in the classroom and using a computer and an internet connection to host the game, allowing easy integration into the school. As well as creating games through Kahoot, you can also create educational contests and quizzes that are interactive and engaging. The platform offers many tools for teachers who want to develop challenge-based competitions between students and groups of students. Kahoot is one of the most popular tech platforms, with over 100 million active members worldwide and over 60 million monthly users of its English-language apps.
Create Online Groupwork with Kahoot Quizzes
Using Kahoot, set up your interactive class groups and have each student select which group they would like to be part of (or if you prefer to keep things simple, ask them all to be in the same group). Give each student an avatar using a fun pic from a Google image search, and divide the class into groups. They can then compete against each other with Kahoot quizzes, which are used to test the students on whatever it is you’re teaching in class.
Create Trivia Games for Your Class
You can create your Kahoot quizzes and competitions with various topics and questions or use a range of pre-existing Kahoots from multiple categories, including geography, history, literature, surface area, and volume or science. The results of any quizzes will be instantly visible to everyone in the game and yourself as the teacher. This is a fun method to get pupils interested in what they’re learning. As the teacher, you can monitor student scores and scores per team by watching the leaderboard.
Create a Kahoot Game
Suppose you feel that your students are a little stuck on an assignment or concept. Set up Kahoot to be all about the answers. It could also encourage reluctant students to participate in class discussions by having them answer while they are in groups instead of participating verbally. This is a terrific approach to get reticent students who aren’t usually comfortable speaking up in class to do so, as well as to obtain aid from other students when needed.
Question Bank
This feature allows you to search through millions of Kahoots generated by other teachers! Enter a subject or topic into the question bank to see what comes up. You can use the entire Kahoot game that you found through the search engine, or you can pick and choose the questions that work best for you and add them to your Kahoot to display questions that are excellently curated for the learning outcome you desire.
What Kinds of Games Can You Play on Kahoot?
An engaging and fun way to teach, learn and reinforce content. Kahoot is a free tool that helps teams play games as they work together to complete learning goals. They can be used across all subject areas for various purposes ranging from group projects or quizzes to speed drills for quickly reviewing course material.
Student-paced Game
This feature makes digital game-based learning something students can accomplish on their own time, an engaging and accessible way to produce motivated pupils. These student-paced tasks are available for free in the app and on PCs, allowing students to take tests at their leisure.
If students finish an assignment early in their traditional classrooms, you can offer these student-paced activities as homework, review before a quiz/test, or additional study.
To use the student-paced Kahoot, go to the website and select “Play,” then select the “Challenge” option and customize the time limitations and lecture content. You can adjust the settings such that there is no time limit on answering if you want your pupils to focus on class content rather than speed.
You can send an email link to your student-paced Kahoot or create a game PIN to write on your whiteboard. By using the Reports function in the app, you can track class participation, check each answer after submission for each student, assess knowledge retention, and stimulate class discussion about the information covered. You can utilize the outcomes of your class’s student-paced activities as a creator tool for distributing answers to other teachers or school faculty if you choose to.
Live Play
This feature is teacher-led, and it’s a great learning activity to incorporate into your lesson plans to affect classroom dynamics and encourage healthy rivalry and interaction among students. You and your pupils will need to download the free app to your smartphones in order to use this feature. After that, tap “Play,” then “Live Game,” and use the control center to share your screen. You can look for the Kahoot live play you want to show your class in the game-based learning platform. There are thousands of related topics and subjects to pick from, and Kahoots are available in a variety of languages, so the choices are unlimited!
Classic Mode
Students compete against one another in an individual player mode on their own digital devices in this mode. Each individual is engaged in active learning and is attempting to offer the correct response before their peers. Including a gamification aspect in your review courses boosts intrinsic motivation, increases class attendance, and provides quick feedback on students’ knowledge and comprehension of complicated ideas and technology-assisted learning.
Team Mode
This option allows you to divide your class into teams and participate in a student response system that is based on a game. Working and collaborating in groups boosts student engagement and encourages students to apply deeper learning strategies and gamification approaches in the classroom for more meaningful learning. When you use team mode, you can get real-time feedback on class engagement, class discussion, information retention, and student motivation for educational technology.
Where can I access Kahoot?
Kahoot began as a smartphone app, but it is now available on any smart device, including a laptop, computer, or tablet! This makes Kahoot an excellent choice for distant learning, as well as for gamifying student participation.
Who can use Kahoot?
Kahoot is available for anyone to use. You do not need to be a teacher or a student to participate. Kahoot is a game platform that lets you create “Quizzes,” which are public games that can have from 1 up to 1000 players, depending on the length of time. The quizzes have three rounds: Kahoot!, Chatbot, and Challenge mode. For the first round, people type in their answers, and for the 2nd round, they answer aloud with their device microphone on answering other people’s questions.
Is it possible to pass a kahoot quiz without answering all of them?
If a student cannot answer all of the questions, they can seek help from their classmates by pressing the “Pass” option. However, it’s important to note that if they pass the quiz and there is still time left on the clock, they will not be able to participate in future games.
When do you use Kahoot?
Kahoot is a fantastic tool for teaching. When you have a question, a complicated concept to teach, or need fun break time activity to make your students happy, Kahoot can be your go-to resource.
Is kahoot a good replacement for PowerPoint in the classroom?
Probably not.
In the vein of other competing platforms, Kahoot is an online quiz-making program that allows teachers to create fun interactive quizzes and tests for students to answer from their computers. There are no images or fancy graphics — all you see is a blank screen with a question at either the top or bottom, depending on where you place it on your screen, followed by a list of options at the center to choose from. Students then click on one of their choices and watch as they move through that question’s associated elapsed time in tiny bubbles, which they are free to speed up or slow down as much as they like.
Why should teachers use Kahoot for quizzes, lectures and exams?
Quizzes: Kahoot offers the ability to turn class reviews into quizzes and use them for exams.
Lectures: Kahoot makes it easy to create a quiz during a class quickly.
Exams: With Kahoot, students can answer test questions and review lecture material quickly and efficiently.
In addition, teachers can send different types of quizzes as homework assignments or social shares with class members.