If you are looking for names right off the bat, we have provided you with 100 Hispanic girl names complete with their meanings. We hope that these will suit your expectations and give you a starting point in finding the perfect name for your daughter! Here is a list of some neat, beautiful, or powerful Hispanic girl names:

1. Abril
The word “Abril” means “April”, so this name would make a good name for girls born during that month.
2. Ailyn
This is a variant of the name Alina which means “noble” in Latin. It is also considered to mean “masterly; honorable” and “slimy; easily dissolved” as well. The name Alina itself was derived from the Hebrew word for “tenderness, gentleness” or else it could be understood to be coming from the Aramaic word for “magnificent, illustrious one.
3. Andrea
Andrea is a form of the name Andrew, which means “manly”. This is the male version of the name Andrea and would be used for males instead.
4. Annabella
The word “Bellabella” means “Beautiful [woman]” so this is a very pretty girl’s name.
5. Aria
This name means “exalted” or maybe it could also mean “melodious song/music; melody/harmony; performance, voice; song or opera; singing or musical event” (the last two are more etymological).
6. Aurora
This is the feminine form of the masculine name Austin; it means “rising, dawning”.
7. Benita
This name is a variant of the name Benedicta which means “blessed; God has favored me with prosperity and good fortune” (could also mean “blessed; devoted to God”). This is an adorable girl’s name!
8. Bianca
The word “Bianca” means white or else it could also mean snowy, pure, or chaste (though these are more etymological).
9. Charlize
The word “Charlize” is a combination of the name Charlotte and the surname Van der Ram, both of which mean “manly” in Latin. This is a beautiful girl’s name that means “manly/mighty/magnificent/majestic woman/king/queen; prince or ruler; queen”.
10. Crista
The word “Crista” means something like “little cross, crucifix; Christian emblem; a sign from God; the jewel of Christ (symbolic of the body and blood of Christ: the Christian sacrament)”.
11. Diana
The name “Diana” means “divine or heavenly” or else it could also mean “of Zeus” or else it could also mean “goddess of the moon and the hunt”. This is a very beautiful, feminine name!
12. Edith
This is the feminine form of Edwin which means “rich friend; wealth/fortune (+D) friend; happy lover of horses; army power; army strength”.
13. Elvira
The word “Elvira” means “lover/sweetheart of God; mighty and powerful”.
14. Graciela

This name is a combination of the name Guadalupe and the surname Gutierrez which means “favored by God; God-favored blessed one”. This is a beautiful girl’s name!
15. Isabela
The word “Isabela” means “God is my oath; Jehovah is God”.
16. Jacqueline
The name “Jacqueline” means “the supplanter; to seize/take by force; a female form of Jacques which comes from the Latin form of the Hebrew name Ya`aqov which means “supplanter” (which was Jacob’s nickname). This is a very gorgeous girl’s name!
17. Janette
The word “Janette” means derived from Jane, but it could also mean “fruitful, pleasant, or peaceful”. This is a very beautiful name!
18. Jana
The word “Jana” means “the joy of God; the will of God”.
19. Jazmin
The word “Jazmin” means derived from Jasmine, but it could also mean “glorious jasmine plant” or else it could also mean “joyous, happy, or blissful; cheerful; cheerful/cheerful/joyful song/music (from the day)”. This is a gorgeous name!
20. Juana
The name “Juana” means “God is gracious and merciful; JHWH is gracious and merciful”.
21. Karla
The word “Karla” means dear, or else it could also mean “the male form of the Germanic name Karl) which means “free” (could also mean “man” or else it could also mean “pearl” in Old German). This is a gorgeous girl’s name!
22. Kristabelle
The word “Kristabelle” means derived from Christine which means “manly, strong; noble, honorable; brave warrior/Minotaur”. This is a very beautiful name!
23. Lirisa
The word “Lirisa” means “God has done kindness and grace for me; God has shown favor on me”.
24. Maribel
This is the female form of the masculine name Marcos which means “powerful great lord, powerful lord/soldier” or else it could be derived from the Spanish surname Marquez (meaning “powerful nobleman” or “noble great lord”). This is a nice name!
25. Margarita
The word “Margarita” means derived from Margaret which means “pearl; great beauty” or else it could also mean “glorious pearl/jewel/stone; precious stone; holy pearl”. This is a beautiful girl’s name!
26. Maria
The word “Maria” means derived from Mariam which means “God has been gracious to me; God has done a kindness for me”. This is a beautiful girl’s name!
27. Marta
The word “Marta” means “the bitter; bitterness” or else it could also mean “precious/great stone”. This is a very pretty girl’s name!
28. Melina
This is a name that could be used for either girls or boys, but it is the feminine version of the masculine name Melvin which means “sweet and gentleman; honeycomb; my honey-lover”. This is a very beautiful girl’s name!
29. Mirna
This name is the female form of the masculine name Michael which means “manly, powerful great lord, powerful lord/soldier” or else it could be derived from the Spanish surname Michu (meaning “supreme ruler, overseer”). This is a gorgeous girl’s name!
30. Mya
This is a variant of the name Maggie which means something like “God has been gracious to me; God has done a kindness for me”. It could also mean “small sea serpent” or else it could mean “delicate, tender” in Greek.
31. Inge
The word “Inga” means something like “follower of Christ; Christian; follower of Christ; anointed/christened one”. This is a nice girl’s name!
32. Nathaly
The word “Nathaly” means derived from Natalie which means something like “veiled by God; God has shown favor on me/meek and gentle” or else it could be derived from the Greek name Natalis which means something like “unveiled, revealed, blessed”. This is a pretty girl’s name!
33. Nelida
This is the female form of the masculine name Nelson which means “manly, powerful great lord, powerful lord/soldier” or else it could be derived from the Spanish surname Nunez (meaning “enclosed by a fence”). This is a very pretty girl’s name!
34. Paloma
The word “Paloma” means something like “raven/crow; black dove” or else it could also mean “dove” in Spanish and English. This is a pretty girl’s name!
35. Patricia
The word “Patricia” means “honoring the gods; devoted to God”. This is a beautiful girl’s name!
36. Paulina
The word “Paulina” means something like “little/young/small female Christian; follower of a Christian way of life/pagan/heathen; name related to Saint Paul”. This is a nice girl’s name!
37. Paula
The word “Paula” means “little/young/small female Christian; follower of a Christian way of life/pagan/heathen; holy; name related to Saint Paul”. This is a cute girl’s name!
38. Philina
This is a feminine form of the masculine name Philip which means “friend of horses or the people; lover of horses or people; horse lover”. This is a pretty girl’s name!
39. Rebbeca

The word “Rebbeca” means “nurtured/raised by God; God has taken care of me”. This is a very pretty girl’s name!
40. Regina
The word “Regina” means “queen; king’s wife or consort; female ruler, empress, queen” or else it could also mean “ruling queen; mighty, powerful ruler/king/queen” or else it could mean “queenly woman; majestic woman; regal one” in Latin. This is a gorgeous girl’s name!
41. Rosa
The word “Rosa” means derived from the Latin name Rosalia which means “dew of the rose, or dew of roses; a rose”. This is a pretty girl’s name!
42. Rosalinda
The word “Rosalinda” means derived from the Spanish name Rosalina which means “like the rose; dewy or akin to roses; queen of flowers or the forest”. This is a very nice girl’s name!
43. Sarina
The word “Sarina” means derived from the Spanish name Sarai which means “thick, dense, thick-set; thick, stout”. This is a nice girl’s name!
44. Silvia
The word “Silvia” means derived from the Latin name Salvia which means something like “deer grass; rush (used to make rushes or mats); vigorous or strong flower” or it could also mean something like “sharp (as a thorn bush)” or else it could also mean something like “wild garlic/chives/spearmint plant; plant used in the extraction of medicine” in Latin.
45. Stella
The word “Stella” means derived from the Latin name Stella which means something like “excellent; choice, excellent; superb” or else it could also mean “star; famous/ beloved woman” in Latin. This is a beautiful name!
46. Vanessa
The word “Vanessa” means derived from the Latin name Vanessa which means something like “bright/shining, brilliant; fight against evil powers/demon” or else it could also mean something like “a noblewoman who protects her home” in Latin. This is a beautiful girl’s name!
47. Yolanda
The word “Yolanda” means derived from the Spanish name Yolande which means something like “like a nightingale; melodious”. This is a very pretty girl’s name!
48. Ana
This is the feminine form of the masculine name Anthony which means something like “famed/esteemed; mighty warrior; a good, noble man with distinguished character” or else it could be derived from the Spanish surname Anzola which means something like “an eagle’s nest/cage (used for making paper)”. This is a very pretty girl’s name!
49. Angela
The word “Angela” means derived from the Latin name Angelus which means something like “angel/messenger of God; the messenger of the Lord/heavenly being” or else it could be derived from the Spanish surname Angulo which means something like “Angeline/angel; the form of angelus”. This is a pretty girl’s name!
50. Antonia
The word “Antonia” means derived from the Latin name Antonius which means something like “victory of a man/manly; conquering/conquering warrior”. This is a very pretty girl’s name!
51. Celeste
The word “Celeste” means derived from the Latin name Celesta which means “heavenly being; heavenly body/celestial” or else it could be derived from the word celest which can mean something like “bluish-green color; pale blue” or else it could be derived from the Italian word celeste meaning “heavenly”.
52. Elena
The word “Elena” means something like “sun; shining, bright; radiant and beautiful”. This is a very pretty girl’s name!
53. Erika
The word “Erika” means derived from the Greek name Irene which means something like “peace, serenity and tranquility” or else it could be derived from the Greek name Eirene which means something like “peace, tranquility” or else it could be derived from the Greek word erē which can have many meanings such as “wonderful, that which inspires wonder” or else it can mean “strong, sturdy”. This is a very nice girl’s name!
54. Florencia
The word “Florencia” means something like “flowering, flourishing; to flower; to flourish”. This is a pretty girl’s name!
55. Gabriela
The word “Gabriela” means derived from the Latin name Gabrielius which means something like “man of God/angel of God; the messenger of God” or else it could also mean “God is my strength/my might; the power of God/divine power” in Latin. This is a very pretty girl’s name!
56. Gilda
The word “Gilda” means derived from the Latin name Gilda which means something like “gilded, gold-colored; bright, glorious; golden-colored”. This is a very pretty girl’s name!
57. Helena
The word “Helena” means derived from the Latin name Heliodorus which means something like “heavenly being; heavenly body/celestial” or else it could be derived from the Greek word hēliōs which can have many meanings such as “bright celestial being” and also “sun”, or else it could be derived from the Greek word helios which can mean something like “sun”.
58. Isabel
The word “Isabel” means derived from the Latin name Isabella which means something like “pledged to God; oath of God; consecrated to God” or else it could be derived from the Spanish surname Isabel which is a derivative of the Spanish word Isabel, which means something like “consecrated to God”. This is a nice girl’s name!
59. Johanna
The word “Johanna” means derived from the Hebrew name Johannah which means something like “God has favored me; God is gracious; God has given me a son”.
60. Julia
The word “Julia” means derived from the Latin name Julia which can have many meanings such as “youthful, youthful”; or else it could mean “the young”, or else it could mean “the youthful one”. This is a nice girl’s name!
61. Karen
The word “Karen” means derived from the Greek name Kērēn which means something like “maiden; virgin” in Greek. This is a very pretty girl’s name!
62. Livia
The word “Livia” means derived from the Latin name Lucius which can have many meanings such as “manly, valiant in battle; brave, strong”. This is a pretty girl’s name!
63. Magdalena
The word “Magdalena” means something like “the one who has been born again; the one who was bought by God/resurrected from the dead; newly risen mother; a holy woman” or else it could be derived from the Greek word Μάγδαλα meaning “Mary Magdalene”.
64. Patricia
The word “Patricia” means “admirable, worthy of praise; virtuous, innocent; beautiful” or else it could be derived from the Greek name Πάτρου meaning “father”. This is a pretty girl’s name!
65. Stella
The word “Stella” means something like “excellent; choice, excellent; superb” or else it could be derived from the Latin word Stella which means something like “star; famous/ beloved woman” in Latin. This is a beautiful girl’s name!
66. Vera
The word “Vera” means “true; true woman” or else it could be derived from the Latin word Vera meaning something like “very, extremely; very much”.
67. Blanka
Blanka means “black hair” in Old English, and this good looking girl’s name will make a great one for your daughter!
68. Zaira
The word “Zaira” means something like “youthful, youthful; the one who has been born again; the one who was bought by God/resurrected from the dead; newly risen mother; a holy woman” or else it could be derived from an Arabic name meaning something like “fortunate” or else it could be derived from an Arabic word meaning something like “newly born, just born”. This is a pretty girl’s name!
69. Cristina

Cristina is another variation of the word “Christina” derived from the Latin name Christianus which means something like “follower of Christ; Christian; follower of Christ; anointed/christened one” or else it could be derived from the Greek word Χριστίνα meaning “one who is adorned with Christ”. This is a nice girl’s name!
70. Cristiana
Cristiana is another variation of the word “Christian” and is derived from the Latin name Christianus which means something like “follower of Christ; Christian; follower of Christ; anointed/christened one”. This is a nice girl’s name!
71. Honorina
Honorina is another variation of the word “Honorine” derived from the Latin name Honorius which means something like “honorable; highly respected”. This is a nice girl’s name!
72. Odilia
Odilia comes from its root words “wode” and “swyþ”. Wode means wood in Old English, and swyþ means strong.
73. Una
Una comes from its root words “wan” and “dæg”. Wan means lost in Old English, and dæg means day.
74. Cordelia
Cordelia is another variation of the word “Corde” and is derived from the Latin name Cordalis which means something like “heart, spirit”. This is a pretty girl’s name!
75. Jovita
Jovita comes from its root words “jouw” and “dæg”. Jouw means well in Old English, and dæg means day.
76. Britta
Britta comes from its root words “brþ”, “brydde” or “bryte”. Brydde means broken or hurt in Old English, and bryte means to break or to harm in Old English.
77. Margaretta
Margaretta comes from its root words “mǣr” and “gerefa”. Mǣr means sea in Old English, and gerefa means field; land.
78. Ragnhild
Ragnhild comes from its root words “rán” and “swyþ”. Rán means red in Old English, and swyþ means strong.
79. Ingrid
Ingrid comes from its root words “ing” and “grefa”. Ing means people in Old English, and gerefa means to guide or to direct a course or the like in Old English.
80. Elisabetha
Elisabetha comes from its root words “eliz” and “byrþ”. Eliz means God’s favor or favor in Old English, and byrþ means bridegroom or groom in Old English.
81. Alva
Alva comes from its root names “allu” and “geweald”. Allu means immortal in Old English, and geweald means defense or protection in Old English.
82. Elzbieta
Elzbieta comes from its root words “elzib” and “byrþ”. Elzib means God’s favor or favor in Old English, and byrþ means bridegroom or groom in Old English.
83. Gertrud
Gertrud comes from its root words “gret” and “trud”. Gret means great in Old English, and trud means treasure or wealth in Old English.
84. Lisbetha
Lisbetha comes from its root words “lis” and “byrþ”. Lis means God’s favor or favor in Old English, and byrþ means bridegroom or groom in Old English.
85. Helga
Helga comes from its root words “hel” and “weald”. Hel means holy in Old English, and weald means power in Old English.
86. Dagmar
Dagmar comes from its root words “dæg” and “māre”. Dæg means day in Old English, and māre means famous or revered in Old English.
87. Helaine
Helaine comes from its root words “hel” and “ƿeald”. Hel means holy in Old English, and weald means power in Old English.
88. Ildiko
Ildiko comes from its root word “geleafa”. Geleafa means faith or belief in Old English.
89. Etelka

Etelka comes from its root words “ei” and “lāf”. Ei means ei in Old English, and lāf means left or remaining in Old English.
90. Ragna
Ragna comes from its root word “rǣd”. Rǣd means counsel in Old English.
91. Nera
Nera comes from its root words “nære” and “byrþ”. Nære means to purify or cleanse in Old English, and byrþ means bridegroom or groom in Old English.
92. Cornelia
Cornelia comes from the original word “Cor” coming from “Cres” meaning “to grow”. The Latin word “Nelia” (which means something like “goal, aim, end”) can also be found in the word “Cornelia”. This is a nice girl’s name!
93. Eleonora
The word “Eleonora” means something like “sunray; light”. This is a pretty girl’s name!
94. Heloise
The word “Heloise” means something like “holy woman; a preacher of the gospel of Christ; a pure, holy woman”. This is a pretty girl’s name!
95. Klara
Klara comes from its root words “klāra” and “gerefa”. Klāra means hello or goodbye in Old English.
96. Elettra
Elettra comes from its root words “elit” and “trymmed”. Elit means light in Old English, and trymmed means to draw out or to draw down in Old English.
97. Wanda
Wanda comes from its root words “wēa” and “dæg”. Wēa means woe in Old English, and dæg means day.
98. Katharina
Katharina is another variation of the word “Catherine”. This is a nice girl’s name! 99. Catharina
Catharina comes from its root words “cath” and “gerefa”. Cath means to purify or cleanse in Old English, and gerefa means to guide or to direct a course or the like in Old English.
99. Cynewise
The word “Cynewise” means something like “noble of heart; well-minded”. This is a nice girl’s name!
100. Elspeth
Elspeth comes from its root word “elċeafa”. Elċeafa means faith or belief in Old English.
Above are 100 Hispanic names you can use for your daughter! Hopefully, this article was helpful in your decision for your baby girl’s name! With this list of 100 Hispanic names you can use, you will be able to come up with perfect names for your little princess!