The continued success of our students is one of our most important priorities. While I’m not here to suggest that the following tips and tricks will make all the difference, they are a helpful resource that you may find helpful as you work with new students each week.
We have worked hard to assemble these items and present them in an easy-to-use format. We hope that this tip will be a practical, portable resource that you can use whenever convenient for you.

What is Gimkit?
Gimkit is a web-based tool for helping teachers to manage their classrooms. It was created to make it easier for teachers to grade homework assignments, manage behavior, communicate with parents, and collaborate.
Gimkit is a tool that allows students to record their thoughts and learnings through an easy-to-use web interface. Teachers can use the same tool within their classroom so they don’t have to wrinkle their noses while they read the writing of another teacher’s student.
Gimkit can provide a mechanism through which students can share their thoughts with several people around the world in real-time. This is possible in several ways: using blogs, wikis, or movie clips.
What is a Gimkit Page?
Gimkit pages are the main building blocks of Gimkit. Each page has an associated URL that users can visit to see the page. Pages are stored in a database. Each page contains one or more resources, such as text, audio, images, or movies. A resource has an associated URL that users can visit to see the resource when it is stored on a Gimkit server.
What Is It Used for?
Gimkit is a technology that may be used to create an online community, precisely what the “how-to” books are intended to do. To put it another way, after each book, there should be an activity that the reader may utilize to participate in a debate with their peers.
Gimkit offers teachers a way to enhance their classroom and help their students learn while working on group projects.
Gimkit can be used to make lesson plans already in the books or as a stand-alone tool for students who want to work on their own and create their lessons.
Gimkit allows students to collaborate by providing a place to express their opinions, which is how new ideas are usually formulated.
Motivating Features of Gimkit
- Improves student learning in classrooms
- Teachers can monitor and provide feedback on student progress
- Connects with other teachers in the school/district for collaboration
- Encourages students to improve their skills daily helps teachers keep track of students’ skill levels
Gimkit is a digital tool that allows educators to guide and monitor their students through social media channels. Whether your goal is collaborative work, skill improvement, or simply general engagement in a classroom setting, the Gimkit app can help you achieve it all.
How to Use Gimkit
- Creating an account
- Sign in to your school district in order to access the app.
- Click on the profile icon in the top right corner of your screen, and then click create a new account.
- Select whether you want to create an individual or classroom account. An individual account gives you access to one student’s skill levels & progress, while a class account gives you access to all students’ skills and progression information in one place.
- After you’ve created a school or classroom account, click on the Students tab to access the main dashboard.
Choose a Game Mode
Game modes are the different ways in which you will be able to play a particular game. There are many different game genres, and they may vary from puzzles to platformers, so depending on the sort of game you’re playing, specific unique game modes may come in useful.
Some examples of standard game modes include Classic Mode, Play Modes, Arcade Mode, Time Attack Mode, and Custom Game Settings. When playing a specific manner, your objective is clear with no confusion about what you need to do when getting started.
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Classic Mode
In Classic Mode, you choose the difficulty level of your game. The difficulty has two groups: Easy (no story and unplayable minigames) and Hard (with an exciting account and minigames to play for extra excitement).
Play Modes
This is where you can find every single mode played in a game. It contains the following:

In this mode, you’re able to play arcade games that you’ve downloaded. Some of these games aren’t unplayable. Many have minigames, and some are pretty fun.
Timed Game
In this mode, you’ll play the game again but to get a better time than before. The times will show how well you’ve done and will make you want to try again.
Time Attack
In this mode, you’ll play the game again but beat a specific time. The times will show how well you’ve done and make you want to try again.
Custom Mode
Just like the name, in this mode, you can create your way of gameplay and share it with other people. You can also change game settings to include certain features that you may not have been noticing if they hadn’t been added.
How Much Does Gimkit Cost?
Gimkit is free for teachers. Gimkit aims to make school better for teachers by giving them a way to communicate with all of their students’ parents at once, which would otherwise require expending extraordinary amounts of time and energy to email or call each parent separately.
Gimkit Pro
For schools that need more support, Gimkit Pro can be purchased at a reduced rate of $10 per student.
The $10 Pro license will allow you to use all of the features that Gimkit Pro offers but is limited to 1 teacher/student and 20 messages per month. If you plan on using the service more than this, we encourage you to consider our full price of $50 per teacher/student license and unlimited messages.
What are the Benefits of Gimkit?
Teachers can use Gimkit to plan and run their workshops, as well as share content with other teachers. Teachers can also subscribe to tools and services and offer feedback on these tools. Teachers have access to professional development programs and opportunities via Gimkit.
Gimkit Best Tips and Tricks
Kit Collab
A collaborative learning environment may be created by allowing students to discuss and manage project revisions collaboratively. This is an interactive website that enables instructors to construct a collaborative learning environment.
Install the software on your iPad or iPhone and begin making a 3D walking tour of your school that can be seen “in-classroom.” Students may roam about their school at any moment before, during, or after a visit while they are working on assignments that are unique to the tour while they are constructing their assignments
Pretest the Class
A pretest is an assessment given before an exam to derive a baseline from which the student’s actual level of performance on the exam can be compared. Using this handheld digital tool, students can take a photo of their answers and document explanations for every problem. This allows teachers to gauge how well their class is performing daily and identify areas of improvement.
Get Groups for Free
ClassroomMail allows teachers to communicate with students, parents, and other teachers in a safe and secure environment. Teachers can individualize and personalize the communication experience for all.
Go to Class Online
Classroom projector is a video chat platform that allows teachers to share presentations and engage in a virtual classroom session with their students.
Go Paperless
Submissions are an online grading and assessment tool that allows teachers to receive and record assignments from their students. The platform also provides teachers with resources to effectively manage and respond to submissions in real-time, along with tracking individual student performance.
Gimkit Live
With a free extension installed on your browser, you can convert any web page into the perfect classroom. With this download, you can:
- Read websites aloud
- Create interactive quizzes and games for students to explore the website
- Organize content by topic with dedicated tabs
- Sabotage students’ browsing habits in the process! Gimkit Live is the perfect way for teachers to engage their students without going overboard with heavy curricula.
Are There any Certain Sorts of Question Sets That I May Utilize or Create?
You can use the question sets to help you improve your students’ understanding of their subject material and keep their attention for longer. They are perfect for homework, quizzes, or group activities.
Multiple Choice Questions
The answers to a multiple-choice question (MCQ) set are divided into four categories from which you may pick. Students pick their responses by clicking on the appropriate answer box on the answer sheet. Once they’ve picked the proper response, a green checkmark will appear next to their response in the results. Mock questionnaires (MCQs) encourage student participation and accuracy by offering immediate feedback on each question students answer right or wrong.
Text Input Questions
These questions require students to enter a word or phrase into a text box of their choosing. Once they’ve entered the word or phrase correctly, they click on the answer box. The number of words or phrases allowed depends on each question set.
Flashcard Questions
These allow users to create a question set containing as many flashcards as they want. Users can choose a flashcard layout template to create the question set and a questions-to-answer ratio (questions per flashcard).
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Question Bank
With a question bank, teachers can easily create a set of questions for students to complete. A question bank allows teachers to create their own set of questions and answer options, allowing them to make the most of different learning styles and multiple-choice testing.
How do I add images?
Images are linked from the Question Set Settings page in the GIMKit Project. You can also add images to individual questions from the Edit Page for the question set.
How do I add text?
The Question Set Settings page in the GIMKit Project contains links to images and text that may be clicked on. From the Edit Page for the question set, you can also add text to each of your questions individually.
How do I add videos?
You can add videos from YouTube by adding the video URL to the Video URL field in the Question Set Settings page of your GIMKit project. GIMKit uses a third-party tool for embedding the HTML5 player, so video playback is not guaranteed.
How do I add sound?
You can add audio files by uploading them to a Google Drive folder and linking to them from your Question Set Settings page in the GIMKit Project.
Gimkit Ink
It is possible to keep track of student data and homework assignments with the Gimkit Ink app. It allows professors to keep track of how much time students spend on each task, which may be useful when putting out a timetable for the class. Whenever a student fails to turn in an assignment, the app notifies the instructor. After then, the teacher may inquire as to why the student failed to submit it on time. It also allows instructors to keep track of their student’s grades and guarantee that their assignments are submitted on time using the system.

How to Use Project Feature
Project feature is the most popular feature of gimkit. It allows teachers to create different projects with multiple prompts (from photography to design and more). Teachers can have an unlimited number of project prompts and distribute them among their class.
Step 1. Creating a project.
Step 2. Edit project information.
Step 3. Create prompts
You can include an infinite number of prompts in your projects (text, audio, video, and image). To add a prompt, click the “Create a prompt” button. To modify an existing prompt, select it and click the pencil icon to change its metadata.
You can delete a prompt by clicking the trash can icon.
Click the “Size” tab to change the size of the prompts and their font.
You can change the text of a prompt by clicking on the text box icon and editing its text or choosing from a list of prompts.
Step 4. Add Gradeable Images or Video
Click ‘Add images’ or ‘Add audio’ to add images or video for a prompt (free images are supported). Quantities available for each type of media are dependent on your subscription level.
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What Kind of Feedback Mechanism Does Gimkit Ink Have in Place?
Gimkit Ink is a feedback tool that allows instructors to quickly and easily leave feedback on student work. When using Gimkit Ink, instructors are given unlimited access to specific student work and a structured comment box for leaving their feedback.
Who Can Use Gimkit Ink?
Anyone who is currently an instructor at a college or university using the course management system can use Gimkit Ink. This means you can check out tutorials on setting up your course for Gimkit Ink and get your first five students up and running with the tool immediately. Any instructor who does not currently have access to this tool and would like to do so will be able to contact their institution and have access granted, depending on options that have been enabled by their institution.