If your baby suffers from hiccups, it might seem like an agonizing ordeal. So you go to a doctor or try honey and lemon to see if that will help, but nothing seems to work. That’s why you should consider trying these tips on how to get rid of baby hiccups. They are as easy as natural, so there is no reason not to try them.
Hiccups happen when there is some change in the depth or speed of your breathing. The easiest way to get rid of them is by putting something cold, like a wet cloth or ice cube, on your baby’s stomach.

Why Do Babies Get Hiccups?
Babies get hiccups when they breathe too fast or too deeply or swallow air. It’s completely normal for babies to get hiccups. And it will stop as soon as you make sure that there is nothing wrong with your baby’s breathing or swallowing.
1. Drinking carbonated beverages
This one is a bit surprising but true. Carbonated beverages can help babies get rid of hiccups! The reason is that the bubbles in the carbonated drinks stimulate the swallowing reflex. If you are in a situation where you can’t easily give your baby a bottle, then you can give her some carbonated beverage and make sure she finishes it off before she falls asleep.
2. Drinking too much alcohol
There is a myth that alcohol can delay your baby’s breathing. However, it is not true. The only thing that alcohol can do is make you tired and dull your senses, but it cannot hurt your baby or pressure her lungs.
3. Eating salty foods
Salty foods might be the reason why babies get hiccups. The reason is pretty simple – salt acts as a diuretic, which makes you lose more water from your body than usual. That’s why being dehydrated makes you likely to get hiccups.
The easiest way to get rid of baby hiccups is by giving your baby a little bit of water since water helps your baby maintain the right sodium level. You can also give her some fruit or oatmeal if she eats solids.
4. Excitement or emotional stress
During an excitement or a stressful situation, the baby’s breathing pattern changes. This makes the baby inhale too much air and swallow it, which causes hiccups. So if you are taking your baby with you to an important event, make sure you keep her calm and relaxed. A calm environment is the best way to prevent hiccups from appearing.
5. Swallowing too much air
Babies tend to swallow a lot of air when they eat or drink something for the first time. The most common example is when you first give your baby solids. If you keep your baby calm, the hiccups will stop in a few minutes. But you should make sure that there is nothing wrong with her breathing if the hiccups continue beyond that.
6. Cold drinks:
Another great way to get rid of hiccups is by giving your baby something cold to drink. You can give her juice, water or even some ice chips. Make sure you allow your baby to finish the drink slowly since gulping down something cold can cause hiccups.
7. Hot foods
You should give your baby something hot for something opposite to what we talked about before. This is especially useful for babies eating solids for the first time and are not used to eating hot substances.
How To Stop Baby Hiccups?
The best way to get rid of baby hiccups is by giving your baby something to drink. If your baby doesn’t want to drink anything, some ice chips or a cold glass of water might help. But if the problem persists, you should go to the doctor and ask him if your child might have an underlying condition.
If you notice that the hiccups don’t stop within 5 minutes, then there is a reason why they happen. And that is why the doctor will be able to help you alleviate them. You can also give your baby some anti-gas medicine after every experience with hiccups, just to ensure they won’t happen again.
If you are looking for more specific information on how to stop baby hiccups, try these tips:
1. Rubbing your baby’s back
Rubbing your baby’s back can have a soothing effect since it relaxes the muscles. Also, it will increase the blood flow towards the brain and help her sleep better. Babies tend to love when you rub their backs, which is why this is one of the best ways to cure hiccups.
2. Swallowing a blockage
If your baby is suffering from hiccups for more than an hour, you should see if her stomach has a blockage. You can try to put one teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water and drink it. Since baking soda is high in sodium, it will act as a diuretic and help you remove excess salt from your baby’s body.
3. Enema
Many ways can help with hiccups, but one of them is giving your baby an enema. An enema simply works by giving the muscle and blood in the intestines a rest. So if you use that method, it will help your baby relax and get rid of her hiccups.
4. Feeding your baby
If your baby has been suffering from hiccups for a while, you should make sure she is eating well and getting enough nutrients since that will help her stop all of the symptoms causing hiccups. Also, being well-fed will help you feel more confident when caring for your baby, so it’s an extra benefit.
5. Burp more frequently
If your baby is still suffering from hiccups after trying all of the natural methods, you should consider burping your baby more frequently. You can either do this yourself by patting her back or using a burping rag to make sure she is burping regularly. Either way, these methods will help her feel queasy and eliminate the feeling that causes hiccups.
6. Reach for the binky
Many parents think that binky help babies get rid of hiccups, but it’s not quite true. However, they can help your baby relax by distracting her and calming her. Binky’s also soothed your baby’s gums and kept them healthy. So if you want to give them a try, do it, as long as you don’t use them too much!
7. Songs
Another good way to help your baby relax is by singing a song while she has hiccups. The reason is that singing makes the body feel more relaxed, making your baby stop suffering from hiccups faster than usual.
The last thing you want to do is feed your baby something that makes her feel queasy because the hiccups continue.
8. Nodding your head
This one is a bit weird, but it works, so it’s worth trying. If you get all the family members to nod their heads, the baby will swallow more air because she will want to keep up with everyone else. Doing this for a few minutes can help her get rid of all of the hiccups.
9. Give gripe water
Gripe water is traditionally used to help babies with colic, but it can also help them get rid of hiccups. You mustn’t give your baby gripe water if she is older than six months because it can cause her to suffer from diarrhea. So make sure that you don’t give gripe water to your baby if she is older than six months.
10. Gently move your baby
If you gently rock your baby while she has the hiccups, they will go away faster and without any other complications. Don’t make it a habit since it is still not confirmed whether motion soothes babies.
When Should You Worry?
As we already mentioned, hiccups are natural, so you don’t have to worry too much about them. However, there are a few situations where your baby might be suffering from hiccups for a reason, and that is when you should take her to the doctor. Make sure you ask the doctor about it before worrying yourself silly.
1. Hiccups for more than an hour
If your baby has been suffering from hiccups for more than an hour, then it’s best if you go to the doctor to make sure there is nothing wrong with her lungs or throat. She has likely swallowed some stomach acid, making her highly uncomfortable.
2. Seizure
A seizure is an emergency, so you should seek medical attention immediately when your baby has one. You can call a doctor any time if you suspect that your baby has one. If your baby has hiccups for less than 2 minutes, then it’s not needed to rush over to the doctor since her hiccups will stop after a few minutes anyway.
3. Difficulty breathing
If your baby has difficulty breathing and starts coughing or sneezing, you should take her to the doctor immediately. You should also get a medical checkup if your baby is coughing for more than a day with no relief.
4. Hiccups during sleep
If your baby is crying due to hiccups that keep appearing throughout the night, you should consider calling a doctor because she might be suffering from an ailment that causes her discomfort. It’s important to find out what’s causing this problem to help your baby get rid of hiccups and sleep peacefully.