Many people identify as fans of science fiction and fantasy genres. In some cases, this can lead to having children based on the franchise’s universe or characters. But what if you don’t want your son or daughter named after a character from Game of Thrones, Back to the Future, or Black Beauty? A list of fantasy-inspired baby names that are not too similar to other popular names in our culture has been compiled by us.

1. Abraham
In Hebrew, Abraham is known as the “father of many.” The fictional character Abraham is often given the name Abraham. Character Abraham “Abe” Sapien is a Hellboy comic book character, and Abraham Van Helsing was the original vampire slayer before Buffy came on the scene.
2. Ambrose
An Ambrose in Latin means “immortal” in Greek. Co-Cousin Ambrose Spellman is an essential character in The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina series.
3. Albus
Bright or white, Albus is a Latin name. In many ways, Albus Dumbledore was the ideal school administrator or mentor. In the Harry Potter books, he was a force of positivity, loyalty, and goodness.
4. Alex
“Alex” means “warrior” in Greek, and the name derives from this meaning. The Magnus Chase character Alex Fierro may be an excellent name choice for the gender-fluid population for more progressive parents.
5. Arthur
A bear or a person of great power, Arthur derives its name from the Irish. You can name your son Arthur if you want to honor Harry Potter’s kindhearted Weasley father or the fearsome Aquaman.
6. Bowie
Bowie’s surname can refer to someone with light or golden hair in Scottish and Irish culture. ‘Space Oddity is a well-known sci-fi anthem by David Bowie, who delivered the title song to the 1980s fantasy film Labyrinth.
7. Burton
English habitational name Burton is derived from burh (fort) and tun (enclosure).
8. Blade
A blade is a knife or a sword in the English language. A half-vampire, half-man vampire killer, known as Blade appears in the Marvel Comics series. There are a few Blades in elementary schools in the United States, including one in my daughter’s class.
9. Carter
It’s a common word for those who utilize carts or wagons to transport things, and it’s Scottish, English, and Irish in roots.
10. Chase
The meaning of the name “Huntsman” derives from the French and English languages. Rick Riordan, the author of the Percy Jackson series, has a series of books called Magnus Chase.
11. Connor
Lover of Hounds or Lover of Wolves is the meaning of the Irish name Connor. The core of the Terminator saga is the Connor clan. Sarah Connor or her son John could be the inspiration for this moniker.
12. Donovan
According to some sources, the Irish surname Donovan means “black or brown-haired chieftain.”.
13. Davy
Depending on where you live, the name “Davy” can mean various things. It means “beloved” both in Hebrew and English. Anyone interested in a historical fantasy name should consider Davy Jones because he is a well-known figure from the Pirates of the Caribbean series.
14. Deckard
However, Decker, a German occupational name for a roofer, is not obvious what the name Deckard implies.
15. Drax
The surname Drax was initially an ambiguous one, with no apparent origin or meaning. Dedicated and scary, Drax is a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Drax is a great name that sounds modern yet isn’t overly familiar in the fantasy world.
16. Emmett
This Old German given name is “universal” or “complete.” As Emmett “Doc” Brown in the Back to the Future movies, Christopher Lloyd portrays a kooky scientist and inventor. Choosing a child’s name after a mythical character who invented time travel is suitable for your child’s future.
17. Garrick
Garrick is derived from the Old English word “spear king.” His interesting name made us recognize him immediately, even though Garrick wasn’t a key figure in the Harry Potter storyline.
18. H.G.
Quicksilver is also known as mercury because of its symbol on the periodic table, and this first term doesn’t have any value.
19. Harrison
Harry’s son is the origin of this surname. If Han Solo was your favorite character in the Star Wars franchise, you could consider naming your baby boy. In honor of Harrison Ford, why not rename him Harrison instead of Han?
20. Ian
The Lord is merciful is the meaning of this Scottish surname. Lord of the Rings films featured Ian McKellen’s Gandalf. Gandalf would be over the top when it comes to baby names, so perhaps Ian will suffice.
21. Jamie
This Hebrew name denotes a person willing to give in. Sam Heughan plays both Claire and Jamie Fraser in the epic love story Outlander. Outlander is a time-traveling novel that spans centuries.
22. Jack
The meaning of the names Jack and Ian, both of English etymology, is “God is gracious.” Captain Jack Harness, a Doctor Who fan favorite, stars in the spin-off series Torchwood. Other fantasy figures might be referred to as Jack, such as Jack Sparrow or Jack and his Beanstalk.
23. Jackson
Jackson is a typical English surname that means “son of Jack.” Percy Jackson, the demi-god of young readers, is a household name. One of the most solid and inventive characters in children’s literature is the inspiration for many boys’ names.
24. Jon
The name Jon derives from the Hebrew phrase “God has bestowed”. One of Game of Thrones’ most lovable characters, Jon Snow, was a fan favorite because he was the underdog.
25. Jareth
This is a made-up character name from a movie. Hence it has no unique significance. Gareth is a Welsh name that translates to “gentle.”
26. Jason
Named after the Greek term for a healer, this is the name given to this person. “Aquaman” got a new lease on life thanks to Khal Drogo’s Game of Thrones co-star Jason Momoa.
27. Kirk
Kirk is a Scots word for church. The original Star Trek captain was James Tiberius Kirk. Sci-fi fans can pay homage to William Shatner’s iconic portrayal of Kirk by adopting his surname for themselves.
28. Lex
Warrior or defender of man, this is another Greek given name. Depending on who you ask, Lex might be a nod to Superman’s archenemy Lex Luthor or a nod to the science fiction series Lexx. You can use Alexis, Alex, or Alexander as a nickname.
29. Lando
Landon’s other name, Lando, derives its meaning from the Old English for “long hill.” Lando Calrissian, played by Billy Dee Williams, exemplified the diversity of the Star Wars universe. The persona resembled Billy Dee Williams in many ways, including his calm and smooth demeanor.
30. Leonard
Leonard denotes a lion’s power in Irish. In Star Trek: The Next Generation, Leonard Nemoy will be recognized for his role as Spock, the Vulcan. I hope your child, who may be referred to as Leo, will enjoy a long and healthy life.
31. Luke
The name Luke translates as “light” in Latin. Luke from the Percy Jackson series or Skywalker from Star Wars could serve as inspiration for this character in science fiction or fantasy.
32. Max
It is derived from the Latin word max, meaning “the most.” You either adore or despise Mad Max as a science fiction film. Regardless of how you feel about it, however, the coolness of the name Max cannot be disputed. Maximilian or Maxwell can be shortened to Maximilian.
33. Mace
“God’s gift” is what this English name means. Mace is a tribute to Jedi Master Mace Windu, a popular choice for boys’ names. In the Star Wars prequel, Samuel L. Jackson portrays a character named Jabba the Hutt.
34. Malcolm
This Scottish Gaelic name denotes someone with that last name to be a Columban follower. Malcolm Reynolds, from Firefly and Serenity, or Malcolm Merlyn, a character in the Green Arrow world, are just a few of the many Malcolms in pop culture.
35. Murphy
An old Irish surname, O’Murchadha, which translates to “descendant of the sea warrior,” is Murphy’s family name.
36. Montgomery
This name is derived from a surname in England, Ireland, and Scotland, although there is no apparent meaning. The USS Enterprise’s Montgomery Scott, aka Scotty, from Star Trek: The Next Generation, may have inspired the choice of this moniker.
37. Mulder
Wooden bowl craftsman Mulder is a German occupational title. The X-Files provided countless hours of enjoyment and fodder for speculative notions for generations of science fiction fans. Their heroes were Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.
38. Nicholas
Originally from Greece, the name Nicholas translates to “success for the people.” Sabrina Spellman’s boyfriend in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is Nick Scratch or Nicholas Scratch.
39. Peter
Named after Petros, or “rock,” the Greek word for stone, Peter is a typical Greek first name. Why not name your child Peter like Bill Murray’s ghostbusting character from the movies Ghostbusters if you’re the adventurous type? Fans of Peter Pan and the Guardians of the Galaxy may see this as an homage to their favorite characters.
40. Patrick
The Latin name Patricius, which means “nobleman,” gives rise to Patrick’s name. In honor of Patrick Stewart, the actor who played Captain Kirk, you may wish to name your child after him instead. He might not be able to use the name Jean-Luc Picard for a newborn in the United States.
41. Roarke
Roarke means “champion” in Irish and Gaelic. Fantasy Island would have been nothing without Mr. Roarke. Roarke is a tough-sounding fantasy name that could be spelled Ruark or Roark instead.
42. Ray
Depending on who you ask, Ray’s name in English could represent either a light beam or a pair of protective hands. Ray Bradbury was a well-known author in the United States of America for his work in science fiction and fantasy.
43. Sisko
Sislo is a nickname for a sister in Finnish. You might find Sisko appealing if you’re a fan of the Star Trek series Deep Space Nine. Deep Space Nine’s ship captain is Captain Benjamin Sisko of the Federation space station.
44. Sam
While the Hebrew name Sam means “name of God,” it refers to a figure from the epic poem Shahnameh in the Persian language.
45. Serling
The English name Sterling, which is closely connected to Serling and means genuine, is an example of a name with no specific meaning or origin.
46. Tyrion
According to the mind of Game of Thrones writer George R.R. Martin, Tyrion was given the name he wanted for his fictitious character. Most Games of Thrones fans wanted Tyrion Lannister to be among the top three or four finishers in the competition. In addition to smiting us, the character’s name smote us. Ty or Ryan could serve as a pseudonym for the narrator.
47. Turner
This Scottish and English occupational moniker knows those who work with metal, wood, or bone.
48. Victor
“Conqueror” or “Winner” is what this Latin name means. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the scientist Victor Frankenstein is responsible for bringing the monster to life. Even though it’s an older name, it’s still ranked 186th this year.
49. Verne
Verne derives from the Old French for “alder grove” or “inhabitant of the ferns,” respectively. Along with H.G. Wells, author Jules Verne is regarded as the “Father of Science Fiction. Jules Verne, a pioneer in science fiction and fantasy, wrote Journey to the Center of the Earth and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, two of his most famous works.
50. Westley
An old English word meaning “western meadow” is the origin of the name Westley. Westley, the title character in the novel The Princess Bride, is a fantastic boy’s name inspiration and a dashing hero figure.
51. Anastasia
The Greek name Anastasia means “resurrection” in Greek. Despite its popularity in Russia, the name Anastasia “Dee” Dualla is included because of her role in the television series Battlestar Galactica.
52. Alanna
While the Gaelic Alanna denotes beauty or peace, the Old High German Alanna refers to something priceless.
53. Alia
The Arabic word Alia, which means lofty or supreme, comes from this root. Alia was born on Arrakis, a planet in Dune. St. Alia of the Knife is the name given to her by her devotees.
54. Arabella
According to the Latin etymology, Arabella means “to give in to prayer.” This Harry Potter character’s name might be a great girl’s name. If you’d rather have a shorter name, you might call yourself Bella.
55. Ariel
This name means “lioness of God” in Hebrew. Every time they went swimming as a kid, what little girl didn’t imagine she was Ariel, the Little Mermaid? It’s a girl’s dream come true.
56. Annabeth
I was given this Hebrew name because God had a particular plan. Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson books is half-goddess and half-human as a demigod.
57. Avalon
Avalon’s original connotation as an island of apples dates back to Arthurian folklore. Fans of Arthurian legend know that Avalon is said to be King Arthur’s ultimate resting place. A girl’s fantasy name with regal overtones.
58. Arya
Arya, a Persian name, denotes loyalty or friendship. As a result of Game of Thrones, many people have fallen in love with this name. It climbed the rankings year after year because of this television series. Since its debut in 2010, it has risen from 942nd to 92nd on the US name popularity list.
59. Brienne
In Gaelic or Irish, this name translates to “highly esteemed” or “exalted.” Game of Thrones’ Brienne of Tarth was a fearsome fighter. Brianne, Brianna, and Brie are all lovely girls’ names, but Brienne is a unique spin on them all.
60. Belle
The word “beautiful” is derived from “belle.” Belle, the title character in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, is a bright young woman who loves to read. Despite the popularity of Bella and Isabelle as given names, Belle has just cracked the top 1,000 list in the last four years.
61. Clarisse
Clarisse is a Latin word that translates to “renowned or dazzling.” Clarisse La Rue is the daughter of Ares in the Percy Jackson books. Clarisse is a classy-sounding name for girls that isn’t overdone.
62. Claire
Claire is a French word that translates to “clear or bright.” Outlander, a fantasy romance novel and television series, has a cult following among women. Since Claire Randall is the primary character, Claire has been one of the most famous names. It was ranked number 55 in 2019.
63. Clara
Latin for “renowned or shining,” Clara is a well-known woman’s name. Actress Jenna Coleman played Clara Oswald in the famous television drama Doctor Who.
64. Coraline
The name coral comes from the Latin and English words for coral. Fantasy-horror film Coraline was released in 2009. Choosing Cora as a nickname if Coraline is too long is an option.
65. Diana
Diana’s Latin name translates to “divine mother” or “fertility.” Diana is Wonder Woman’s secret alias, which may appeal to fantasy readers who like comic books. In 2019, Diana was the most popular name in the United States, coming in at 212.
66. Dana
The Persian name Dana means “intelligent one.” Dana Scully is a pragmatic, courageous, and data-driven individual. X-Files icon and an excellent name for a lady you hope will be analytically minded.
67. Elizabeth
In Hebrew, Elizabeth means “committed to God.” Girls who grew up with the Pirates of the Caribbean films had heroin, Elizabeth Swann.
68. Echo
The meaning of this Greek baby name is “reverberating sound,” as reflected in the name. Eliza Dushku played Echo in Dollhouse, a science fiction television drama that starred her.
69. Elektra
Elektra, which means “bright or brilliant” in Greek, is the name given to Electra. Among fantasy enthusiasts, Elektra Natchios is a favorite because of her involvement in comic books as a vigilante and the love interest of Daredevil.
70. Ellen
This city’s name comes from the Greek word Elena, meaning light. Parents looking for a more traditional name for their child can consider Ellen, Ripley’s maiden name from the Alien films, or Ellie, Ripley’s.
71. Eowyn
Horse of joy: Eowyn is an English name. The Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien came up with this moniker for the series. This name is pronounced Ay-oh-win.
72. Elora
As a variant of Eleanor, an Old German and Old French name meaning “foreign or other,” this name has been listed.
73. Eretria
Greek town Eretria is named after the Eretria River flowing through it. This fantasy series, The Shannara Chronicles, has Eretria as its main character. If you’re seeking to give your daughter something a little out of the ordinary, this is a great option.
74. Freya
This Norse given name denotes a lady of honor. Freya, a Norse god and a character in the Magnus Chase series, is a fantastic choice for parents looking for a mighty fantasy name for their daughter. For the past seven years, the popularity of the name Freya has been on the rise in the United States. In 2019, it came in at No. 200 on the list.
75. Helene
French for “shining or dazzling,” Helene is the name of a girl born in France. The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker topped the bestseller list in 2013.
76. Harker
Unknown to its bearers, the surname Harker is thought to be a mix of Hart and Kerr surnames.
77. Harley
The Old English term meaning hare’s meadow, Harley, is the source of this name. Harley Quinn is a sociopath, without a doubt. For a girl named Harley, though, either her mother or father should be a motorcycle fanatic. 2019’s global rankings have it at position 273.
78. Isabeau
Isabeau translates as “pledged to God” in French. Michelle Pfeiffer portrayed Isabeau, the protagonist of the 1980s fantasy film Ladyhawke. Despite her uncommon name, Isabeau would fit right in with the many Isabelles in the world.
79. Jyn
Jyn, a name originating in the United States, has no clear meaning, but it is similar to the Chinese word for gold, jin. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’s Jyn Erso was imagined by John Knoll and voiced by Felicity Jones. Knoll’s girls were supposed to look up to Jyn.
80. Kara
Kara is a Greek name that translates to “chaste or pure.” A better-known persona by the name of Kara Danvers is Supergirl. Even though Kara is the 575th most popular name of the year, you won’t run into many other girls with the same name.
81. Korra
Maiden is the Greek word for Korra. Avatar: The Last Airbender’s sequel, The Legend of Korra, was created to honor Korra.
82. Jules
Jules is derived from the French word “jules,” which means “young.” Jules might be a good fit if you’re looking for a fresh take on Julie, Juliette, or Jewel.
83. Luna
This lovely Italian name translates to “moon” in English. A slew of popular baby names has their origins in the Harry Potter series. Luna, which peaked at number 16 in 2019 as one of the most popular book characters, is among those who have risen in popularity since.
84. Lara
Lara, a Latin name meaning “protection,” is a name given to a child. Lara Croft, the Tomb Raider video game series protagonist, is a butt-kicker.
85. Lucy
Lucy is a Latin name that translates to “light” in English. As one of the Pevensie siblings who entered Narnia through the wardrobe, Lucy has a more contemporary name than her older sister Susan.
86. Lyra
According to Greek mythology, Lyra was named after an ancient instrument used to play music. Lyra entered the top 100 most popular baby girl names in the United States in 2015 and steadily climbed the rankings. Lyra is the protagonist of the fantasy novel.
87. Mina
“Mina” translates from German to English as “love.” After making its debut in 2002, the name Mina has never made it higher than position 684 in the United States’ top 1000 most popular baby names list.
88. Madeleine
Madeleine is a Magdala-derived French name. Author Madeleine L’Engle is well-known for her work in science fiction, which includes her book A Wrinkle in Time. In addition to quantum mechanics and general relativity, the book makes numerous scientific allusions.
89. Malka
It means “the queen of heaven” in Hebrew, which is why Malka is a Hebrew name. If you want to honor Malka Older, the author of Infomocracy, you could go with this choice with a girl’s name.
90. Morgana
The English translation of the name “sea circle” is “sea circling”. From the Arthurian legend, a robust and powerful woman who can also be naughty is refreshing to see in Morgana Le Fay.
91. Molly
It is a name that means “bitter” in the Hebrew language. Molly Ringwald and Molly Shannon are just two of the many famous women to bear this name.
92. Nova
Nova is a Latin word that translates to “new” in English. As of 2019, it was at number 51 on the popularity charts, up from number 886 in 2011, when it first appeared.
93. Prudence
Latin for “good judgment,” Prudence is the name of a Latin word. Prudence was a witch’s name in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and Charmed, two popular fantasy witch shows.
94. Quinn
Quinn is an Irish surname that translates to “son of Conn.” Harley Quinn fans may also consider the unisex name Quinn as an alternative.
95. Rey
It is derived from the Spanish word for king, “rey,” and refers to the king. The protagonist of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is Rey Skywalker. It has been the most frequently used name for boys in the United States for nearly two decades now.
96. Ravenna
Ravenna is a name given to a raven in Italian. However, Charlize Theron has a ferocious name for her character in Snow White and the Huntsman.
97. Sarah
Sarah means “princess” or “high-ranking woman” in Persian and Hebrew. Sarah Williams, the heroine of the fantasy film Labyrinth, was a popular fantasy role model for girls in the 1980s.
98. Valerie
Healthful or firm is the Latin root of this name. Fans of The Princess Bride will recognize Valerie’s name. Carol Kane played the role of Miracle Max’s wife.
99. Willow
In the context of graceful slenderness, Willow is an English baby name. This is a two-for-one fantasy name. Warwick Davis and Val Kilmer starred in the 1980s fantasy film with the same name.
100. Zoe
As a Greek word meaning “life,” the name Zoe is fitting. In the Guardians of the Galaxy films, Zoe Saldana portrays Gamora, and in the upcoming Batman film, Zoe Kravitz will play Catwoman.