No one ever has the perfect name for their baby girl. We’ve all been there. Maybe you have a long list of names you like but can’t find just the right fit. Maybe your name is on point, and you want to try something different maybe something exotic to honour your roots or make her stand out from the crowd. Maybe you have a beautiful name from your culture and are trying to find a name that works for you, but it doesn’t fit your baby girl.
Having a unique name for your little girl is super important because it will help to set her apart, stand out, and possibly be the lifeline that saves her life in case of an emergency (and if she ever gets lost). This list is all about exotic names that are beautiful, interesting, and true to their roots.

1. Arabella
Latin, English, Spanish meaning “Little Arab girl” “The Daughter of the Prophet” from the Latin name” Arabella,” which is a variant of the English name Arabella which comes from the name Arabel, a compound of Arab or noble + elf or gift from God
2. Almeda
Spanish means “ascent” from the Latin feminine name Almeda, which means “of the high meadow.”
3. Angela
German, Greek, Italian meaning “Angel. Messenger from God” from the Greek word Angelos which means “messenger” or “angel” + the Latin word legare or to appoint or send in a formal way.
4. Elmina
English, Arabic, and Spanish meaning “the light one” from the Arabic name “al-mina,” which means “the light one” or “the candle.”
5. Adela

English, Spanish meaning “bright or famous ornament” from the Latin word adelos which means a day of goodness in honour of St. Adela of Hexham, who was martyred in the early 5th century A.D.
6. Jabari
Swahili means “evening” from the Swahili word Jibari which means “the evening star” or a beautiful girl.
7. Aaliyah
Arabic, English meaning “most high. ” Exalted one” from the Arabic name Aaliyah which meant “most high. Exalted one” also from the Arabic name Aaliyah which means”exalted “ or”sublime lady “.
8. Amaiya
Arabic, English meaning “my lover” from the Arabic name Ama meaning “lover” + the Arabic contraction of the form Ayah.
9. Kai
Hawaiian, English meaning “the sea” from the Hawaiian word kaai, which means “the sea” or “the shore”
10. Aiko
Japanese meaning “hopeful child” from the Japanese name Aiko which meant “hopeful child” or a combination of the Japanese words Aiji meaning “longing for” and Ko meaning “child.”
11. Limbani
Swahili meaning “the rainbow” from the name Limbani which means “the rainbow”
12. Aliyah
Arabic, English meaning “to ascend. To get up to a higher level” from the Arabic name Aaliyah which meant “most high. Exalted one” also from the Arabic name Aaliyah which means”exalted “ or”sublime lady “.
13. Lyra
Greek, English, Persian meaning “little song” from the Greek name Lyra which means “little song” or “a song.”
14. Contact
The phrase “daughter of the mountain” from the Quechua name Conteke means “daughter of the mountain.”
15. Malaika
Korean, English meaning “great” from the Korean name Malaika which meant “great” or “splendid lady.”
16. Algazi
Arabic, English meaning “lioness of strength and courage” from the Arabic name Al-Gazi which means “lioness of strength and courage.”
17. Basima
Arabic means “the eloquent” from the Arabic word basement, which means “the eloquent” or a derivative of Bathsheba.
18. Sasha
Russian meaning “defender of mankind” from the Russian name Sashka which means “defender of mankind.”
19. Alonda
English, Swahili, Spanish meaning “she who is loud. Influential one” from the English word loud + the Swahili word Unda which means “roar” or a derivative of the name Alberta.
20. Serilda

English, German, Italian meaning “defender” or “protector” from the Old German name Serilda which meant “defender” or “protector” or a derivative of the name Sylvia.
21. Cinnamon
English means “sweet spice” from the word cinnamon, which means the dried bark of an evergreen tree native to Sri Lanka and South India and gives its distinctive flavor in sweet dishes.
22. Valentina
Latin, English meaning “strong” from Valentina’s Latin name, which means “strong” or a derivative of the Roman family name Valens.
23. Aket
Swahili meaning “first born” from the Swahili word Aketi which meant “first bom or first born.”
24. Aiya
Arabic, English meaning “a lioness” from the Arabic name Ayah, an ancient name for a lioness, and from the Arabic verb Ya-ya, which means “to roar like a lion.”
25. Lina
English, German meaning “light one” from the German word “lein” which means “little light or candle” or a derivative of the Latin word linea meaning “line.”
26. Bastian
English meaning “little warlike one” from the English word Batten which means “little warlike one” or a derivative of the Old French name Batin which meant “little martial.”
27. Baya
Arabic meaning “beautiful” from the Arabic word Bayah which means “beautiful.”
28. Braulio
English meaning “sparkling” from the English word Braulia which means “sparkling” or a combination of the English word brae which comes from the Old French word brae which means “pretty” and la meaning “a diminutive form of the Latin laurus.”
29. Liera
Swahili meaning “very beautiful” from the Swahili name Liera which meant “very beautiful.”
30. Daija
Japanese meaning “notable” from the Japanese name Daijaku which means “notable.”
31. Estella
English, Russian meaning “star-like one” from the English name Estella which meant “star-like one” or a derivative of the Old French name Estelle which meant “star.”
32. Gamela
Arabic meaning “mother of twins” from the Arabic word Qamela which means “mother of twins.”
33. Arlesia

Spanish, English meaning “from the red land” from the Spanish name Arles, came from the Latin word holmes or a derivative of the Old German word hruskis meaning “red land.
34. Ifeoma
English, African meaning “blessed child who is born to the world” from the English word Ifeoma which means “blessed child who is born to the world” or a derivative of the African name Ifeyinwa which was derived from the Yoruba word ifeyin which meant “to come safely.”
35. Jhazala
English means “the one who revives the dead” from the English word Jhazal which means “the one who revives the dead” or a combination of Jhazi and Ina’s English names.
36. Jamila
Arabic meaning “black eyed” from the Arabic word Jamiyah which meant “black eyed.”
37. Kaori
Japanese meaning “a beautiful fragrance” from the Japanese name Kaori which meant “a beautiful fragrance.”
38. Leila
Arabic meaning “night” from the Arabic word Layla which means “night.”
39. Juliana
Latin, English meaning “youthful” from Latin name Julianna which meant “youthful.
40. Karasi
Swahili meaning “the one who is distinguished” from the Swahili name Karasi which meant “the one who is distinguished.”
41. Ira
Arabic, English meaning “quick to sense” from the Arabic name Aara which meant “quick to sense” or a derivative of the Hebrew name Ayirah which meant “gazelle.”
42. Manaia
Latin, Polynesian meaning “seen” from the Latin name Manoah which meant “seen” or a derivative of the Polynesian name Manaia which meant “to behold.”
43. Nix
Quechua means “the miracle of life” from the Quechuan word Nixi which meant “the miracle of life.”
44. Mariquita

Spanish meaning “little darling” from the Spanish name Mariquita which means “little darling.”
45. Rosario
Spanish meaning “gift of God” from the Spanish name Rosario which meant “gift of God.”
46. Mulani
Arabic, Indian meaning “a fragment of an army” from the Arabic word Madinat al-Mulukain which meant “the city of the king.
47. Pragtige
Dutch, English meaning “precious” from the Dutch name Pragtige which means “precious” or a combination of the Dutch name Pragt and the English word pretty.
48. Irina
Russian meaning “peaceful” from the Russian name Eirina which meant “peaceful” or a derivative of the Hebrew name Eira which means “myrtle.”
49. Ratana
Thai meaning “gem” from the Thai word Ratanakosin which means “gem.”
50. Sufia
Arabic meaning “woman of paradise” from the Arabic word Sufia which means “woman of paradise.”
51. Sigalit
Hebrew meaning “fragrant” from the Hebrew word Sela which meant “fragrant.”
52. Aasiyah
Arabic meaning “miracle” from the Arabic word Aasiyah which means “miracle.”
53. Beletseri
Zulu, African meaning “golden princess” from the African name Beletseri which meant “golden princess”.
54. Valdis
Latvian is similar to the German name meaning “valiant” from the Latvian name Valdis, which means “valiant.”
55. Constance
French meaning “consecrated to a deity or sacred” from the French name Constance which was used as a female form of the Latin word Constantius and means “consecrated to a deity or sacred.
56. Zaliki
Swahili meaning “of great value” from the Swahili name Zaliki which meant “of great value.”
57. Nastasia
Latin means “resurrection” from the Latin name Resurrection, which means “resurrection.”
58. Akosua
Greek meaning “undying” from the Greek Akosia which meant “undying.”
59. Azia

Hindi meaning “from the east” from the Hindi name Azya which means “from the east.”
60. Castanea
Greek meaning “hidden” from the Greek name Kastanea which meant “hidden.”
61. Tambula
Swahili meaning “the one who is very tall” from the Swahili name Tambula which meant “the one who is very tall.”
62. Zaraiya
Arabic means “the bright young lady” from the Arabic Zara, “the bright young lady.
63. Alethea
Old Greek means “the one who is easy to trust” from the Old Greek name Aletheia, which means “the one who is easy to trust.”
64. Lamba
Arabic name meaning “from the lion” from the Arabic word Lambah which means “from the lion.”
65. Alina
Slavic means “from the clearing or meadow.” from the Slavic name Alina, which means “from the clearing or meadow.”
66. Ceylan
Turkish meaning “rose” from the Turkish name Ceylan which meant “rose.”
67. Alinafe
African means “starry” from the African name Alinafe which means “starry.”
68. Diyala
African meaning “golden” from the African name Diyaba which meant “golden.”
69. Busayo
African means “the one who is full of joy” from the African name Busayo which means “the one who is full of joy.
70. Altagracia
Spanish meaning “joy” from the Spanish name Altagracia which meant “joy.”
71. Decima
African means “the one who is the most valued” from the African name Dasima which means “the one who is the most valued.”
72. Balagha
Arabic means “the one with a lot of character” from the Arabic name Balghah which means “the one with a lot of character.
73. Abiola
African means “the one who brings joy” from the African name Abiola, which means “the one who brings joy.”
74. Batanai
African meaning “born on a Friday” from the African name Batanai which meant “born on a Friday.”
75. Dorcas
Greek meaning “gazelle” from the Greek name Dorcas which meant “gazelle.”
76. Ebere
African means “the one who is promoted” from the African name Ebere which means “the one who is promoted.”
77. Zahra
Arabic means “flower” from the Arabic name Zahra, which means “flower.”
78. Aelim
Arabic means “wisdom” from the Arabic name Aelim which means “wisdom.
79. Amara
Arabic meaning “eternal” from the Arabic name Amar which meant “eternal.”
80. Dawa

African meaning “the dawn of a new day” from the African name Dawa which meant “the dawn of a new day.”
81. Anisa
Arabic means “happiness” from the Arabic name Anisa, which means “happiness.”
82. Isabella
Spanish means “from the Old Castle” from the Spanish name Isabel, which means “from the Old Castle.”
83. Lina
African means “one who is beautiful and sweet” from the African name Lina, which means “one who is beautiful and sweet.
84. Arianna
Latin means “warlike” from the Latin name Arianna, which means “warlike.”
85. Olufisa
African meaning “warrior” from the African name Olufisa which means “warrior.
86. Avivah
Hebrew meaning “the daughter of the king” from the Hebrew name Avraham which meant “the daughter of the king.”
87. Abigail
Hebrew meaning “father’s joy” from the Hebrew name Ahayah which meant “father’s joy.”
88. Aburah
Arabic meaning “a brother’s friend” from the Arabic name Aburah which means “a brother’s friend.
89. Azora
African meaning “the one who has a very noble character” from the African name Azora which means “the one who has a very noble character.”
90. Bellita
African meaning “the one who is very beautiful” from the African name Bellita which means “the one who is very beautiful.”
91. Brielle
German meaning “female version of Brien or Briant” from the German name Brielle which meant “female version of Brien or Briant.”
92. Chia
Chinese meaning “once you have it, you will never lose it.” from the Chinese name Chia which meant “once you have it, you will never lose it.”
93. Chikwekwe

African meaning “the one who is very strong” from the African name Chikwekwe which means “the one who is very strong.”
94. Cheerly
English means “cheerful” from the English name Cheerly which means “cheerful.”
95. Jarek
Polish meaning “the one who is very dishonest” from the Polish name Jarcek which meant “the one who is very dishonest.”
96. Chelsie
English means “from Chelsey” from the English name Chelsie, which means “from Chelsey.”
97. Elizaveta
Russian means “from Elizabeth” from the Russian name Elizaveta, which means “from Elizabeth.”
98. Demila
Arabic meaning “the one who is very generous” from the Arabic name Demila which means “the one who is very generous.”
99. Chantal
French meaning “the one who is very generous” from the French name Chantal which meant “the one who is very generous.”
100. Nespereira
Hint of Portuguese origin from the Portuguese name Nespereira which means “from Nespereira.”