If you don’t think finding the perfect name for a sweet baby is hard enough, try picking one out for an evil demon that will come to Earth with nothing but vengeance in its cold, black heart.
Luckily there are a few rules to remember when naming your child to ensure a happy and healthy life.

1. Abaddon
Abaddon means “place of destruction.” (In the biblical sense.) It’s considered a mighty name for evil entities.
2. Acheron
Acheron means “river of woe.” In Greek mythology, the river Acheron is the place where many of the dead from various conflicts in the underworld wander until they are judged by Charon to be worthy of passage into Hades.
3. Abchanchu
Abchanchu means “God be with you.” If you want to use this name, make sure you aren’t saying it to someone who will kill the person.
4. Abigor
Abigor means “fearful honor.” This name can be used for someone with a lot of power in their lives but, unfortunately used in cruel ways.
5. Adbeel
Adbeel means “God of Eden.” This name is great for evil villains.
6. Abatur
Abatur means “father of God.” It’s a good name for someone who has a lot of power and admiration in their life.
7. Abyzou
Abyzou means “without god”. It is a good name for someone who believes in no one but themselves.
8. Achlys
Achlys means “unseen”. It can be used for someone who does not see anything good or someone who has a hard time seeing something good in their life.
9. Ahpuch
Ahpuch means “god of death.” It could be used for someone who has a lot of death around them or someone surrounded by life.
10. Akker
Akker means “evil worker”. This is a name to describe those who suffer from pain in their life and have no way to relieve that pain.
11. Aki
Aki means “evil”. It’s a good name for someone who is known to do evil things or for someone evil in their interests.
12. Akuji
Akuji means “evil one”. It’s a good name for someone who is known to do evil things or someone who has an evil aura in their life.
13. Alauda
Alauda means “white falcon”. It’s a good name for someone who is pure, powerful, and honorable.
14. Amarot
Amarot means “against god”, and it can be used to describe those against God or those who are not afraid of God.
15. Andras
Andras means “bitter” or “sorrowful.” This is a mighty name that can be used for someone who has had a hard life.
16. Azazel
Azazel means “evil god.” It’s a strong name that could be used for someone surrounded by evil or someone mighty in their life.
17. Bael
Bael means “strength of God.” It can be used for someone strong or for someone who isn’t strong at all.
18. Barbatos
Barbatos means “thorny rebel” and is commonly used in demonology.
19. Balam
Balam means “he who sees God.” It’s a good name for someone who can see beyond their situation or surroundings.
20. Bali
Bali means “splitting evil,” and it’s usually used in mythological stories as a force for good.
21. Barqiel
Barqiel means “son of God” and is probably the most common demon name. It can be used as an everyday name or for a malicious being against God and his people.
22. Batibat
Batibat means “one who causes great fear in the heart”. It’s a good name for someone who is feared by others or someone who causes fear in others.
23. Boc
Boc is a powerful, evil name that means “devil”. This is a good name for someone known to do evil things or someone who has an evil aura around them.
24. Beelzebub
Beelzebub means “son of the lord of flies” and is a strong name that can describe someone who is known to do evil things or someone who has an evil aura around them.
25. Belial
Belial means “worthless” and is usually associated with worshiping false idols. Belial is also one of the names of Satan that has been used for thousands of years.
26. Bifrons
Bifrons mean “double-face” and were used for a demon in medieval art. It can be used for someone who is sneaky or someone who doesn’t have a double-face at all.
27. Birsha
Birsha means “destruction.” It can be used for someone destructive in their life or someone trying to destroy others in their lives.
28. Buer
Buer means “terrible” and is not the best name for a child. It’s better to use it as a middle or last name instead of using it as a first name.
29. Bushyasta
Bushyasta means “evil serpent”. It’s a good name for someone who is known to do evil things or someone who has an evil personality.
30. Charon
Charon means “one who is a skinner of souls.” It’s an allusion to when the boatman, a ferryman of souls, would take the dead across the Styx River. Some people believe Charon should not be used for evil entities because it can also mean someone who helps people cross over to heaven.
31. Cabrakan
Cabrakan is a demon in medieval art. This name can be used for someone who has the power to cause harm or for someone you don’t want to cross.
32. Carman
Carman is a demon in medieval art. This name can be used for someone who causes physical pain in their life or for someone who is known to cause physical pain.
33. Carmilla
Carmilla means “little devil” and can be used for someone known to cause harm to others or someone known to cause harm.
34. Chernobog
Chernobog means “black god.” It’s a good name for someone who understands the dark side of life or someone who has yet to learn the dark side of life.
35. Christopher
Christopher means “bearer of Christ” and comes from the Greek meaning “bearer”.
36. Cymophane
Cymophane means “thief.” This name can be used for someone who takes things and hurts others or someone who is stealing people’s souls.
37. Damien
Damien means “to tame or subdue”. It can be used for someone who tames an evil force or for someone who is easily tamed by others.
38. Decarabia
Decarabia means “soul destroyer”. It can be used for someone who destroys their soul or the souls of others.
39. Dantalion
Dantalion means “from the lame'” and was used for a class of demons who were able to change shapes. It can be used for someone who changes their form or someone who stays the same in life.
40. Doyle
Doyle means “devil’s agent.” It can be used for someone who is a devil’s agent or someone who is working for evil all the time.
41. Druj
Druj means “lie”. It can be used for someone who lies or something that is evil in nature.
42. Edyn
Edyn means “of evil.” This name can be used for someone who is known to do evil things or someone who isn’t considered very evil in their life.
43. Egyn
Egyn means “evil eye.” It’s a good name for someone who has an evil eye or someone who is interested in evil.
44. Elaphelk
Elaphelk means “serpent of the earth” and can be used for someone who is evil in nature.
45. Eregir
Eregir means “evil ruler”, and it can be used for something with power over others or a person who has power over others.
46. Ei a
Ei a means “devil-god.” It can be used for someone who is known to do evil things or someone who isn’t considered very evil in their life.
47. Forneus
Forneus means “false accuser”. It can be used for a false accuser or someone who has a lot of accusations in their life.
48. Focalor
Focalor means “destroyer”. This is a good name for someone who destroys things or people in their life.
49. Furfur
Furfur means “thief”. This name can be used for someone who hurts others and takes what is not theirs.
50. Gadreel
Gadreel means “God is my helper.” It’s a good name for someone who can help others or help themselves heal from their past.
51. Glasyalabolas
Glasyalabolas means “light from hell”.
52. Helel
Helel means “glory of God”. This is a powerful name for someone who can make others feel important and honored.
53. Herbrecht
Herbrecht means “devil-hermit”. It can be used for someone who causes problems in this world, against God, or against his people.
54. Hecate
Hecate means “dark mistress”. It’s a good name for someone who has a dark personality or someone who is known to have a dark personality.
55. Hel
Hel is a demon in medieval art. This is a good name for someone who is known to cause pain or for someone who has caused pain in their life.
56. Herkuf
Herkuf means “devil-face”, and it can be used for someone with a dark personality or someone who might not have a dark personality but has some characteristics that could be considered evil.
57. Hinesheer
Hinesheer refers to a demon in medieval art. This can be used for someone who is feared by others or someone who fears others in their life.
58. Hifern
Hifern means “forest demon”. This name can be used for someone who lives in the forest or a person who isn’t afraid of nature.
59. Hierosolymus
Hierosolymus means “the holy city of God.” This is a good name for someone who is honored in their community or has a reputation of being very respectable in their life.
60. Ixobleodon
Ixobleodon means “dog of the lion.” It’s a good name for someone who is really loyal or someone who has a strong personality.
61. Iblis
Iblis means “to be angry with God”. This name can be used for someone who is angry and cannot forgive others or someone who cannot accept forgiveness.
62. Lachesis
Lachesis means “holder of the fillet”. It can be used as an allusion to when you’re in pain or when something is holding you back from moving on with your life.
63. Jaber
Jaber means “he who lies.” It can be used for someone who lies to others or has no honor in their life.
64. Japhet
Japhet means “one who is noble” and was used for a Jewish king named Japheth in the Bible.
65. Jahi
Jahi means “the evil one”. It’s a good name for someone who does evil things or someone who has an evil aura in their life.
66. Juju
Juju means “evil magic”. It can be used for someone with black magic or using dark magic.
67. Kado
Kado means “devil”. It’s a good name for something or someone with an evil eye or something that does evil to others.
68. Kahba
Kahba means “evil fire” and can be used for someone whose hair resembles fire or something fiery and hot.
69. Kikimora
Kikimora means “witch of the night” and can be used for someone who is cunning or for those who are known to be cunning.
70. Koumushka
Koumushka means “swamp spirit” and can be used for someone with a swampy aura around them or something swampy.
71. Kyklops
Kyklops means “monster with one eye”, and it can be used for something with one eye or a person who is known to cause fear in others.
72. Lucifer
Lucifer means “light of God”. This is a powerful name for someone who has an evil eye or someone who causes problems in this world.
73. Lilith
Lilith is a demon in medieval art. This name can be used for someone who is evil or someone who does evil things.
74. Mammon
Mammon means “mammon of unrighteousness”. It can be used for something or someone greedy or for something that requires much wealth before it does something.
75. Malphas
Malphas refers to a demon in medieval art. This can be used for someone who wants to do evil or something that likes to do evil.
76. Mephist
Mephist means “one who dispels” and was used for a powerful demon in folktale. It can be used for someone who is known to dispel curses or evil spirits or a person who dispelled their past and moved on with their life.
77. Naberius
Naberius means “one who lies” and was used for a demon in medieval art. It can be used for someone who is known to lie or someone who has no honor in their life.
78. Ose
Ose means “audacious” and was used for a snake demon in medieval art. It can be used for someone who is audacious or someone who does anything they want without any regard for others in their life.
79. Onoskelis
Onoskelis means “one who lies”. It can be used for someone who is a liar or someone who lies in their life.
80. Osyris
Osyris means “master of passion”. It can be used for someone with a strong personality or someone who has a lot of passion in their life.
81. Peri
Peri means “demon of the air”.
82. Persephone
Persephone means “demon of the earth”. This can be used for someone who does evil things or is known to be evil.
83. Peter
Peter means “rock” or “stone”. This is a good name for someone who has strong characteristics that are also considered stone-like.
84. Poner
Poner means “evil worker”. It can be used for someone who is evil in their life or someone who needs to work to become eviler.
85. Phenius
Phenius means both “phantom” and “devil.
86. Puck
Puck means “demon of the forest”, and it can be used for someone who lives in the woods or is a forest spirit.
87. Pygmalion
Pygmalion means “to form from clay”. It can be used for something shaped out of clay or a person who was shaped out of clay and turned into something beautiful.
88. Rhadamanthys
Rhadamanthys means “judge of the dead”. It can be used for someone who judges others or is known to judge others.
89. Ruthven
Ruthven is a Scottish name that means “red stranger”. This is good for someone who is known to perform good deeds or someone who has a red tone in their life.
90. Rangda
Rangda means “demon”. It’s a good name for someone who is known to cause problems or someone who causes problems in their life.
91. Rusalka
Rusalka means “maid of the night”. This can be used for someone who does evil things or for something that does evil things.
92. Samael
Samael means both “blind god” and “venom of God”. It can be used for someone with a blind eye or someone who others have poisoned.
93. Samigina
Samigina means “devil-fear”.
94. Selene
Selene is a demon in medieval art. This name can be used for someone who brings pain to others or for something with healing properties.
95. Teivel
Teivel is used as a demon in medieval art. This name can be used for someone known to frighten others or someone who isn’t afraid of anything.
96. Ubel
Ubel means “devil”. This is a good name for someone who is known to do evil or someone who isn’t considered very evil in their life.
97. Usha
Usha means “the night”. This is a good name for something with healing properties or something that can use the night to its advantage.
98. Xezbeth
Xezbeth means “witch”. It’s a good name for someone who may be known to do evil things or someone with an evil nature.
99. Zagan
Zagan refers to a demon in medieval art. This name can be used for someone with a dark past or who won’t face their past.
100. Zol
Zol means “curse”. It can be used to curse others or those who have harmed you in the past. Zol is also seen as the wife of Samael in demonology and occultism.