In this article, I will show you some primary helpful information about Darwin’s observations on his children and what parents can learn from this document.
Studies have shown that smiling is the main factor related to brain development. Parents should encourage your baby to laugh by interacting and playing with them as much as possible. Smiling is one of the significant factors to build a nurturing environment for kids.
Darwin’s observation of his children is a beneficial document that parents can refer to when studying about your little one’s first laugh. In this article, we will show you some main content for parents and parent-to-be to learn.
Darwin’s Observations on His Children
About the Study
Darwin had begun to watch, collect, and note the infant’s behavior since 1939. He stated with relatives and young families. But it was when he had a baby that he could build the right questionnaires and successfully pursuing children’s expression and emotions.
Darwin’s carefully noted every change when observing the development of his first kid – William Erasmus. He maintained watching from William the first day (27/12/1939) until September of 1844. At this time, he also attended his second kid – Anne Elizabeth.
He watched every change in children and noted every sign from them, including smiling, frowning, speaking, and more. After that, he concluded with a transformation from physiological expression to language and logical thought.
Darwin and Annie
Darwin’s Observation on Children Laugh
Among many factors, Darwin’s observation of children laughs remarkable. He found that his little Annie had a huge sweet smile, and she could also make pleasure sound like a laugh when she was two months old.
One week later, Annie’s eyes brightened when she was smiling, and the smile came with a little noise, which led to a happy laugh later. And yes, then her emotions were developed. She was amused and laughed loudly and happily.
A few months later, Annie wrinkled up her nose while smiling, and she could make a half-laughing, which means that she could control the play of the muscles around her mouth. In August 1844, when Annie was three years old, she could understand her emotions and the situations when she laughed.
The Meaning of Children Laugh in Each Stage
From 0-4 Weeks Old
Your baby has been smiling since they were in their mother’s womb. This smile is only reflexive but not spontaneous, and it does not make sense to express your baby’s emotions. During the first month of life, your baby will often have this reflective smile during their sleep or when they are drowsy.
Although your babies mainly develop their brains through sleep and physical activity, mom should encourage the baby to laugh. Besides, mom should laugh more to your baby so your baby can learn and develop from the physically reflexive smile to an emotional smile.
The first laugh of babies is very important
2-3 Months Old
At this stage, your baby’s smile is a means to respond to the expressions that attract her. Your babies tend to interest in both familiar and strange sounds and vision because their brains are developing. The sounds like mimicking animals, beeps, or laughing sounds becomes very attractive to your baby.
As a result, they will respond to these sounds and waves their hands and feet on the air.
Parents should always encourage your baby to laugh because this is the time when your baby increases face-to-face contact with you. You can find in there smile some pure emotions, and he always looks at you when smiling. So when you see your baby laugh, let’s talk to them and smile together.
3 to 6 Months Old
At this stage, your baby can laugh at everything around him; their smile will be the conditional reaction with the world. Your babies can grin no matter what you do. And when they get older, they will know how to smile while looking away.
From 4 months old, your baby’s smile has another meaning: he can remember and reminds things. It is a milestone showing that your baby’s brain is developing entirely. However, parents, please don’t force your baby to smile if they don’t want. The reason is your little one is leaning positive and negative emotions at the same time.
For this period, parents should let your babies do want they want. Be patient and positively react when your babies look at you. Besides, parents can encourage your baby to smile by making a funny face or funny sounds. Don’t overuse tickling baby because it is not good when your little one grows up.
6 to 9 Months Old
At this stage, your baby only smiles when they want to or when they think that it is funny. They can realize that mommy and daddy are more important than others, and they will smile with you more often. So, this is a positive sign of mature brains.
However, your friendly child can become a grumpy child at this age. Your baby will not smile or laugh or happy when they have to interact with strangers. But your baby can’t stop laughing when playing hide and seek. At this time, you will see that their smiles are various.
Encourage your baby to laugh
9 to 12 Months Old
This stage is the period that your baby will complete their language. Your baby’s brain has developed in some points, and they will play with their smile. You will see your little one use their smile as a way of communication. And it is also the time that your baby will develop a sense of humor.
Buy them some fun toys, and they will happily laugh. Besides, kids at this age are more likely to laugh at surprises. So the ideal game with them is to hide and seek or peekaboo.
Final Words
So, above is some information about your baby’s first laugh based on the research of Darwin’s Observations on His children. When having a kid, you have to pay attention to every small change so that you can have the right responses on time.
And the smile is one of these changes. Don’t forget to observe your little one’s smile and encourage them to become a happy child.