Boys grow up so fast. Easier said than done if you find it hard to come up with creative and unique names for them. In this post, we have rounded up over 50 of the cutest baby boy names to give you more options! This includes a variety of themes, such as Arabic, American Indian, Scandinavian, and even some from other countries.
This is a long list, so don’t be shy to use the links below to navigate if you want. You can also download the list in PDF format or print it out (when you are done with it) for future reference. By default, all names are alphabetically sorted.

100 Cute Baby Boy Names
1. Liam
Liam is another name used for Saint Jude’s Day in honor of St. Jude of Ephesus. This name suits both a boy and a girl. It has its origins in the Old English word meaning “lame .”Feminots who find the name incredibly adorable should be fond of the meaning: “Lama'(from Hebrew, “to serve”).”
2. Elliott
This is a popular first name among both boys. It has its origins in the Old English word “Easy”, meaning “easier to please”.
3. Aiden
Aiden, meaning “boy warrior”. It is said to be a combination of the Old English word “Aidne”, meaning “noble strength,” and the Gaelic word, which means warrior.
4. Aidan
This name is said to have its origins in the Irish word, which means peaceful. It has been translated as “one who gives peace”.
5. Noah
Noah is the name of a popular boy who was the survivor of a great flood in the Bible. The original Hebrew name was “Noosa”, meaning “rest”.
6. Jude
Jude is said to have its origins in the Latin word “Judas”, which means “praise”. It is often said to be a derivative of Judas Iscariot, one that betrayed Jesus Christ. However, there appears to be very little evidence to support this assumption.
7. Oliver
The name Oliver is an Old English word that means “young wolf”, made popular by the character of the same name in Dickens’ “Oliver Twist”. It is even more so popular among boys as it has its origins in the Latin word meaning “little” or “lovable”.
8. Leo
Leo is derived from the Greek language, which means lion. This short and sweet name suits any boy who wishes to be a lion in his life.
9. Alexander
Alexander is a Greek name, meaning “Protector of Men”, made popular by the famous Macedonian leader Alexander the Great. Nicknames include Aleksander, Sander, and Sandor. Other nicknames include Sash, Alexie, Lexie, Lex, and Xandor.
10. Elijah
Elijah is a Hebrew boy’s name meaning “The Lord is my God”. It is considered to be a variant of Elias, and it has its origins in the Old Testament. In some cases, the name can be used for both boys and girls.
11. William
William is a popular English name that means “Will-helmet” or “Protector of the Will”. It is originally a Germanic name and has its origins in the word will, meaning “desire”.
12. Noah
Noah is said to have its origins in the Hebrew word, which means rest. It is significant in the Bible as it was used as a form of blessing by God in the Old Testament. In some cases, it can also be used for girls.
13. James
This is a popular name among boys and men, as it can be traced back to the Middle English word “Jaimes” meaning “Supplanter” or “Plunderer”.
14. Christian
Christian is a name said to have its origins in the Latin word “Chris,” meaning anointed. It has been used by Christians as a form of prayer and blessing in honor of Jesus Christ. It is a common name among Christians all over the world, especially those in Europe, America and Australia.
15. Benjamin
Benjamin means “son of the south” and is a Hebrew name. It has also been referred to as the “Son of the right hand”. Benjamin has also been used to refer to a son who was born prematurely.
16. Joseph
Joseph is an English name originating from the Latin word which means “Addition”. Its Biblical meaning was “May God add another son .” It usually refers to Jesus’ father in the Bible. Joseph was also one of Jacob’s 12 children (Genesis 31: 38).

17. Henry
This is one of the most popular names in England and Ireland. The name originated from the Germanic word “Herman,” which means “army man”, a characteristic of a Germanic people.
18. John
John is an English name meaning “One who comes”, or “The Lord is gracious”. This name was used by Christ’s disciples when they were given the commandment to be baptized in honor of John’s baptism.
19. Mason
Mason is an English name that has its origins in the Latin word “Magus”, meaning “magnificent”. It means one who displays his expertise to the public or a skilled craftsman.
20. Connor
Connor is a name used for boys and is of Irish origin. It means “son of the wolf” or “strong-willed”. Other nicknames include Con, Conor, Conner, Konnor, Konner, and Connar.
21. Michael
Michael is an English name that means “Who is like God”. It has been used since at least the 12th century. This name is said to be a title of respect or as a pen-name that suggests a person in high esteem.
22. Aaron
Aaron is an English name that comes from the Hebrew word which means “Light Mountain”. He was said to be the eldest of Moses’ brothers and was the High Priest, along with his brother Nadab.
23. Ethan
Ethan is a name that means “God is my help”. It can be used for boys and girls, although boys usually go for the meaning with the spelling.
24. Elias
This is one of the most popular names in the world. It was originally used as a form of chant or prayer by Christians and given to children who have been said to have a holy character. The name has its origins in the Greek word meaning “The Lord saves”.
25. Jacob
Jacob is a popular first name. It has its origins in the Hebrew word, which means “supplanter”. Jacob was the name of the son of Isaac and Rebekah. It was also used to describe Israel, the chosen one or one who struggled with God for twelve long years.
26. Luke
Luke is a popular boy’s name with its roots in the Latin word “Lucas,” meaning “Lustrous” or “Bringer of Light”.
27. Logan
This is a Scottish name meaning “small hollow”. It was used as a surname for the Maclagan clan. They were described as a clan of Scottish warriors and said to be from Nevern, on the Isle of Man. Logan was also used to refer to the Logan River in Queensland, Australia.
28. Sebastian
This name has its origins in the Latin word which means “from Sebaste”. The meaning could be interpreted as “of Sebastia”, or “from Sebastia”. Sebaste is the name of a place located in northern Turkey. According to Christian traditions, it was the place where St. Peter and St. John were crucified.
29. Adam
Adam is a popular name used for babies all over the world, especially in Europe, America, and Australia. It has its origins in the Bible’s Book of Genesis, where Adam was created by God in His own image and likeness.
30. Levi
Levi is an English name meaning “of Levi”. It is commonly used as a surname to refer to the tribe of Levi, who were the priests of Israel.
31. Lucas
The name Lucas has its origins in the Latin word meaning “Of Lucania”. It is said to be used as a form of prayer for the benefit of a person who has been ill. It is also used as a surname by some families in Australia and America.
32. Nathaniel
Nathaniel is one of the most popular names among boys, especially in America and Australia. It has its origins in the Greek name “Nathanael”, meaning “Gift from God”. According to the Gospel of St. John, Nathaniel was one of the Three Nathaniel who was sent by God to preach in Israel.
33. Emanuel
Emanuel is a popular name used for boys. It is also known as “Manuel,” which means “God is with us .”The name has its origins in the Bible’s Book of Genesis, where God told Adam that He would be called “Emanu-” meaning “God-with” and “-el”, meaning god or protector.
34. Theodore
Theodore can be used for boys and girls. It comes from the Greek name “Theodorus”, meaning “God gives”. This name was said to have been the name of St. Theodore, the patron saint of students.
35. Samuel
This is a popular name in the 21st century. It is used for both boys and girls, although it is more commonly used for boys. It has its origins in the Hebrew word which means “name”, “shem,” or “that which God mentioned”. According to the Christian tradition, Samuel was the last judge appointed by God before He started to rule over Israel directly.
36. Joseph
Joseph is an English name meaning “Addition”. It is the favorite name of Jesus Christ’s father.
37. Mathew
This popular name for boys was originally from the Greek word “Matheos”, meaning “gift of God”. It is said to have come from the Old Testament’s Book of Matthew, where Jesus told his disciples that they would be called “Mathetes” which means gift bearer.
38. Wyatt
Wyatt is a popular English name, used for boys and girls. It’s origins were from the Old English word “Wodg”, meaning wise man. The name was also said to have been used by the Welsh people, and Shaun was used to referring to a person of valor or worth who protected his family.
39. Carter
This is a common English name for boys, and it has its origins in the French word “Caretre,” which means “Cart Road”. It was said to have been used as a surname by people who took care of transportation by horse-drawn carts.
40. Spencer
First used in the Middle Ages, it has been a predominant last name to refer to guardians or stewards of estates or property. It can also be used as an English name, meaning one who takes care of an estate.
41. Julian
Julian can be used as a name for both boys and girls. It is based on the Roman name, which meant “of the 3rd month”. This was said to have been the month of Julius Caesar’s birthday.
42. Damin
Damin is an English name that has its origins in the Old French word “Dame”. It was said to have originally been used by knights who were considered ladies to their wives due to the fact that they fought for them and defended them from danger.
43. Grayson
Grayson is a popular name used for boys. It is derived from the Old French word “Gregoire”, meaning “Gray hair”. This name was said to have been used as a surname by people who had grey hair.
44. Isaac
Isaac is a name used for boys. It has its origins in the Hebrew word meaning “laughter” or “he will laugh”. Isaac was the only son of Abraham and Sarah, who was born to them when they were old. It is believed that he lived to be one hundred years old.
45. Lincoln
The name Lincoln is a popular name, and it has its origins in the Old English language meaning “Linca’s Lane”. It has been known to be used as a surname for people who lived in Lincoln, England. Lincoln was also used as a nickname for the legendary person of King John of England.
46. Wesley
Wesley is an English name that has its origins in the Greek Word, which means “to watch over or guard”. According to the Catholic tradition, Wesley was the name of an English religious leader who was a reformer of his time.

47. Anthony
Anthony is a name used for both boys and girls. It has its origins in the Latin word which means “invaluable”. According to the Christian tradition, Anthony was a saint who chose to be a hermit instead of becoming a bishop. He also seemed to have had prophetic gifts and was said to have heard voices from God.
48. Alex
Alex can be used as the first or last name for both boys. It was derived from the Greek word which means “defender or protector”. It can also be used as an abbreviation for Alexander and Alexandra.
49. Steven
Steven was derived from an Old English word that means “crown” or “garland of wildflowers”. It can be commonly used as a last name for people in the Christian tradition. It is also said to have been used as a first name for people who were born on feast days and to babies who were born in summertime.
50. Dylan
Dylan was originally derived from the Welsh word “Dywyll,” which means “dark one”. It was said to have been used as a surname by people who had dark hair. It can also be used as a first name for a person who lived during the 11th century.
51. Thomas
Thomas is a popular name used for boys. It is remotely related to the Greek word which means “twin” or “pair”. According to the Christian tradition, this was the name of one of Jesus’ disciples and the apostle who doubted.
52. Charles
Charles is a name used heavily in the English language. It is derived from the Greek word which means “free man”. Charles was thought to have been one of the few people who were truly free citizens, thanks to his father being a rich and influential nobleman. He is referred to as “The Black Prince” because he was a knight who became famous when he led an attack on a castle and defeated over fifty men.
53. Christopher
The name Christopher means “carrier of Christ,” and it is derived from the Greek word “Christophore”. It was said to have referred to people who carried the statue of the Virgin Mary. The name also became popular in the United Kingdom after a patron saint who was known as “Christopher” became famous.
54. Maverick
This is a name that can be used both as a last name and first name for both girls and boys. It is an English word that means “far away”. It was said to have been used by cattle drovers who would ride on the backs of their animals to lead them further away from their homes.
55. Nathan
Nathan is a name used for boys, and it has its origins in the Hebrew word meaning “He gave”. This was said to have been the name of one of King David’s favorites, who was known as a prophet. He also had a son named Solomon, who succeeded him.
56. Aaron
Aaron is a name used for both boys and girls. It has its origins in the Hebrew word, which means “to move”. This was said to be the name of one of Moses’ great-grandsons, who was chosen to lead the people out of Egypt. He is also referred to as “the priest” because he had been a priest in the court of King Phiush, who used him to deal with issues related to his human sacrifices.
57. Ezekiel
It is an English name that means “God will strengthen”. According to the Old Testament, Ezekiel was the prophet who was sent to the exiles taken from Jerusalem after the destruction of their city. The book which he wrote is referred to as ‘Ezekiel’.
58. Alfred
This is a popular first name that was derived from an Old English word, meaning “elf’s counselor” or “wise elf”. It was said that this was the name of a king who founded an empire. The middle part of this name is also used as a surname, and it means “noble force”.
59. Hunter
The name Hunter describes the person as someone who is skilled in hunting. It is an English word that has its origins in the Old English word, which means “hawk-chaser”. Many had said that people who took this surname were master hunters.
60. Robert
Robert is a name that can be used by both boys and girls. It is an English word that means “bright fame”. In the case of the popular Robert the Bruce, he was a Scottish ruler who fought against the English during his time.
61. Gabriel
The name Gabriel refers to somebody who is close to God or is one of God’s messengers. It was derived from the Hebrew word which meant “God-revealer”. This was said to be the name of one of the archangels in Christianity.
62. Harley
Harley is another English name that can be used for both boys. It is derived from the Old English word which means “hare clearing”. This was said to have been the name of a place in England where people used to hunt hares during their time. The Nazi party chose this name when they started a motorcycle club during the 1930s known as “The Harleys”.
63. Nicholas
Nicholas is a name used for boys. It was derived from the Greek word which means “victorious people”. This was said to be the name of a martyr who died and had his body parts scattered in a city named Myra. Eventually, it became a common saint’s name that was used when one desired to protect their home or property against thieves.
64. Dominic
Dominic was an English word that meant “belonging to the Lord”. It can be used as a last name or first name, and it is commonly used in the Catholic tradition. In Catholicism, Dominic refers to Saint Dominic.
65. Caleb
Caleb is a name that is derived from the Hebrew word which meant “dog” or “wolf”. This is said to be the name of one of Moses’ great-grandsons, who was known for his bravery during the Israelites’ conquest of Canaan. He was also said to be responsible for leading one of the twelve tribes when it broke away from Moses’ control because he did not like some of his laws regarding war.
66. Everett
This is an English name used for both boys and girls. It is derived from the Old English word which means “wealthy, successful”. It was said that people with this last name were wealthy because of their hard work and efforts. Several had also said that those with this last name would be usually successful in their ventures, especially the ones who were well-off.
67. . Brooks
The name Brooks is a surname with its origins from the Old English word which meant “stream”. It refers to someone who lived near the stream or to those who were known for their ability to read written or spoken words that would appear in the form of water. It was said that people with this last name were known for being incredibly persuasive and convincing.
68. Xavier
Xavier is a name that can be used for either boys or girls, and it has its origins in the Spanish word for “holy” or “blissful”. It was said that this was the name of a saint who was known for his missionary work.
69. Emmett
The name Emmett contains several meanings, all of which have to do with the wonderful son of a mother. It is of German origin, where it means “industrious”. In Gaelic, it means “strength”, and in English, it means “industrious”. People who are blessed with this last name will be industrious yet strong enough to bring happiness to their mother.
70. Kai
Kai is a name that can be used for either boys or girls, although it is more popular as a last name. It is derived from the German word which means “happiness”. This was inherited by the Kai Yew family.
71. Geoffrey
Geoffrey is a surname that can be used for both boys and girls, although it is more common to use as a first name. It has its origins in the Greek word which meant “high-born” or “best man”, which refers to one of Arthur’s knights who was known as an excellent fighter and leader of his troop.
72. Silas
Silas is an English name that has its origins in the Greek word which meant “to listen”, and it was said to have been the name of one of Paul’s companions who had separated from him and Barnabas while they were on their missionary journeys. It was also said that he used to travel with Timothy, another companion of Paul.
73. Lewis
The name Lewis is an Anglicized form of the Welsh word which meant “courteous” or “noble”. It was reported that during the Middle Ages, people with this last name were known for being courteous and well-mannered.
74. Brian
Brian is of Irish origin and was reported to have been the name of a great king. It is also used as a surname, and it means “of the high bournes”. It refers to one of the twelve apostles who was thought to be the son of Japheth by some.
75. Colin
Colin is a surname that can be used for either boys or girls, and it has its origins in the Latin word which means “cool”. This was commonly said to be the name of the saint who was known for his great piety and kindness. Some have also said that people with this last name were cool and friendly but at the same time intelligent.
76. Corey
The name Corey is of Irish origin, and it means “from the hollow”. There have been numerous people who were named after this last name.
77. Grayson
The name Grayson is a first name used for boys, and it has its origins in the old English word which means “son of the steward”. This was said to be the name of a Scottish nobleman who married Princess Mary, a daughter of King Henry VIII.
78. Dillon
It is derived from the Old English word which meant “rein” or “guide”. This was said to be the name of a famous St. Douglass who lived in Ireland during 431 AD, and he was also known for his great piety.
79. Erik
Erik is the name of a Norse god who was said to be the son of a giant and the father of eight gods. It was also said that it was an old Norse name that had been used as a surname or given to a person who would be witness to history and future events.

80. Gary
Gary is a name that was derived from the old English word which meant “spear”. This was said to be the name of one of King Arthur’s warriors who was incredibly strong, and he had been beheaded by Sir Balin.
81. Joel
Joel is of Hebrew origin, and it refers to the name of a prophet who had prophesied during the reign of King Ahab. Some have also said that he had been known for his strong faith and powerful visions.
82. Keith
Keith is an English name that has its origins in the old English word which meant “ruler” or “steward”. Those with this last name were said to have been descendants of a Viking called Ketill Flatnose.
83. Forrest
Forrest is an English name that has its origins in the Old French word which meant “forest”, and it was said to refer to a large forest with trees, shrubs, and other plants without distinction.
84. Kingsley
This is an English name that can be used for both boys and girls. It has its origins in the old English word which meant “King’s meadow”, and it was said to be the name of one of King George II’s ministers who was known for being a great speaker.
85. Marc
Marc is a name that can be used for both boys and girls, and it has its origins in the Latin word which means “determined”. It was said that those with this last name were known for being very determined.
86. Morgan
Morgan is an old Welsh name that has its origins in the Latin word which means “sea-like”. This was said to be the name of a spirit who had lived in northern Europe. It was also said that this was the name of a famous warrior who lived in Wales in 600 AD.
87. Nelson
Nelson is an English name that has its origins in the Old French word which meant “child of Neil”. This was said to be the name of the first child of a blacksmith who became the Duke of Bronté.
88. Milo
It is of Latin origin where it means “a Greek soldier”, and this was said to be the name of one of King Arthur’s knights.
89. Rhys
Rhys is of Welsh origin, and it means “son of Rhydderch”. It was also said that it was the name of one of the twelve great warriors who had lived in Wales during 600 AD. Some have also said that it was the name of a famous saint who lived in Wales in 649 AD.
90. Scott
Scott is a name that was derived from the old English word which meant “Scot”. This was said to be the name of a great Scottish warrior who defeated the Danes in a battle.
91. Quentin
Quentin is an English name that has its origins in the French word which means “fifth”. It was also said that this was one of King George II’s ministers who lived during 1720 AD, and he was well-known for his clever mind.
92. Abdullah
This is an Arabic name that means “servant of God”. It was said to be the name of one of the four major prophets who were known for living during 610 AD.
93. Abram
Abram was the name of a very famous prophet who was also known as Abraham. He was said to have had two sons named Thauban and Ishmael. This is the same name as “Abraham” in the Bible, and it is also used as a surname.
94. Atticus
Atticus is the name of a famous Greek philosopher who lived during the 4th century BC, and he wrote with his famous student Socrates. It is derived from the Greek word which means “father”.
95. Alfred
Alfred was the name of one of King Arthur’s knights who was famous for his ability to see into the future. It is also used as a surname, and it means “elf or magical counsel”. There have been many people who were named after this great king.
96. Donald
Donald was the name of a famous warrior who had defended Scotland in 800 AD. His last name was “MacDonald”, and it meant “son of Donald”. This is also the same name as “Donal”, which means “slender and youthful”.
97. Ignatius
Ignatius was the name of one of the twelve disciples of Jesus who had been called by Jesus to follow him. It has its origins in the Greek word, which means “a gift of God”.

98. Edward
Edward was the name of King Alfred, the great’s father, and he was said to have been the first Ealderman of Mercia. This was said to be the name of one of King Arthur’s knights who had helped him defeat the giant and his wife.
99. Ethan
Ethan is a very popular name for boys, and it comes from both Hebrew and Gaelic origin. It means “strong, firm”. It was also said that this was one of Abraham’s twelve sons.
100. Emmanuel
Emmanuel is the name of a famous biblical prophet, and he was said to have lived during the time of the Temple. It is derived from the Hebrew word which means “God with us”.