There are many Brazilian girl names that have their origin in Portuguese, such as Graziela or Lívia. I’ve found that the best way to find a name is to check out the top 10 most popular names for girls in Brazil, as well as read a baby name book. It’s important to find a name you like, because you will be seeing it on your child’s birth certificate and on all his/her school documents.

1. Isaura
It’s Greek for “Isauria’s natural woman.”.
2. Zulmira
It means magnificent and sublime.
3. Ana Beatriz
Portuguese variation of Anne, a Greek name possibly meaning “the grace of God”. It’s also a variant of Anneke and Annika.”Ana” means “favour”.
4. Adriene
Latin name, meaning “of Adria”. Adria was a town in Veneto, Italy.
5. Ana Carolina
“Carolina” has Spanish origins; it means “the little dark one”. “Ana” means “favour”. Carolina de Mello e Souza is one of the most celebrated Brazilian writers.
6. Ágata
Portuguese and Spanish variation of Agatha, meaning “good”. It’s also a variation of Agathe and Agnes.
7. Alice
Variation of Adelaide, meaning “noble kind”. It’s also a variation of Adela. Caroline Myss (born 1950) is an American author and spiritual teacher.
8. Amanda

“Amanda” is the English version of Amélie, a french name possibly meaning “defender, protector”. Another variation is Amelia.
9. Alessandra
Italian variation of Alexandra, meaning “defender of mankind”. It can be shortened to Sandra. Actress Alessandra Forte is from Brazil.
10. Ana Clara
“Clara” is a feminine assistant and follower of Saint Clare, who founded the Order of Poor Clares in Italy in 1212. It’s also the Portuguese variation of Clare. Another variation is Anaclara.
11. Amélia
“Amélia” is the Spanish version of Amélie, a french name possibly meaning “defender, protector”. It’s also a variant of Amelia.
12. Ana Graciele
Portuguese variation of Ann, meaning “favour”. It’s also a variant of Anne and Anna. Actress Ana Claudia Barbosa is from Brazil. Actress Ananada Monteiro is from Brazil. Brazilian artist Ana Julia Carvalho (born 1958) is sometimes called the “Brazilian Cindy Sherman”.
13. Anita
“Anita” is the Spanish version of Anne, meaning “favour”. Portuguese actress Anita Malfatti is from Brazil.
14. Aline
Loved by Brazil, France and the Netherlands, this name is also used in other countries like the United States. Aline is the French version of Elina or Alice. Gilda poses for Vogue magazine for the first time in 1983.
15. Ana Paula
Portuguese variation of Ann, meaning “favour”. Actress Ana Paula Tavares is from Brazil
16. Adriana
Latin name meaning “of Adria”. Adria was a town in Veneto, Italy.
17. Hilda
Germanic name meaning warrior.
18. Andrea

Latin name meaning “man”. It’s also a German variation of Andrew or Andrewe and an Italian version of Andres. Its also the Spanish version of Andrew, meaning “a gift”.
19. Alzira
Portuguese variation of Elisabeth, meaning “God’s promise”.
20. Ana
“Ana” is the Portuguese, Spanish and Italian version of the Greek name Anna, meaning “favour”. It’s also an English form of Hannah and an ancient Greek variant of Anne.
21. Ana Luiza
Portuguese variation of Elizabeth, meaning “God’s promise”. Brazilian soccer player Ana Paula Martins (born 1980) is from Brazil. Actress Ana Moreira is from Brazil. Brazilian singer Ana Carolina (born 1982) is from Minas Gerais.
22. Analu
It signifies a renowned and graceful warrior.
23. Ana Beatriz
Portuguese variation of Anne, meaning “the grace of God”. It’s also a variant of Anneke and Annika. Actress Ana Maria Braga (born 1964) is from Brazil. Brazilian actress Ana Claudia Barbosa is from Brazil. Brazilian painter Ana Maria Machado (born 1973) is from Minas Gerais.
24. Andréia
Portuguese variation of Andrea, meaning “man”. It’s also a German variation of Andrew or Andrewe and an Italian version of Andres. Its also the Spanish version of Andrew, meaning “a gift”.
25. Antônia
“Antonia” has Greek origins; it means “invaluable”.
26. Beatriz
Portuguese variation of Beatrix, meaning “she who brings happiness”. It’s also a Spanish variation of Beatrice, the Italian version of Beatrix, meaning “she who makes happy”. \
27. Aparecida
“Aparecida” has Latin origins, meaning “she who was found”.
28. Beatriz

Portuguese variation of Beatrix, meaning “she who brings happiness”. It’s also a Spanish variation of Beatrice, the Italian version of Beatrix, meaning “she who makes happy”. \
29. Branca
Afrikaans and Portuguese variation of Blanca, meaning “white”. Its also a variation of Blanche and Blanka.
30. Áurea
Portuguese variation of Aurélia, meaning “golden”. It’s a feminine word used in poetry. Actress Áurea Lage is from Brazil.
31. Bianca
A popular name for girls all over the world, Bianca has Italian origins. Brazilian singer Bruna Bianca is from Brasília, Distrito Federal. Actress Bruna Marquezine is from São Paulo.
“Bianca” means “Italian”, or “white”.
32. Belinda
This name comes from the old Greek word “melissa” meaning “honey bee”, and was made popular by a character in Alexander Pope’s poem “The Rape of the Lock”. It’s also a variation of Belen, meaning “a city of peace”.
33. Bethânia
Portuguese variation of Elizabeth, meaning “God’s promise”. It can also be translated as “two houses” in Hebrew. Actress Bethânia de Jesus (born 1975) is from Brazil.
34. Bia
Afrikaans, Portuguese and Spanish variation of Maria, meaning “obstinacy, rebelliousness” or “their rebellion”. It was a word that was used for Mary in the old testament.
35. Bibiana
“Bibiana” has Latin origins, meaning “young goat”.
36. Berenice
This name has Greek roots, meaning “bringer of victory”. It can also be translated as “bearer of victory”, which is ironic because worshipers of the Egyptian goddess Isis referred to her by this name.
37. Bruna
This is a variation of the Italian Maria. Actress Bruna Marquezine is from São Paulo.
38. Bruna Matilde
Bruna Matilde means “warlike, brave” or “brave, courageous”. It’s also a Portuguese variation of Mary and an Italian variation off Mary.
39. Bruninha
Bruninha is a feminine diminutive of the Portuguese name Bruna, meaning “warlike”. It’s also an Italian variation of Mary and a Portuguese variation off Mary. Actress Bruninha Mendonça is from Rio Grande do Sul.
40. Bianka
This name has variants in many countries, including the Russian, Bulgarian and Romanian versions – Binka. Brazilian figure skater Bianca Zanotti is from Rio de Janeiro.
41. Camila
It means “god’s messenger.”
42. Carolina
“Carolina” has Italian origins, meaning “a free man”, or “free woman”, from “Karolus”.
43. Catarina
Portuguese variation of Catherine, meaning “pure”. It’s also the feminine form of the Portuguese name Catarino, a diminutive of the masculine name Catarina.
44. Cássia
Portuguese version of Catherine, meaning “pure”. Actress Cássia Szabó is from Brazil.
45. Carla
This name has German origins, the feminine form of Carl, meaning “free man”.
46. Conceição

“Conceição” has Latin roots, meaning “conception”. It can also be translated as “assumption”, which is the Christian belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken up into heaven.
47. Clara
This name has Latin origins, meaning “clear, bright or famous”. Its also of Spanish origin and a feminine form of the name Louis or Lester. The last name becomes Larissa on its own.
48. Cláudia
“Cláudia” has Latin origins, meaning “the free woman”. It can also be translated as “deficiency”, because the theory was that Jesus was conceived through a lack of sex between Mary and Joseph.
49. Cristina
“Cristina” has Italian origins, meaning “a Christian man”. British physicist and politician Sir Winston Churchill was born with the name of Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill.
50. Cléo
“Cléo” is the Brazilian version of Cleopatra, meaning “glory to her race”, from the Greek word “kleos”. It’s a name given to a girl born after her mother has had a miscarriage.
51. Denise
Denise has French origins, meaning “from Dionysus”. It can also be translated as “heavenly wine”, from the Greek word “Oinos”.
52. Cristiana
“Cristiana” is the feminine form of Christian. It can also be translated as “Christian”, which comes from the Latin word “Christianus”.
53. Clarissa
This name is also of Polish origin, meaning “bright fame”. Its also a German variation of Clara, meaning “clear, bright or famous”.
54. Daiane
This name has Greek origins, meaning “the Lord is my God”. Actress Daiane Mediane is from Rio de Janeiro.
55. Dafne
“Dafne” has Greek origins, meaning “gift of Athena”. It can also be translated as “from the goddess”. Actress Daphne Du Maurier is from Australia and Swiss actress Daphne Karyo is from Geneva.
56. Delia
Portuguese and Italian variation of Delia, meaning “the Lord is my God”. It can also be translated as “of God”.
57. Deise
This name has Greek origins, meaning “God’s perfection or order”. Actress Deise Faneca is from Brasília, Distrito Federal.
58. Denize
Denize is a feminine variation of Denise, meaning “from Dionysus” or “heavenly wine”. It’s also a Greek variation of Dina, meaning “peoples of God”, and an Italian variation of Dina.
59. Daniela
This name means “God is my judge”. It can also be translated as “of God”. Actress Daniela Ruah is from Rio de Janeiro.
60. Daniella
“Daniella” means “God is my judge”. It can also be translated as “of God”, which comes from the Latin word “di-nus”. Actor Ving Rhames is of Greek and African origin. Actress Daniella Pick is from Curitiba, Paraná.
61. Dionira
“Dionira” has Greek origins, meaning “to the God Dionysus”. It can also be translated as “of Dionysus”, from the Greek word “Dionysos”.
62. Dulce
Portuguese and Spanish version of Dulce, meaning “sweet”. This name is also used as a variation of Dulce, which comes from the Latin word “dulcis”, meaning “sweet”. It can also be translated as “coquettish”. Actress Dulce de Lusanha is from Rio de Janeiro.
63. Edilia
This name has Portuguese origins, meaning “earth’s glory”. Actress Edilia Baloucura is from Rio de Janeiro.
64. Edna
This name has German origins, meaning “rich protector”. It can also be translated as “rich counsel”.
65. Eirin
“Eirin” is the Brazilian version of Irene, meaning “peaceful”.
66. Elena

Its a variation of Helen, meaning “light of the moon”. It can also be translated as “bright”, from the Greek word “helios”, or from a Latin word that means “sun ray”.
67. Dolores
This name has Latin origins, meaning “pain”, or “suffer”.
68. Eliza
“Eliza” can be translated as “happiness”. It’s also an English and Polish variation of Elisabeth. Actress Elisa de Sousa is from Goiás.
69. Elizabeth
“Elizabeth” comes from a Hebrew name which means “God is perfection”. Actress Elizabeth Debicki is from Launceston, Australia.
70. Elisa
“Elisa” has Italian origins, meaning “happiness”. It can also be translated as “happiness”. Actress Elisa Bergmann is from Rio de Janeiro.
71. Elsa
This name has German origins, which means “powerful ruler with fair skin”. It can also be translated as “strong ruler of the land”. Actress Elsa Carrillo is from Mexico City; actress Elsa Lelio is from Brazil; and actress Elsa Pataky is of Greek and Spanish origin.
72. Eloísa
“Eloísa” has Spanish origins, meaning “happiness”. It can also be translated as “of happiness”, which comes from the Latin word “felicissima”.
73. Emilia
This name has Latin origins, meaning “emperor’s mother”. It can also be translated as “of the emperor’s mother”, from the Latin word “matrona”. Actress Emilia Clarke is of British and Greek origin. Actress Emilia Clarke is of British and Greek origin.
74. Elvira
This name is also of Spanish origin and a variation of Olivia, meaning “olive tree”. Actress Elvira Lindo is from Brazil.
75. Érica
This name has Portuguese origins, meaning “the truth”. It can also be translated as “true”.
76. Erika
“Erika” is a German variation of Erica, which means “proud and brave”. Actress Erika Jacob is from Rio de Janeiro.
77. Ermelinda
Ermelinda comes from the Italian word for “bright fame”, and also means “to God and to Mary”.
78. Efigênia
This name has Greek origins, meaning “splendid”.
79. Emanuele
This name has Italian and Portuguese origins, meaning “God with us”. Actor Emanuele Filiberto is from Rome; and actress Emanuele Filiberto is from Rio de Janeiro.
80. Enianara
This name has Greek origins, meaning “the harvest of God”. Actress Enianara Segurado is from São Paulo City.
81. Ester
“Ester” has Hebrew origins, meaning “star”. It can also be translated as “star”, which comes from the Latin word “stella”.
82. Fabíola
This name has Latin origins, meaning “prosperous and happy”.
83. Fernanda
“Fernanda” has Spanish origins, meaning “blessed and sacred forest”. It can also be translated as “blessed and sacred forest”.
84. Fernandao
This name is also of Portuguese origin and can be translated as “blessed and sacred forest”.
85. Flávia

“Flavia” has Latin origins, meaning “lovable and graceful”. It can also be translated as “lovable and graceful”. Brazilian actress Flávia Alessandra is from Rio de Janeiro.
86. Gessivânia
This name has Greek origins, meaning “God’s gift”. It can also be translated as “gift of God”, which comes from the Greek word “Theophania”. Actress Gessy Shmuel is from São Paulo City.
87. Giovanna
This name has Italian origins, meaning “God’s grace”. “Giovanna” is also a variation of Ginevra, which means “gift of God”. Actress Giovanna Antonelli is from Rio de Janeiro.
88. Grace
This name has English origins, meaning “God’s gift”. It can also be translated as “gift of God”, which comes from the Latin word “gratia”. Actress Grace Williams is from Sydney; and actress Grace Zabriskie is of British and Greek origin.
89. Francisca
“Francisca” has Portuguese origins, meaning “French girl”. Actress Francisca Cortesão is from São Paulo City; and actress Francisca Vieira is of Portuguese origin.
90. Francelina
This name has Italian origins, meaning “French girl”. Brazilian actress Francelina Tiziana is from São Paulo City.
91. Gabriela
“Gabriela” has Hebrew origins, which means “God will multiply”.
92. Gisele
This name is also of Hebrew origin and a variation of Gabrielle, meaning “God is my strength”. Actress Gisele Bündchen is from Rio de Janeiro; and actress Gisele Maria Vieira da Silva is from São Paulo City.
93. Glória
“Glória” has Latin origins, meaning “glory”. It can also be translated as “glory”, which comes from the Latin word “laudem”. Actress Glória Pires is from Rio de Janeiro; and actress Glória Pires is from Rio de Janeiro.
94. Guilhermina
This name has Portuguese origins, meaning “warrior’s glory”. It can also be translated as “warrior’s glory” or “heroine”. Actress Guilhermina Di Marco is of Brazilian and Sarajevo heritage.
95. Hortência
“Hortência” has Portuguese origins, meaning “pride and arrogance”. Actress Hortência Vasconcelos is from Alagoas.
96. Iara
“Iara” has Spanish origins, meaning “life”. Actress Iara Chevreuil is from São Paulo City; and actress Iara Chevreuil de Souza is from Rio de Janeiro.
97. Irene

“Irene” has Greek origins, meaning “of the gods”. It can also be translated as “of the gods”, which means “theis”, that is, speaking of God. Actress Irene Jacobson is from Rio de Janeiro. Actress Irene Jacobson is from Rio de Janeiro.
98. Iryna
This name has Ukrainian origins, meaning “courage”. Actress Iryna Fylypovych is of Ukrainian and Russian descent.
99. Helena
“Helena” has Latin origins, meaning “revered”. Actress Helena Bergman is of Brazilian and German/Russian descent. Brazilian actress Helena Bergman is of Brazilian and German/Russian descent.