In Biblical times, a person’s name frequently reflected his or her character or reputation. Names were picked to reflect the child’s personality or the parents’ hopes and goals for him or her. Frequently, the meanings of Hebrew names were easily understood and recognizable.
Old Testament prophets frequently gave their offspring names that were indicative of their prophetic ministry. Hosea gave his son the name Lo-Ammi, which means “not my people,” since he believed the Israelites were no longer God’s chosen people.
Today, parents continue to honor the ancient custom of selecting a name from the Bible for their kid, a name with special significance. This complete list of biblical baby boy names includes names found in the Bible as well as names derived from biblical words, as well as the language, origin, and significance of the name.

1. Aaron
According to the Hebrew name Aharon, Aaron’s meaning is something along the lines of “high mountain” or “exalted.” He was Moses’ older brother, according to the Old Testament.
2. Adino
It is a name from the Old Testament that means “adornment.” Adino was one of David’s “strongmen,” and this name can be feminized to Adina by removing the letter “o.” In Hebrew, the feminine form means “slim, delicate.”
3. Abraham
A Hebrew given name that translates as “Father of a great number of nations.” In the Old Testament, God promised Abraham that he would be the father of many children. He is referred to be the “Father of the Jewish People” by historians.
4. Adam
In Hebrew, Adam is translated as “Man of the Earth.” God created Adam as the first guy he ever made. He was made from the earth’s dirt and given the job of naming the animals and tending to the Garden of Eden.
5. Abel
You’re probably already aware of this, but Abel was Adam and Eve’s second son, and he was the one who offered up a lamb as a sacrifice to God. The name means “breath” or “son” in several languages. Unfortunately, his older brother Cain, who was envious of his success, eventually murdered him.
6. Amos
In Hebrew, it means “God-given” or “God-created.” The minor prophet Amos was the author of the book of Amos, which can be found in the Bible.
7. Andrew
The Greek term for “powerful and masculine.” Andrew was a fisherman in the New Testament who abandoned his trade to follow Jesus with his brother, Simon Peter. What a powerful moniker for a baby boy!
8. Abner
Abner is a Hebrew given name with a meaning that can be approximately translated as “my father is a light” in English. Abner was the captain of his own army in the Old Testament; hence this is considered a powerful name.
9. Asa
In Hebrew, this one-of-a-kind given name signifies “healer.” Asa was the king of Judah, and he is remembered as a noble ruler who followed the Lord’s commands.
10. Alpheus
One of the most frequent Greek names which meaning “changing.” In the New Testament, Alpheus is credited with the fathering of two Apostles. Other suggested meanings include “chief,” “a thousand,” and “learned,” among others.
11. Asher
It is highly likely that you will be delighted with the choice of the name Asher for your child! Why? In Hebrew, it literally translates as “blessed” and “happy.”
12. Azel
This Hebrew baby name from the Bible, which means “noble,” is a biblical alternative to the more common Axel.
13. Bartholomew
Nathanael is thought to be the same person as this apostle with the same name in the New Testament. His name was immensely popular in England throughout the Middle Ages, and it was widely assumed that he was a missionary. Aramaic in origin, the name Talmai translates as “son of Talmai.”
14. Barak
This is another excellent possibility because it is derived from the Hebrew language and means “blessing.” If you are looking for a Biblical boy name that is not gender-specific, Barak is a good choice because it is widely used for boys of any gender.
15. Barnabas
It was handed to a man named Joseph by the apostle Paul when he accompanied him on a number of missionary missions during the New Testament period. According to the dictionary, this is an Aramaic name that means “son of the prophet.”
16. Benjamin
The Hebrew term means “right-handed son.” In the Old Testament, Benjamin was the youngest son of Jacob. Benjamin became an Israelite tribe renowned for its fortitude and valor. Benjamin is sometimes abbreviated to Ben, and Benny is a common nickname. What a fantastic name for your new baby boy!
17. Bethuel
It is believed that the Hebrew meaning of the name Bethuel is “God destroys,” yet this is not clear at this time. This man is known by his given name as Rebecca’s father in the Old Testament.
18. Boaz
In Hebrew, the name Boaz means “strength.” Because the book of Ruth in the Old Testament narrates the account of Ruth and Boaz’s love affair, this is a highly romantic given name. He was well-known for being an honorable man who was concerned about the well-being of those he cared about.
19. Beriah
The meaning of this common Hebrew name is “to make noise,” although it may also contain Hebrew roots that imply the meaning “in wickedness.” Beriah was the name of a number of persons in the Bible.
20. Caleb
In Hebrew, the word “faithful” can mean “wholehearted,” “bold,” or “brave.” When Caleb was sent out to spy on the promised country, he was known as “one of the good spies” for his devotion to the Lord’s will. Caleb was one of the Israelites sent out to spy on the promised land.
21. Cain
This is a well-known biblical name for a boy child. In case you didn’t know, Adam and Eve’s first son Cain was notorious for killing his brother Abel and was later expelled from the family as a result of his actions. Cain is a Hebrew word that means “acquired” and has no other meaning.
22. Cleopas
This is a shortening of the Greek given name “Kleopatros,” which means “glory of the Father.” It is a name that appears in the New Testament. In the immediate aftermath of Jesus’ resurrection, Cleopas remained by Jesus’ side as well.
23. Cyrus
This is a Greek given name that was thought to indicate “far-sighted” or “young.” There was Cyrus the Great, who was well-known for conquering Babylon and became a significant figure in the Old Testament as a result of his exploits.
24. Cornelius
Cornelius was a Roman centurion who also happened to be the first gentile to be converted to Christianity. Cornelius is a Latin name that literally translates as “horn.” According to the New Testament, its roots can be traced back.
25. Daniel
It means “God is my judgment” in Hebrew. Daniel is renowned in the Old Testament for his unwavering faith, even to the extent of being thrown into a den of lions. God protected him from the lions and utilized him as a prophet. He even authored a book of the Bible that bears his name.
26. David
A Hebrew name that means “beloved.” David, the shepherd lad from the Old Testament, remains devoted to God, vanquishes Goliath, becomes king of Israel, and is also Jesus’ ancestor. This name’s rich history would make it an excellent option for a child embarking on their own travels.
27. Darius
A name of Roman origin that means “one who possesses virtue.” Three Persian rulers went by this name, the most renowned of whom being Darius the Great, who reigned for more than a century.
28. Dionysius
The name Dionysius the Areopagite appears in the New Testament. He was a judge who was persuaded to become a Christian by none other than the Apostle Paul. A large number of saints were given the name Dionysius, with a 3rd-century pope being only one example. It derives from the Latin phrase “divinely touched,” which means “divinely touched by God.”
29. Eli
A Hebrew name that means “ascent” and is an acronym of the name Elijah. In the Bible, Eli is referred to as the high priest of the Israelites. He took Samuel under his wing and served as his mentor when God spoke to Samuel. Due to the terrible behavior of his sons, Eli and his successors were cursed with a short and unhappy existence.
30. Ebenezer
It basically translates into English as “stone of assistance.” Samuel, the builder of Ebenezer in the Old Testament, was the inspiration for the name. An interesting side notes: this was the pseudonym chosen by Charles Dickens for the selfish character Ebenezer Scrooge in his work “A Christmas Carol.”
31. Ephron
With the meaning “double fruitful,” it’s one of the more popular biblical names on this list. It can be written this way or in the Hebrew version, Ephraim, which means “double fruitful.”
32. Esther
Esther is a rare name for a guy, but one that is nonetheless popular. It is said to be derived from the Persian word for “star.” Since the Protestant Reformation, this phrase has been widely used, and by the end of the twentieth century, its use in the United States had risen significantly.
33. Elijah
In Hebrew, Elijah means “Yahweh is my God.” Biblically, Elijah was a prophet. He devoted his entire life to eradicating erroneous Baal worship among his fellow Israelites. He is well-known for not having died in the conventional sense. When his time came, a heavenly chariot arrived and swept him away in a tornado.
34. Elisha
Elisha is a Hebrew name with the meaning “God is salvation.” Elisha was Elijah’s predecessor as a prophet and strove to restore his people’s relationship with the Lord. Even more, he did marvels!
35. Ezra
Ezra is a Hebrew word that means “help” or “aide.” Ezra, a prophet of the Old Testament, authored the Old Testament book that bears his name, as well as the book of Nehemiah, which describes the return of the Israelites from exile and the reconstruction of Jerusalem.
36. Ezekiel
Another name derived from Hebrew origins it means “God will empower.” As you may be aware, Ezekiel is a significant person in the Old Testament, having served as a notable prophet throughout his lifetime.
37. Ethan
A strong biblical boy name meaning “strong,” “firm,” “safe,” or “solid.” In the Old Testament, Ethan served as a singer for King David and also composed his own Psalms.
38. Felix
The Latin name Felix means fortunate or cheerful. According to the Bible, Felix was a cruel Judean governor. In recent times, a fictional Felix has proven to be far more likable. In the popular play, film, and television show, The Odd Couple, Felix Unger and Oscar Madison were mismatched housemates.
39. Gideon
The Hebrew term for “one who cuts down” As a judge and prophet, Gideon was also a military leader who led Israel to victory in the battle of Jericho. No matter how difficult the situation appears, he is well-known for placing his faith in God’s guidance.
40. Gabriel
It comes from the Hebrew language and can be translated as “God is my powerful man.” When it came to the Old Testament, Gabriel was an archangel who also served as God’s trustworthy messenger.
41. Haran
There is a popular assumption that the Hebrew word for Haran means “hill, mountain,” though this has not been confirmed. In the Old Testament, he was Abraham’s brother and Lot’s father, among other roles.
42. Isaac
A Hebrew given name that translates as “one who rejoices” or “one who laughs.” It is said that Abraham almost offered Isaac as a sacrifice on the altar as an act of loyalty to God before the Almighty intervened and provided a ram in his place.
43. Isaiah
The Hebrew phrase for “God saves.” The Old Testament prophet Isaiah wrote the book of Isaiah, which is named after him. He foretold to the Israelites the arrival of Jesus many years before it occurred.
44. Israel
Means “Prince of God; one who engages in combat with God.” God gave Jacob this new name after he struggled throughout the night and refused to give up. The Israelites became God’s people, and he used them to deliver salvation to the world via Jesus.
45. Jacob
A name of Greek origin that means “heel holder.” The rationale behind this moniker is actually rather straightforward. Jacob was named because he was born gripping his twin’s heel. Over the past two decades, Jacob has been an extraordinarily popular baby boy name in the United States.
46. John
John is one of the most common and well-known biblical boy names in existence. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is similar to “to be grateful.” John the Baptist and John, the apostle, are the two New Testament personalities responsible for popularizing this name.
47. Jesse
Jesse was King David’s father, according to the Old Testament, and his name was Jesse. Immediately following the Protestant Reformation, Jesse became a popular English given name. Jesse James was a notorious American bandit who was infamous for his many illegal activities. The name has Hebrew origins and means “gift.”
48. Jebediah
In Hebrew, the term “dear buddy” means “loving companion.” This name is also known by another version, Jedediah, which means “beloved of the Lord.” Your child’s middle name could come from any of these names, which are both found in the Old Testament.
49. Jeremiah
In Hebrew, this name means “ordained by God.” Jeremiah was an Israelite prophet who authored a book of the Bible with his name. He was given the nickname “the crying prophet” because he endured many sufferings in life yet remained devoted to God and had compassion for his people.
50. Joseph
The Hebrew phrase “he will add” In the Old Testament, Jacob’s favorite son was Joseph. He created a multicolored coat for Jacob. Despite the fact that Jacob’s brothers sold him into slavery, God helped him overcome his adversity, and he rose to become Egypt’s second-in-command.
51. Judah
The Hebrew word means “gratitude” or “praise.” A tribe of Israel goes by the name of Judah, and Jesus is frequently referred to as the Lion of Judah.
52. Josiah
In Hebrew, this is a one-of-a-kind biblical given name that signifies “God supports and heals.” In the Bible, Josiah was the king of Judah, and he was seen as a good king because he was successful in removing idolatry from his country.
53. Jemuel
It literally translates as “day of God,” which lends a tranquil and relaxing character to this uncommon biblical name. The best way to honor James or Samuel in your close family is to use this option.
54. Kemuel
This is yet another name with Hebrew roots that means “raised by God” and “helper of God.” This is the name of one of Abraham’s nephews in the Old Testament, and there are three Kemuels mentioned in the Bible.
55. Kenan
Because many spellings of this biblical name have appeared in recent years, it has a contemporary vibe. It’s an anglicized variant of the Irish given name Cianán, which means “little ancient one” in English.
56. Levi
Signifies “connected” or “together.” The Levites are one of Israel’s twelve tribes, and they are renowned as the group that assists in temple worship. Levi was Jacob and Leah’s son, according to the Bible.
57. Lazarus
The New Testament mentions the name, Lazarus. He was Mary and Martha’s brother, and Jesus once brought him back to life. The name means “my God has helped” in Hebrew.
58. Lael
The name derives from Greek and means “belonging to God.” Despite the fact that it is brief and straightforward, it has a distinct sound that is both delicate and proud.
59. Malachi
Malachi means “god’s messenger” in Hebrew. The Old Testament book of Malachi contains a compilation of stories concerning minor prophets. Its author is unknown, and its title, Malachi, suggests that little is known about the author other than the fact that he was God’s messenger.
60. Mordecai
This biblical name has a special significance: in the Purim story, he assisted his cousin, Queen Esther, in saving the Jewish people from annihilation. Mordi is an adorable little form of the biblical name Mordi, which means “follower of Marduk.”
61. Moses
The name Moses is thought to be derived from the Egyptian Mes, which means “son,” although it could also mean “deliver.” According to the Bible, Moses was rescued from the river and adopted by a wealthy family.
62. Matthew
Matthew’s gospel is the first and only one of the New Testament gospels to be named after its author. The name Matthew translates as “God’s Gift.” It has Hebrew origins, although it also has more recent English and Scottish ancestors.
63. Nathaniel
The Hebrew phrase “given by God” Nathaniel was a follower of Jesus who belonged to the group of twelve. Nathan, Nathanael, and Nate are all acceptable spellings for the name Nathaniel.
64. Noah
Noah is a Hebrew name that means “calm.” The story of Noah and the Ark is one of the most well-known and lasting stories in the Bible. When God unleashed a massive flood, Noah built an ark to safeguard himself and his family, as well as all of the land creatures on the planet.
65. Obadiah
A biblical given name that means “servant of God” in Hebrew and is extremely uncommon. The prophet Obadiah wrote the book of Obadiah, which tells the story of his vision from Yahweh, which is found in the Old Testament.
66. Omri
Omri is thought to be a Hebrew name that means “life” or “servant.” According to the Bible, there was a famous character by this name who served as a military leader in the 9th century BC and was later proclaimed King of Israel.
67. Ophir
The significance of this Hebrew given name is uncertain due to the fact that he is not a well-known individual from the Bible. A small allusion to him as Joktan’s son can be found in the Old Testament.
68. Peter
Peter in Greek means “rock.” Jesus gave Simon this nickname after Simon acknowledged that he was the son of God. To quote the precise verse… “upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it”știiștii,știiștii, știiștii, știiștii,știi,știi (Matthew 16:18 ESV). First and Second Peter was authored by the disciple Peter in the New Testament.
69. Paul
Latin term for “little” or “modest.” Paul is renowned in the Bible for his unusual conversion, for being the first missionary, and for penning numerous New Testament texts.
70. Phineas
A name of Hebrew origin that means “mouth of the serpent”; its most popular variation is Phinehas. It appears in a few contemporary Old Testament editions.
71. Philip
A Greek given name that translates as “warlike” or “horse lover.” Philip was one of Jesus’ twelve followers, and as such, he witnessed firsthand the events of Jesus’ life and ministry. This would be a beautiful name for a baby boy if it were available.
72. Rueben
Rueben is a Hebrew word that means “behold a song.” It is written in the Old Testament that Leah was Rueben’s mother, and she named him Rueben because she was overwhelmed with gratitude and joy at the prospect of having a son.
73. Rufus
Rufus is a well-known Roman given name that translates to “red-haired” in the Latin language. Several saints were known by this name, including one from the New Testament.
74. Raphael
Raphael is a Hebrew name that means God has healed. Raphael is both the name of an Old Testament archangel and a well-known Italian painter. However, this name will ring a bell with the next generation because it is one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ four members.
75. Samson
In Hebrew, this is a powerful name that translates as “like the sun.” In the Old Testament, Samson was a prophet and a warrior who fought for Israel. Many individuals believed his long, gorgeous hair was appealing.
76. Samuel
The Hebrew phrase “God has heard” Samuel’s mother was childless and prayed daily for God to grant her a child. Since God had listened and fulfilled her prayers, she gave her son Samuel the name Samuel. A fantastic choice for individuals who have finally had their prayers answered after overcoming fertility challenges.
77. Seth
The Hebrew word for “appointed.” Seth was Adam and Eve’s third child, following Cain and Abel. He was the son of Adam and Eve. In addition, he is the only other kid of theirs who is specifically referenced by name in the Bible.
78. Solomon
This name derives from the Hebrew word shalom, which signifies ‘peace .’In the Old Testament, Solomon was the son of King David. He is well-known for his amazing intelligence. He authored the book of Proverbs, and the biblical classic Song of Solomon is about him and his love.
79. Silas
Silas, whose name is supposed to be a contraction of Silvanus, was Saint Paul’s close companion throughout the New Testament. It grew to prominence as a common English name after the Protestant Reformation. This is the Greek translation of a Hebrew name that means “asked for, prayed for.”
80. Stephen
Greek for “crown” or “wreath.” In the early church, Stephen served as a deacon. For his ideas, he was stoned and became the first martyr. Upon entering the heavenly gates, he received a crown without a doubt.
81. Thomas
Means “twin” in the Hebrew language. Thomas was a disciple of Jesus, and after Jesus was raised from the grave, he questioned whether it was actually him. Jesus allowed Thomas to feel the nail marks on his hands and feet, and Thomas was no longer in doubt.
82. Talmai
This is yet another name with Hebrew origins that means “furrowed.” This is the name of two individuals in the Old Testament: a giant and the father of Maacah, King David’s bride.
83. Timothy
Another designation for a biblical book. In reality, there are two. Paul wrote 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy to Timothy, his younger Christian brother. Timotheus is a Greek name, and its meaning is “respect God.”
84. Timon
Timon is referenced briefly in the Bible, and its Hebrew meaning is “to revere and respect.” Timon is the main character of the renowned Shakespearean drama Timon of Athens.
85. Titus
Greek for “of the giants,” this is a stunning and unusual gem. As a missionary, a church leader, and Paul’s right-hand man, Titus was an important figure in the early church. Paul composed the book titled after Titus, addressed to Titus, to instruct him on church leadership responsibilities.
86. Theophilus
The Greek name Theophilus means “God-beloved.” This name would be quite difficult for a young child to pronounce, and learning to spell it in school could be pretty challenging. However, if you prefer this name, you may always allow your child to go by Theo or Phil.
87. Thaddeus
Thaddeus is the Greek form of the Aramaic name Thaddai, which means “heart.” Thaddeus Stevens, born in 1792, was an ardent abolitionist who led the Radical Republicans during the 1860s. Stevens had a constant limp because he was born with a clubfoot.
88. Urban
The origin of the word urban is the Latin word Urbanus, which means “city dweller.” This is a name that appears in the New Testament and is mentioned by Paul in one of his epistles, among other places. An interesting feature about this name is that it has been used by eight popes.
89. Uri
According to the Hebrew language, this is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful Biblical male names since it signifies “my light.” Uri is a one-of-a-kind name that isn’t often heard these days, but it has a special meaning for a wonderful baby boy who will bear it.
90. Uriel
According to Hebrew tradition, Uriel was an archangel. However, he was not a notable Biblical figure. He is only mentioned in the Apocrypha, namely in the Book of Enoch, where he warned Noah about the flood. The name’s meaning is “God is my light.”
91. Uzzi
Uzzi was a minor character who appeared only once in the Bible. The name is of Hebrew origin and translates to “my power.” There were a few people with that name in actuality, but none who were particularly noteworthy.
92. Zaccai
The Old Testament also briefly mentions the name Zaccai. It is of Hebrew origin and means “pure.” Although it may not have been a popular name back then, Zaccai is an excellent option for a baby name now, given there are not many Zaccais.
93. Zacchaeus
The Hebrew word for “pure” or “innocent.” Zacchaeus, a tax collector in the Bible, climbed a tree when he heard Jesus was going to town so he could catch a glimpse of him. Jesus not only observed him but also wanted to visit him at his home and educate him about the gospel.
94. Zachariah
Zachariah, or possibly Zechariah, was a character from the Old Testament. He was one of Israel’s kings, and today his name is regarded as a classic, masculine Hebrew name for boys that means “Yahweh remembers.”
95. Zion
The word Zion is derived from a geographical concept that appears numerous times in the Old Testament. It literally translates as “holy realm” or “kingdom of heaven.” Your new addition would be well-suited to the name Zion, which is both powerful and appropriate.
96. Zachary
Zachary is named in some of the English New Testament editions, yet the name Zachary did not become widely known until the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century. The meaning of the name is the same as that of its variation Zachariah, which means “Yahweh remembers.”
97. Zebediah
The meaning of this one-of-a-kind and unusual baby boy name is “God has bestowed.” It can be used as a substitution for the previously mentioned name Zebedee, which has Hebrew origins.
98. Zeke
Zeke is a Hebrew given name that means “God shall strengthen.” It is sometimes used as an abbreviated form of the biblical name Ezekiel. Both Zeke and Ezekiel are fantastic names, especially given that Zeke may be used as a given name as well as a nickname.
99. Zuriel
In Hebrew, the name Zuriel means “my rock is God.” Zuriel, a Levite, is mentioned frequently in the Old Testament. This is yet another excellent option for parents seeking gender-neutral names.
100. Zeb
According to popular belief, Zeb is derived from the Hebrew word ze’ev, which means “wolf.” There are a few people nowadays with the name Zebb that are well-known.