You are looking for Arabic boy names. You want to know the most popular Arabic boy names, and you want some guidance on picking out a couple of different options. Here is a list of the top 100 most popular Arabic boy names! This can give you an idea of what might be fun to try when you’re having trouble choosing between similar sounding or spelled names.
In addition, this will give you some insight into the history and source of these name choices while also pointing out common spelling variations that have slightly different meanings. You can also discover the meanings behind these names. We’ll point out some of the more popular meanings in the list below, so you’ll have options when trying to find the perfect name for your little boy!

1. Akeem
This is an Arabic name that means ‘Mighty.’
2. Ali
This is a very common name in Islamic families. It means ‘Highborn.’
3. Musa
This is an alternate spelling of the name ‘Musa’ meaning ‘Moses.’ This name is more popular in the Middle East and Indian Subcontinent than other Muslim countries, but it still has some use in the western world too.
4. Altair
This is a star’s name, but it will also remind one of the main characters from Assassin’s Creed II.
5. Amer
This is the Arabic form of ‘Amir, ‘ meaning Prince.
6. Ahmed
This is a very popular name, especially in modern contexts. It means ‘Promised One of God. It is a title of great honor given to the messenger of God. This name is also significant because it can be the name of any male child, boy or girl.
7. Amir
This name is a variant of the Persian Zoroastrian name ‘Amirdad,’ which means ‘Prince.’
8. Hassan
This is a name that means ‘One who is Handsome.’ It is also the name of a famous prophet of Islam.
9. Hadi
This name means ‘Guide’ and is related to the prophet of Islam. It can also be used as an alternate for the name Ahmed. It is used in specific Islamic families.
10. Ihsan
This means perfection, but it’s not commonly used today as a boy’s name in its original form.
11. Idris
This is the name of an Islamic prophet. It means ‘Gift from God’.
12. Iman
This name means Faith, and it is related to the prophet of Islam. It’s a very popular boy’s name, though not so much for girls.
13. Jamal
This name has many variants, such as ‘Jamal,’ Jamil,’ Jamel, and Jamalah. It means ‘Precious.’
14. Jafar
This is the Arabic name for a king and a variant of the Persian name, ‘Jafar,’ meaning ‘Victorious.’
15. Javid
This is an Arabic version of the Persian name ‘Javad’ which means ‘Splendid.’
16. Kareem
This is an Arabic name that means ‘Generous.’
17. Khalid
This name means ‘Heart of the Home’. It’s also the name of a very popular Saudi singer and actor.
18. Majid
This name means ‘Glorious.’ It’s a title given to the prophet, Muhammad. It’s not used as much as it used to be, but it is still used in some families.
19. Omar
This is a name for a king. It means ‘Successful Warrior.’
20. Rahman
This name means ‘Merciful.’ It is also used as an alternate for the name Ahmad.
21. Rushad
This is the Arabic form of ‘Razi,’ which means ‘Beauty.
22. Rashid
This is the Arabic version of the Persian name ‘Razi’, meaning ‘Beauty.’ It is also used as an alternate for Ahmad.
23. Said
This is just a variant of the name Ahmed which you’ll see more often than not. It means ‘Praiseworthy,’ but it can also be used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed.
24. Salman
This is a Muslim name meaning ‘Highly Established,’ and it’s used in Arabic as a more popular name for boys than most of the other versions.

25. Sadiq
This means ‘Righteous,’ and it’s also an alternate for the name Ahmad.
26. Shahin
This is an alternate spelling of the name Shahin which means ‘Praiseworthy.’ It’s also used as an alternate for the name Ahmad.
27. Hafeez
This name means ‘Protector.’ It is also used as a nickname for Prince Ahmad.
28. Shaheem
This name means ‘Brave,’ and it is the Arabic version of the common Persian Zoroastrian name, ‘Saham, ‘ meaning ‘Brave.’
29. Mohammad
The world’s most popular male name, Muhammad, is also spelled Mohamed. The name of the prophet who founded Islam means ‘praiseworthy’.
30. Taha
This name means ‘Smart’. It is also used as a nickname for Prince Ahmad and can be used as a direct translation of it.
31. Turki
This name means ‘Noble’ or ‘Brave’. This is an alternate spelling of the name Turk which is an Islamic name, but it’s not often used anymore.
32. Ali
This is a very common name in Islamic families. It means ‘Highborn.’
33. Amir
This is the Arabic version of the Persian Zoroastrian name ‘Amirdad’ which means ‘Prince’ and can be used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed.
34. Altair
This is a name of a star, but it will also remind one of the main characters from Assassin’s Creed II.
35. Khalil
This is the Arabic form of the Hebrew’ Kallil,’ meaning ‘Beneficent.’
36. Nasir
This is the Arabic form of the name Nasir, which means ‘Prosperer.’
37. Rami
This is the Arabic version of the Persian name ‘Ramid,’ meaning ‘Beautiful.’
38. Saud
This is an Arabized form of ‘Sawda,’ which means ‘Precious’- and it’s related to the prophet Muhammad. This name has been more popular as a girl’s name than a boy’s name.
39. Abbas
It means ‘Lion.’ It is used as an alternate for the name Abaas, which means ‘Father of many.’
40. Basel
This is a name of a star that was named after the Latin word for ‘Base.’ It means ‘Giving Birth to New Things.’
41. Abdul
This name means ‘Slave of Allah,’ which is a title that every Muslim strives to achieve. It is mostly used as an alternate for the name Ahmad but is also used as a man’s first name.
42. Abid
This name means ‘Worshipping Allah.’
43. Abdul-Azeez
This is the title of a king, and it also means ‘Servant of the Almighty.’ It is also used as an alternate for the name Abaas.
44. Bilal
This name is an alternate for the name Belal, which means ‘Speaker. It is a title given to the Prophet of Islam. It’s not used as much as it used to be, but it is still used in some families.
45. Faris
This name means ‘Knight.’ It is also the name of a famous character from Assassin’s Creed.
46. Adil
This name means ‘Just.’
47. Ghani
This name means ‘Rich,’ and it’s also related to the prophet of Islam. It is not used much as a name in Muslim countries anymore, but some people still use it as a direct translation of Hussain.
48. Adam
This is the name of the first man on earth to be created. It means ‘Humankind.’
49. Adib
This name means ‘Adept.’ It is also an alternate name for the name Idris.
50. Abidin
This is the Arabic pronunciation of the Hebrew name ‘Aviddin’, meaning ‘Servant of God’. It is used as an alternate for the name Abbudin, which means ‘Servant of God’. It can also be used as a boy’s first name.
51. Adnan
This name means ‘Servant of the Most Gracious.’ It is also related to the prophet Muhammad.
52. Abubakar
This name means ‘Servant of the Powerful.’ It can also be used as an alternate for the name Ubaid.
53. Abdullah
This is an Arabic name meaning ‘Mighty Lion’, and it is used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed and can also be used as a man’s first or last name.
54. Afif
This name means ‘True’.
55. Abu
This is an alternate spelling of the Persian name ‘Abod,’ meaning ‘Servant.’ It can also be used as a boy’s first name.
56. Abure
This name means ‘Praised One.’ It is also used as an alternate for the name Ubaid and Prince Ahmad.
57. Ahsan
This name means ‘Most Beautiful.’
58. Araz
This name means ‘Noble.’ It is also an alternate for the name ‘Arasan’, meaning ‘Goal’. It can also be used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed.
59. Arham
This name means ‘Blessed’, and it’s used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed, which is what it means anyway.
60. Arif
This name means ‘Wise.’
61. Asad
This name means ‘Lion’, and it’s used as an alternate for the name ‘As’ad’, meaning ‘Lion Cub’. It can also be used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed or Ahmad. This name is more popular in India, but some Muslim families use it too.
62. Ajmal
This name means the ‘Mentioned One’, and it’s also the name of a famous character from Assassin’s Creed.
63. Akbar
This is an alternate spelling of the Persian name ‘Akbar,’ which means ‘Great.’ It is also used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed and can also be used as a first or last name.
64. Ali
This is a very common name in Muslim families. It is one of the three given names to the prophet of Islam. It means ‘Highborn’.
65. Aladdin
This is the name of a character from ‘1001 Nights’ and a character from ‘Aladdin’. It means ‘Mighty’, and it’s used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed.
66. Alim
This name means ‘Doctor,’ and it is also used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed.
67. Anwar
This is an alternate spelling of the name ‘Anwar,’ meaning ‘Protector.’ It can also be used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed and Ahmad.
68. Abu Musa al-Zahir
This is an alternate spelling of the name ‘Abu Musa el zahir, which means ‘Servant of the Great Commander.’ This name is popular in the United Arab Emirates but still isn’t very common in other Muslim countries.
69. Aqeel
This is an alternate form of the name Ahar, and it means “the Chosen One”.
70. Arif

This name means ‘Wise.’ It can also be used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed or Ahmad. This name is more popular in India, but some Muslim families use it too.
71. Aryan
This is an alternate spelling of the name ‘Aryan,’ meaning ‘Noble’ and the name of a tribe in India.
72. Asad
This name means ‘Lion’, and it’s used as an alternate for the name ‘As’ad’, meaning ‘Lion Cub’. It can also be used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed or Ahmad. This name is more popular in India, but some Muslim families use it too.
73. Ashraf
This is an alternate spelling for the name ‘Ashraf,’ meaning ‘Loved One.’ It can also be used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed or Ahmad.
74. Ashwath
This one is a futuristic, highly popular name in the western world, and it means ‘Peaceful’.
75. Ayman
This is an alternate spelling for the name ‘Ayman,’ meaning ‘Fate.’ This name is more popular in Egypt than other Muslim countries, but it still has some use in the Middle East.
76. Faisal
This is an alternate spelling for the name ‘Faisal’ meaning ‘Gift of Allah.’ This name is more popular in the Middle East than in other Muslim countries, but it still has some use in other parts of the world.
77. Faiz
This is an alternate spelling for the name ‘Fayz’, meaning ‘Beneficial’. This name is more popular in India, but some Muslim families use it too.
78. Falah
This name means ‘Righteous,’ and it can also be used as a first or last name. It is one of the three given names to the prophet of Islam, but it’s not as common as other names in Muslim countries nowadays.
79. Fikri
This name means ‘Wise,’ and it can also be used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed. This name is more popular in India, but some Muslim families use it too.
80. Firas
This name means ‘Friend’. It is also the name of a character in Prince of Persia and Assassin’s Creed.
81. Furqan
This name means ‘Distinguisher’, and it’s more popular in India than in other Muslim countries.
82. Ghassan
This name means ‘Gardener’, and this name is more popular in the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent.
83. Ghafur
This is an alternate spelling of the name ‘Ghafur,’ meaning ‘Victorious.’ This name is more popular in India, but some Muslim families use it too.
84. Ghous
This is an alternate spelling of the name ‘Ghous’ meaning ‘Spiritual’, and it’s more popular in India than in other Muslim countries.
85. Ghiath
This is an alternate spelling of the name ‘Giyath,’ meaning ‘Slight of being,’ but it’s more popular in India than in other Muslim countries.
86. Hoda
This is an alternate spelling for the name ‘Huda,’ meaning ‘Delight.’ It can also be used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed and Ahmad. This name is more popular in India, but some Muslim families use it too.
87. Hakim
This is an alternate spelling for the name ‘Hakim,’ meaning ‘Great One.’ It can also be used as a nickname for Prince Ahmed and Ahmad. This name is more popular in India, but some Muslim families use it too.
88. Hamza
This is an alternate spelling for the name ‘Hamza’, meaning ‘Highborn’, and it’s more popular in India than in other Muslim countries.
89. Hammad
This is an alternate spelling for the name ‘Hammad,’ meaning ‘Lovable One.’ This name is more popular in India, but some Muslim families use it too.
90. Abu Hurayrah
This is an alternate spelling of the name ‘Abu Hurayrah’, meaning ‘Father of the Night.’ This name is popular in the Middle East, but it still isn’t very common in other Muslim countries.
91. Louay
This is an alternate spelling for the name ‘Louay,’ meaning ‘Bringer of Light.’ This name is more popular in India, but some Muslim families use it too.
92. Mabrouk
This is an alternate spelling for the name ‘Mabrook,’ meaning ‘Congratulations’, and it’s more popular in India than in other Muslim countries.