Some people believe that the world has turned upside down, and they’re convinced that something’s wrong. While it’s true that our society is changing in some ways, there are also some things that never change like the names of little girls. This blog post will be your guide to finding 100 African girl names that are traditional, cute, and beautiful at the same time.
As a mom-to-be, you should check out this list of African girl names to make sure there is something for everyone! There are plenty of good names on this list that you can use for inspiration.

1. Alaena
This is an African girl’s name meaning “dawn” in Swahili. If you’re looking for a traditional African baby girl name, Alaena might be a good choice. And the sound of that name is pretty adorable, too. I can see the nickname “Ala” fitting this name well, too.
2. Ayana
This is an African girl’s name meaning “moon” in Swahili. I love the sound of this African girl’s name! And it means moon, which is pretty sweet. It turns out there are plenty of other names that also mean moon.
3. Chika
This African girl’s name is pronounced like the English word chin. Chika means “well” in Swahili. It sounds like a nickname you’d use for your daughter – like, “Bless her little cheeks.” And the way you pronounce it is also cute – kind of long and drawn out.
4. Dzireh
This African girl’s name is pronounced like Zirah and means “beautiful dawn”. This name looks and sounds like a Disney princess‘ name.
5. Eunice
This African girl’s name means the English word “fun” or “joy”. I love this meaning, and I’m sure moms with daughters named Eunice would agree. And it also sounds pretty great…a little like the nickname “Eunie.” It’s different from other names that only use one syllable or two syllables, which is nice.
6 . Sekiran
This African girl’s name means “lovely dawn” in Swahili. It sounds beautiful and is perfect for a bright morning or evening. The way the name is pronounced is delightful — very long and drawn out!
7. Shaira
This African girl’s name means “glory” or “beauty”. This name looks like something straight out of a fairy tale or another fantasy story that comes with secret meanings!
8. Shaleen
This African girl’s name means “beautiful” or “white flower” in Arabic. It has a slightly Indian feel, which I think is cool. The Hindi word for white flower is Shringar, so the meaning for this name is very clear. It makes me think of the white flowers that grow on the trees in Southern California during winter.
9. Sikerewe
This African girl’s name means “hope” in Swahili. I really like the meaning of this name. And it’s a good choice if you’re looking for a name that is similar to the name “Rachel,” without being too similar.
10. Zariyah
This African girl’s name means “beauty” or “brilliance” in Arabic. I’m always on the lookout for unique names that are also traditional and beautiful. Zariyah falls into this category perfectly! It’s always fun to find different pronunciations in Arabic names, too. The way you pronounce it reminds me of “Zara”.
11. Ziane
This African girl’s name means “beauty” or “brilliant” in Arabic. It’s pronounced like Zoe and is for someone who is very beautiful or brilliant. The way this name is spelled makes me think of how the sun cuts through a cloudy day, making everything sparkle.
12. Zilah
This African girl’s name means “budding beauty” in Arabic, which sounds kind of like a Japanese anime character! This name comes from the meaning of the first letter in the Arabic alphabet, Za, which means budding and is pronounced like the English word zest.
13. Ameera
This African girl’s name means “princess” in Arabic. The sound of this name is reminiscent of “Meera,” which is a name from Hindu mythology. I particularly like the way that the pronunciation sounds, too. It’s a bit longer than some of the other names on this list and fits perfectly with the meaning and look of this beautiful African girl’s name.
14. Aya
This African girl’s name means “life” or is a variation of the Arabic word for life, Hayat, pronounced like Hay-aht. It’s perfect for a child born in Japan, especially if you’re looking for a name with the same meaning as Hayat.
15. Chisomo
This African girl’s name means “truth” in Shona, an official language of Zimbabwe.
This name is perfect for a child who was born into a family that knew all along that she’d arrive! The way it sounds is also kind of similar to the word “chrysalis,” which is cool.
16. Kambiri

This African girl’s name means “cooked” or “cooked food” in Swahili. I like the meaning of this name, and the way it sounds is really cute. It’s fun to find names that are pronounced the same in different languages.
17. Kinji
This African girl’s name means “three” in Japanese. It looks and sounds like a Japanese name for someone who was born in three months or got her third cranial nerve, etc.
18. Leila
This African girl’s name means “beautiful” or “charming” in Arabic. It sounds close to the way you’d say your daughter’s nickname, like Leelee or Leilah (with an extra letter).
19. Mariamu
This African girl’s name means “beautiful” in Swahili. It sounds a lot like the name Maria, but with an extra letter thrown in!
20. Mwange
This African girl’s name means “bright” or “intelligent” in Swahili. Mwange is a great choice for someone who was born on a sunny day, arrives home from school early, or likes to read and learn new things. The way it sounds is also unique — kind of like the English word “mwanja”, which means monkey in Swahili! It’s an adorable combination that would make any mommy swoon!
21. Nyarumo
This African girl’s name means “giraffe” in Swahili. I especially like the way that Nyarumo sounds — like a giraffe, primate animal, or baby animal! The way it looks is also very unique, with the unique letter combination — N and Y instead of the more common E and I. It’s an interesting and unique name that would be perfect for a storytelling African girl!
22. Ojaniwe
This African girl’s name means “beauty” or “brilliance” in Swahili. The way this name is spelled makes it appear like an African-American girl’s name. This beautiful name would be perfect for a girl who has her own ideas, loves to read, loves to play outside, or is very intelligent.
23. Osuofia
This African girl’s name means “light” in Swahili. This is one of the most unique-sounding names on this list. In fact, it sounds like the word “noose,” which is kind of funny! It looks and sounds like an African princess’ name that means something like “light”. The way this name comes together — light and beauty — has me feeling really good about it!
24. Rachael
This African girl’s name means “God is gracious” or “gracious” in Hebrew. The way this name is spelled looks like it’s straight out of a fairy tale, and it has me thinking happy thoughts about what her life might have been like. It sounds so nice; it makes me think of someone who is kind and full of love.
25. Roheeba
This African girl’s name means “always”; however, I think the translation for this meaning should be “she who always keeps. This beautiful name looks like a princess’ name. The way it sounds is similar to the English word “roaring,” which ties in quite nicely with the meaning of this African girl’s name.
26. Sadeeqah
This African girl’s name means “truthful” or “honest” in Arabic. The way this name is spelled makes me think of the word “seeker” or “seeker of truth”, which sounds awesome! This name is among the best for someone who loves to learn, question and dig into tough issues.
27. Shalewa
This African girl’s name means “beauty” or “charm” in Arabic. The way this name is spelled looks like an Arabic version of a classic African girl’s name. It’s perfect for a child who was born on a sunny day or likes to play outside!
28. Shiloh
This African girl’s name means “peace” or “calm” in Hebrew.
29. Shionji
This African girl’s name means “born on Monday,” “Monday child,” or is a variation of an Arabic name that means “Sunday.
30. Shoshana
This African girl’s name means “rose” or “rosebud” in Hebrew.
31. Swahil
This African girl’s name means “wisdom” in Swahili. It has a great meaning and the way it looks is also very pretty.
32. Tamara
This African girl’s name means “date palm tree” in Hebrew and “date fruit” in Arabic! It is pronounced like the English word “Tamar,” which is a fruit that is similar to a date, but smaller and more orange.
33. Wabaruma
This African girl’s name means “brilliant” in Swahili. The way this name looks and sounds is beautiful! It’s one of my favorite names on the list, and I think it’d be perfect for someone who conveys their intelligence in a unique way (e.g., by solving math problems quickly!).
34. Wambui
This African girl’s name means “meadow” or “grassland” in Swahili. This is such a pretty African name for a child who loves to play outside or learn about nature!
35. Wami
This African girl’s name means “beauty” or “charm” in Swahili. The way it looks is very pretty and girly but still sounds African.
36. Wangechi
This African girl’s name means “new moon” in Swahili. It looks like an African princess’ name that you might give to a child who loves to play outside, study hard, or take care of new babies!
37. Wanjiku
This African girl’s name means “melody” or “melodious singing” in Swahili. It’s another African name that sounds very artistic! The way it looks is also very girly and African.
38. Wapiko
This African girl’s name means “calm” or “peaceful” in Swahili. It looks like a really nice and unique-sounding name for a young person who divides her time between being a calm little girl, and being a wild, crazy young woman at other times!
39. Yanet
This African girl’s name means “willow tree” in Hebrew and Arabic. The way it looks is very pretty and girly but still sounds African.
40. Yavvanah
This African girl’s name means “beauty” or “fame” in Swahili. The way it looks is very pretty and girly but still sounds African.
41. Zainabu
This African girl’s name means “new red cloth” or “costume” in Swahili. The way this name looks is very pretty, and I love the meaning behind it! It’ll be perfect for a young person who likes to dress up or pretend to be something else!
42. Zakiya
This African girl’s name means “highly praised” or “elegant” in Swahili. It looks like a very elegant African name that will make any mother of an African girl swoon!
43. Zaria
This African girl’s name means “shiny light,” which is such a pretty meaning! The way it looks is also very pretty and girly but still sounds African.
44. Zawadi
This African girl’s name means “gift” in Swahili. This is such a pretty and unique name that would be perfect for an African girl who is living life to the fullest.
45. Zenebwa
This African girl’s name means “we are expecting” in Swahili. It looks like a very hopeful name that any mother of an African girl would love!
46. Zineb
This African girl’s name means “sapphire” in Arabic. The way this name is spelled looks like a really nice and unique-sounding African name for a young person who loves to learn, question, and dig into tough issues!
47. Zipporah
This African girl’s name means “bird of prey” in Hebrew. The way this name is spelled looks like a very sleek a sleek girl’s name. It would be perfect for someone who is elegant, graceful and athletic!
48. Zubeida
This African girl’s name means “bearer of good news” or “bringer of good tidings” in Arabic. The way this name is spelled is very pretty and not at all hard to pronounce! It’ll be perfect for a young person who likes to spread the good news about things such as how awesome Africa is!
49. Zulaikha

This African girl’s name means “black-eyed” or “night beauty” in Arabic. The way this name is spelled looks like an African version of a classic African girl’s name. I think it’ll be perfect for someone who loves books or writing and has dark eyes!
50. Zulika
This African girl’s name means “beautiful” or “charming” in Arabic. This is such a beautiful name and it sounds perfect for a young person who loves beauty and music!
51. Abubakar
This African girl’s name means “blessed” in Arabic. This is a beautiful name based on the Arabic name ‘Abu’ which means “father of”. Abubakar sound very exotic and African, but it also sounds like an American name.
52. Zuniswa
This African girl’s name means “dew of the morning” in Swahili. The way this name looks is beautiful and subtle! I
53. Addis
This African girl’s name means “new” in Sidamo. The way this name looks is very pretty and girly, but it still sounds very African!
54. Zukusu
This African girl’s name means “dew of the morning” in Swahili. The way this name looks is beautiful and subtle! It sounds very African, which is always great!
55. Adonai
This African girl’s name means “my Lords” in Hebrew. This is a pretty name with a unique spelling and meaning, but Addis is the Hebrew version of an African name Addy.
56. Aliyah
This African girl’s name means “to ascend” in Hebrew. The way this name is spelled is very pretty and gorgeous, but it also still sounds very African!
57. Amina
This African girl’s name means “faith” in Swahili. The way this name is spelled looks mysterious and girly, but still sounds very African!
58. Aya
This African girl’s name means “life” in Swahili. The way this name is spelled looks like an African version of a classic young person’s black name, like LaToya or Shaniqua! It’ll be perfect for a curious young lady who wants to learn about the world and loves to travel!
59. Dhaani
This African girl’s name means “friend” or “companion” in Hindi and Punjabi. The way it looks is very beautiful and girly but still sounds African. I think a little girl who loves taking friends to the zoo or buying them gifts would love to be called Dhaani!
60. Gemma
This African girl’s name means “twin” in Latin. The way this name is spelled looks like a very unique-sounding African name. I think a special African child who loves to be friends with twins would love to be called “Gemma!”
61. Jane
This African girl’s name means “clever” or “smart” in English. I think it sounds very cute and is the perfect name for a little girl who loves school and getting good grades!
62. Khadija
This African girl’s name means “chip” or “candy piece” in Arabic. The way this name is spelled looks like an African version of an American black girl’s names like Jasmine, Shaniqua, Alisha, etc. It’ll be great for a young lady who is a sweetheart and wants to live life to the fullest!
63. Kimora
This African girl’s name means “rare, unique” in Swahili. The way this name is spelled looks like an African version of an American black girl’s names like Jasmine, Shaniqua, Alisha, etc. It’ll be great for a young lady who is a sweetheart and wants to live life to the fullest!
64. Adwoa
This African girl’s name means “hunter” in Akan. This is a beautiful name based on the Akan name ‘Owobi’ (or ‘Ouo’ to be more accurate). This African girl’s name has not been used very much in Hollywood, but this one sounds very African to me!
65. Kofi
This African girl’s name means “born on Friday” in Ghana. The way this name is spelled looks very girly and African-sounding. I think it’ll be perfect for a little girl who loves being with her friends and family on Fridays and being around positive people!
66. Kulani
This African girl’s name means “activity co-ordinator” in Swahili. The way this name sounds is very unique and girly and perfect. I think the best way to pronounce it is KUL-ah-nee, instead of kuhl-ie. It’s a great African girl’s name!
67. Leticia
This African girl’s name means “strong” or “resolute” in Portuguese. The way this name looks is very beautiful and pretty but still sounds African! I think an African girl who loves sports and her family would love to be called Leticia!
68. Mai
This African girl’s name means “rain” in Swahili. The way this name looks is very exotic and beautiful and it sounds very African to me! I think the best way to pronounce it is MAE, instead of mah. This would be a great African name for someone who loves the weather!
69. Malaika
This African girl’s name means “a cultured one” or “lady of leisure” in Swahili. The way this name sounds is very unique and beautiful and will be perfect for an African girl who likes being cultured and having fun, like Malika!
70. Nadi
This African girl’s name means “river” in Swahili. The way this name looks is very subtle and pretty, but still sounds African! I think a cute little girl who loves water, like Nadi would love to be called that!
71. Naomi
This African girl’s name means “beautiful and pleasant” in Hebrew. The way this name is spelled looks very African-sounding and it’ll be great for an African girl who loves her family and friends!
72. Fati
This African girl’s name means “someone who is interested in education” or “morally educated one” in Arabic. The way this name is spelled looks very girly, but it sounds very African! I think a little girl who loves to learn about the history and reads a lot would love to be called Fati!
73. Nafisa
This African girl’s name means “someone who is interested in education” or “morally educated one” in Arabic. The way this name is spelled looks very girly, but it sounds very African! I think a little girl who loves to learn about the history and reads a lot would love to be called Fati!
74. Fatima
This African girl’s name means “someone who is interested in education” or “morally educated one” in Arabic. The way this name is spelled looks very girly, but it sounds very African! I think a little girl who loves to learn about history and reads a lot would love to be called Fati!
75. Totia
This African girl’s name means “born in March” in Swahili. The way this name is spelled looks very quick and moving, but still sounds like an African name!
76. Vashti
This African girl’s name means “beauty” in Georgian. The way this name is spelled looks like a very unique-sounding African girl’s name. I think a little African girl who loves makeup and has good taste would love to be called Vashti!
77. Zaniah
This African girl’s name means “morning” in Arabic. The way this name sounds is very beautiful and sweet, but still sounds very African! I think an African girl who loves waking up late and taking naps all day could be the perfect fit for this beautiful name!
78. Zonke
This African girl’s name means “stars” in isiXhosa. The way this name is spelled looks very African and beautiful. I think a special African girl who loves the stars and wants to be famous would love to be called “Zonke”!
79. Zuleika
This African girl’s name means “black antelope” in isiXhosa, but I think it looks very beautiful and girly! I think an African girl who loves antelopes, or even zebra’s would love to be called Zuleika! It’s a perfect name for someone with very unique tastes!
80. Zweli
This African girl’s name means “soft” in isiXhosa. The way this name is spelled looks very unique and sounds African to me! I think a unique and precious little lady would love to be called Zweli!
81. Zanele
This African girl’s name means “white antelope” in isiXhosa, but I think it looks very beautiful and girly! I think an African girl who loves antelopes, or even zebra’s would love to be called Zanele! It’s a perfect name for someone with very unique tastes!
82. Alima
This African girl’s name means “honest” in isiXhosa. This is a beautiful name based on the isiXhosa name ‘Alimata’.
83. Zainab

This African girl’s name means “beautiful” in Arabic. The way this name looks is very beautiful but the way it sounds African! I think an African girl who is always positive and loves to smile would love to be called Zainab!
84. Yewande
This African girl’s name means “blossoming” in Yoruba. The way this name looks is very beautiful, exotic and sweet, but still sounds very African to me! I think an African girl who loves flowers would love to be called Yewande!!
85. Yolanda
This African girl’s name means “born during the night” in Swahili. The way this name looks is very unique and pretty, but still sounds African! I think a little girl who loves the night, like Yolanda would love to be called that!
86. Zinhle
This African girl’s name means “born during a thunderstorm” in Xhosa. The way this name looks is very exotic and girly, but it still sounds very African to me! I think an African girl who likes storms and rain would love to be called Zinhle! This is a beautiful African name for someone with unique tastes!
87. Zingisela
This African girl’s name means “wind” in isiXhosa. The way this name looks is very unique and pretty, but it still sounds very African to me! I think a little girl who loves the wind, like Zingisela would love to be called that!
88. Amira
This African girl’s name means “princess” in Arabic and Swahili. This is a pretty name with a unique spelling and meaning, but it still sounds like an American name to me!
89. Zolile
This African girl’s name means “born after giving birth” in isiXhosa. The way this name is spelled looks very girly and pretty, but still sounds like an African name! I think a little girl who has been through a lot of hard work, like Zolile would love to be called that!
90. Yaba
This African girl’s name means “born during the day” in Swahili. The way this name is spelled looks very girly and sweet, but it still sounds like an African name! I think a little girl who loves it when there’s sun outside would love to be called Yaba!
91. Yalena
This African girl’s name means “born during a year of prosperity” in Swahili. The way this name looks is very pretty and girly, but it still sounds like an African name! I think a little girl with lots of good luck would love to be called Yalena!
92. Yemisi
This African girl’s name means “born on the 12th” in isiXhosa. The way this name looks is very pretty, but it still sounds like an African name! I think someone who loves Zulu culture and traditions would love to be called Yemisi!
93. Yodwa
This African girl’s name means “born on the 6th” in isiXhosa. The way this name is spelled looks very girly, but it still sounds like an African name! I think an African girl who loves the number 6 would love to be called Yodwa!
94. Amina
This African girl’s name means “trustworthy” in Arabic. This is a beautiful name based on the Arabic name ‘Aminah’ which is in relation to the word ‘Amen’.
95. Yvonne
This African girl’s name means “noble” in French. This is a pretty name with a unique spelling and meaning, but it still sounds like an American name to me. I think someone who likes being elegant and classy would love to be called Yvonne!
96. Yolandi
This African girl’s name means “noble” in isiXhosa. The way this name looks is very pretty, but it still sounds like an American name to me. I think someone who likes being elegant and classy would love to be called Yolandi!
97. Yehle
This African girl’s name means “peaceful” in isiXhosa. The way this name is spelled looks very pretty and girly, but it still sounds like an African name to me! I think a little girl who always stays peaceful would love to be called Yehle!
98. Yolimo
This African girl’s name means “born on the 6th” in isiXhosa. The way this name is spelled looks very girly and it still sounds like an African name!
99. Aberash
This African girl’s name means “who wears clothes made from hair” in Amharic. The way this name looks is very unique and pretty. Besides that, Aberash is the English version of an ancient Ethiopian name Abraha.