The only thing stopping you from thinking of a worthy project for 9th-grade science class is your lack of inspiration. Trust us; we’ve got plenty of ideas to get you started. We have learned that at this level through trial and error. Ready to have some fun and get your hands dirty? Here are 25 of the most interesting 9th-grade science project ideas.

1. Floating Rice
The floating Rice project is a classic and interesting one at that. It’s simple, it’s fun, it’s cheap, and most importantly – it works. This is suitable for 9th-grade rooms if your students are still interested in scientific experiments after being exposed to formulae and equations.
2. Hydroponic Garden
Hydroponic Garden is another exciting option to explore. You can get an aquarium and use it to grow plants, or use an enormous container, such as the ones you can buy from a hardware store, mix the soil yourself or simply buy soil from somewhere else. You will have to have a water source for the container that is kept moist throughout the day.
3. Crystal Powered Radio
Crystal Powered Radio is a classic and exciting project for 9th-grade science students. It is fun to do, cheap, and it can be in a space as small as a classroom. You will need some crystals or stones and an AM transmitter that you can build on your own.
4. Plastic Bottle Bridge
If you are on the quest for interesting 9th-grade science project ideas, you need to let your students explore this fun and interesting little project. It is cheap, easy to do, it can be indoors and outdoors, and most importantly – your students will learn a lot from this.
5. Apple Wrecking Ball
Apple Wrecking Ball is another cheap and fun project. It is simple, requires very few resources, and can be indoors and outdoors. Your students will need nothing other than a few apples, some ping pong balls, and a string. It may not appear to be a particularly engaging project at first glance, but it investigates a variety of fascinating topics, including pressure, to mention just one.
6. The Chemistry Of Colorful Fire
The Chemistry of Colorful Fire is a project for 9th-grade science students interested in chemistry and physics. It is simple, requires very few resources, and can be indoors and outdoors.
7. Optical Illusions In Color And Black & White
Optical Illusions in Color and Black & White is an exciting project to explore for 9th-grade students. The project is pretty simple, and indoors or outdoors. In addition to its educational value, your students will have a blast while trying it out on their friends, even if they are unsure what they are doing.
8. Rubber Band Car
Rubber Band Car is another exciting project for 9th-grade science students. You need nothing more than some rubber bands, some toothpicks, and a few other things to make it work. The idea is simple, and the assembly process is straightforward. Your students will enjoy doing something like this without knowing that they are learning something simultaneously.
9. Earthquake Science
This is an excellent project for 9th-grade science students, mainly if they are interested in geology. It is cheap and fun, and it is safe to conduct outdoors. However, keep in mind that your students will have to know how to read the signs and take some time to play around with their creation before trying it out on an unsuspecting person.
10. Forensic Fingerprints
If you have a 9th-grade science class interested in criminal investigation and forensics, then the Forensic Fingerprints project is what you need. It is suitable for the more advanced students in this group, and it can be both indoors and outdoors.
11. Effects Of Antibiotics On Bacteria
Effects of Antibiotics on Bacteria is a fun and interesting 9th-grade science project idea. Students will be able to observe the effects of antibiotics on bacteria by growing the bacteria in an environment with and without the drug.
12. Glowing Water
Glowing water is an easy and fun experiment that you can do at home. You can use this as a science fair project for 9th-grade science class or just have your kids learn about glowing water as an interesting 9th-grade science project idea.
13. Candy Lab
Candy Labeling is a fun and interesting 9th-grade science project idea. You can have your students label the types of candy in a jar that resembles a rainbow. This will also help them to become more confident with marking things.
14. Rain Or Snow: Which Is More Acidic?
Rain or Snow: Which is more Acidic? This is an interesting 9th-grade science project idea. You can have your students compare the amount of acid produced by rain vs. snow on apples. This will let them know the differences and similarities between rain and snow.
15. Is A Dense Fruit A Healthy Fruit?
Is a Dense Fruit a Healthy Fruit? is an interesting 9th-grade science project idea to let students know about fruits’ density and nutritional value. Students will be able to check the thickness of different fruits and correlate it with their nutritional value and their density. This will help them to determine the health benefits of these fruits.
16. Effect Of Acid Rain On Seedling Germination
Effect of Acid Rain on Seedling Germination is a fun and interesting 9th-grade science project idea. You can have your students test different species of seedlings in an environment with and without acid rain. This will let them know the effects of acid rain on seedlings used for farming.
17. How Do Roots Grow When The Direction Of Gravity Changes?
How Do Roots Grow When the Direction of Gravity Changes? This is an interesting 9th-grade science project idea. Students will be able to observe how roots grow when gravity changes. They will keep a seedling in an environment with and without altered gravity. This will show them how hearts react in different kinds of environments.
18. Electromagnetism
Electromagnetism is an interesting 9th-grade science project idea. It can be a fun and exciting experiment for your students to observe the effects of electromagnetism on a coiled plastic wire. This will let them know the results of electromagnetism on us daily.
19. Rubber Band Racer
Rubber Band Racer is an interesting 9th-grade science project idea that lets the students know about the relationship between the mass, speed, and tension of a rubber band. This will help them to understand how their cars work. They will create a roller coaster with rubber bands instead of rails.
20. Flaming Torch
Flaming Torch is an exciting 9th-grade science project idea that lets the students know about the relationship between pressure, temperature, and volume of gas. They will be able to create a flaming torch with a bicycle pump attached to a balloon. They can perform some other experiments with this flaming Torch as well.
21. Flying Tea Bag
Flying Tea Bag is a fun experiment enjoyed by kids and adults alike. This simple experiment will enthrall your audience and make them wonder how a teabag can fly. All you need are some tea bags and some rubber bands. You want to stretch the rubber band over the teabag, preferably around the middle portion of the pack. Then, you want to let it go by pulling off the rubber band in a quick motion.
22. Pressure Bottle Rocket
This is a simple rocket experiment. You need to take a two-liter plastic soda bottle, something to hold the end, and fill it with water or air. Make sure you don’t accidentally throw it into the fire and have a huge mess. Take a strip of aluminum foil and wrap it around the bottle cap to ensure it doesn’t fly off when you light the bottle.
23. Origami Sightings
Origami is an art that anyone can do. And with this experiment, you can show your audience that paper can fly. All you need are some sheets of paper and scissors to do this. You can also use a larger sheet of paper if you’d like. Fold the sheet along the natural crease to form wings. Then take the report and fasten it onto a wall or ceiling using glue, tape, or nails and strings.
24. Chemistry Of Ice-Cream Making
Chemistry of Ice-Cream Making is a fun experiment that you can do using ice cream or yogurt. It’s an easy experiment, and your class can enjoy watching it get warmer as the chemical reaction occurs. You need some sugar, food coloring, and water with a spoon. Put the sugar in the scoop and add food coloring gradually. Keep stirring until the color throughout the mixture. Then add water bit by bit until you have a spoonful of liquid.
25. Levitating With Eddy Currents
Eddy currents are conductive materials used in many applications such as motors, speakers, satellites, or microwave ovens. They are also used to detect changes in the density of liquids. In this experiment, you will use eddy currents to levitate objects using water and paint. You will need a bowl of water and some paint for the project.