Every single day, students take the SAT to get into college. No matter what school they attend, they need to know how to do the math. Many games with 7th graders will help them master addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and learn about some of their first algebraic concepts!
This blog post includes a list of 31 best 7th-grade math games that can use with students during math time or after school.

1. Exponent Card Game
Exponent Card Game is a fun math game to play with 7th graders. It can help students practice adding, subtracting, and multiplying numbers together to get higher and lower numbers.
2. Tic-Tac-Math
Tic-Tac-Math is one of the best math games for 7th graders and can help students practice addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Students can play this with a group of friends or work alone!
3. Integer Card Game
The integer Card Game is another great math game for 7th graders and can help them master the concept of integer addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Students can work alone or play with a group of friends to work on their math skills.
4. Broken Calculator
Broken Calculator is another fun game for 7th graders and can help them practice multiplication and division. It is a fun way that kids can learn how to do multiplication. This game can help students understand their multiplication and division facts and learn how to use exponents.
5. Crocodile Game
Crocodile Game is an excellent game for 7th graders and can help them practice addition, subtraction, and division. This can be played with a group of friends and works well as a fun math game to play at recess. Crocodile Game is also one of the best games you can use to teach students how to add up more than ten numbers in one row.
6. Deadly Red
Deadly Red is a math game that helps students practice division, multiplication, and division. The goal of this game is to clear removing all of the red tiles attempting to get as many points as possible while hitting the correct color.
7. Integer Warp
Integer Warp is a game that will help students master division and its concept. The game’s objective is to guide each purple ball through one of the holes in the border, trying to collect all of the blue balls on the way. Although this might not sound as if it involves division, it does.
8. Fishing Game
Fishing Game is a math game that will help students with basic math concepts. The game’s objective is to catch all of the fish and land them on the grid. At first, it might sound simple, but by the time you get to the 3rd level, some real-world applications will be in place.
9. Monster Board Game
Monster Board Game is a math game that will help students learn basic facts regarding base 10, addition, and subtraction. They will also learn number sequence, set theory, and more. The game involves rolling dice to see what color it will be on the board and then landing them in the right spot to get the corresponding colored monster to spawn.
10. Probabilities Quiz Show Game
Another game is Probabilities Quiz Show Game. This game will help students practice their math facts. The game’s objective is to answer questions to collect points and get bonus points. In addition, they will also learn how to use their logic in answering different types of questions.
11. Bamzooki Zooks
Bamzooki Zooks is a game in which the player has to travel to animals worldwide and solve the math problems that they ask. This game will help them improve their math skills and also help them learn about math. The player controls Bamzooki Zooks, who travels through seven different zones and different animals. To move, the player needs to hit his feet to move forward.
12. Geometry Quiz Game
In Geometry Quiz Game, the player has to solve a series of math questions to win the game. To solve the questions, the player must use the correct answers manually. The player can only succeed if they solve all ten math problems in this game.
13. Powers Exponents Game
Powers Exponents Game is similar to teeter-totter because it has a similar structure. In this game, the player needs to think and use logical thinking while flipping the object to the other side. The player must think about which way they will move for him/them to win the game. The player can only succeed if they solve all math problems in this game.
14. Two-Digit Integer Addition
Two-Digit Integer Addition is a math game that has two different modes. The player can play the game and answer problems, or they can play the game and solve math problems. The player needs to add two numbers together to win this game in this game. The rules are similar to counting numbers games like Bingo or Patience.
The meaning of 2-digit integer addition is the same as in Texas Hold ’em Poker.
15. Algebra Jeopardy
Algebra Jeopardy is a game that presents the player with challenging math questions. The player can either play this game by themself or with people. This game has three different levels for the players to choose from. In each round, the players must answer questions from different categories and subcategories in this game. The player will lose if they make a wrong response or answer too slowly.
16. Escape Math Mansion
In the Escape Math Mansion game, the player will move through the mansion and try to solve math problems to escape from the estate. In this game, the player needs their brain/or to win. The player can only succeed if they solve all math problems in this game. The player gets 3 minutes on each level of mathematical level of difficulty. The first three minutes are for beginners, the following three are for intermediate, and the last three are for advanced players.
17. Concentration Integers
For the Concentration Integers game, students must determine if an integer is positive or negative by checking the number in the well. If it is positive, they must drop one block to the bottom of the well; if it is negative, they must place one above their selection. It helps students practice their addition and subtraction skills while strengthening their understanding of integers.
18. Math at the Mall 2
The player takes control of a female who travels to Las Vegas in this game. This game aims to help the girl get to Las Vegas. For the girl to go from one place to another, she must solve math problems. Math at the Mall 2 game has three modes, and each method has different difficulty levels. Mode one is for beginners, mode two is for intermediate players, and mode three is for advanced players.
19. Monster Mischief
Monster Mischief is a math game in which students must add, subtract and multiply to create a new pair of monster eyes. Throughout the game, students ask how many points they will receive based on how they choose to solve the problems. It is a great way to introduce a new type of operation while reinforcing operations students already know.
20. Snow Sport Fractions
Snow Sport Fractions is a fun game that helps students review fractions and uses snowboarding and skiing to reinforce fractions concepts.
21. Bing, Bing, Bingo
Bing, Bing, Bingo game uses a bingo game board with cards with numbers and fractions written. The students find the numbers in the cards and then answer the related questions based on what they have discovered.
22. Alien Angles
Alien Angles is a great game that helps students with inequalities, fractions, and functions. The game involves a board with two aliens and a mystery box. The students must find the aliens and the mystery box. They must use the given clues to solve their dilemma.
23. Thinking Block Ratios
Thinking Block Ratios game is a great game that helps students with ratios, fractions, and measurement. The students must move the numbers and use the template to illustrate the answer.
24. Dino Park Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication
Dino Park Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication game is a fun game that helps students with addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Students must use the dinosaur cards to answer their questions. Give them a chance to know their numbers.
25. Snakes & Ladders Order of Operations
Snakes & Ladders Order of Operations Game is a fun game that helps students with an order of operations, exponents, and variables. The student must move along the ladders and step on all the snakes to get to the next level.
26. Pirate Division of Small Numbers
It is a game that helps students learn how to divide large numbers by small ones. Reading the number gives you a few hints, then use the number to figure out how many times it should by the two digits you read. Players can choose from 5 different difficulty levels to challenge their math skills.
27. Pre-Algebra Sheep Game
Divide the sheep into two equal herds and give them a number to multiply or divide. The numbers are in the hundreds but can be easily modified up or down to fit your needs. The game’s goal is to be the first player to move their sheep to a new pasture. This game will help students practice their multiplication and division skills and prepare for algebra!
28. Roman Numeral Memory
Roman Numeral Memory Match game is a fun and exciting way to help students master their Roman Numeral Matching. Each student receives a card of roman numerals (from I-L), and then the teacher reads a roman numeral that they have to match with a card in front of them.
29. Absolute Value Millionaire
Absolute Value Millionaire is a math game that reinforces and solidifies the understanding of the total value and ordering decimals, fractions, and integers. Students also practice money math in this game.
30. Coordinate Plane Jeopardy
Coordinate Plane Jeopardy reinforces students’ knowledge of the coordinate plane. Students with a coordinate plane question then answer in the form of a question. This game works great for individual practice, pair work, and even as an assessment tool for your class.
31. One-Step Equations Basketball
Students can use One-Step Equations to practice different types of equations. For this game, students draw one-step equations on a basketball. The basketball goes into a basket, and the first team to score 21 points wins.